Value: $23,700.00
4,770 visitors / day, 143,100 visitors / month, 1,717,200 visitors / year, 23,712 pageviews / day, 711,360 pageviews / month, 8,536,320 pageviews / year
So there is some value here, but this begs the question what percentage is PSC of the value of the holding company? It is most probably minimal thus the minimum attention. I am guessing that evry cent from advantage, ads is being reaped for profit. Slow contest payment no surprise here. Come on folks, think.
Now who or what is PSC Buzz? Is it a name that others at this company can access? Is he really one person?
I seem to remember that this was bought from the other fab

owner we had and in one thread somebody wrote that this was one of many websites that they owned.
Now Tommeken has the right idea and ban me if you wish but if dbbowling can run a photowalk on Facebook why not just abandon this place and get him or a couple of avid members to run a photocontest on (I can't believe I am going to say this) on Facebook. Crickers I'll even join.

. Now the Reindude has my email if I get banned so I can stay in touch. In the words of W.C. Fields "Give him an evasive answer, tell him to go Fark himself"
I reluctantly renewed my advantage in what apperars a futile hope that things would improve. Alas this is not the case and I doubt it ever will.