anfa wrote:
couldb5150 wrote:
anfa wrote:
We don't do the shooting thing so much in the UK. It's really hard to get guns. I suppose I could get together with my Dad and we could do a bit of stabbing or strangling practice.
Yup, that sounded horrible, but the USA has romanticised the gun so much that you've forgotten what it is.
Easy Turbo ..Pump the brakes a bit!..You are correct and incorrect ..THE USA has so many odd issues on guns ...for example I have spent many $$$ to be able to carry concealed in
ALL states
other than Calif and Illinois...Check out Calif and Illinois gun vs murder rates ..compared to say Idaho or Florida or Montana and Utah!.....The more RESPONSIBLE people are armed ...the less murder rate's a statistic...ANFA..ANY TIME you desire come to my pad in Idaho....we'll
REALLY shoot some guns...safely and responsibly !..YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME!!!
Miss ya man!
All that proves is that some places are more violent than others.
Murder rates don't prove anything about guns apart from it's easier to murder someone if you have one so they'll be higher.
Cheers bro!
charliesou wrote:
If they made it law that every household in Britain had to own a gun, in most of the country nothing would change, but in some parts of Glasgow(and Newcastle and all the other major cities) they'd be shooting the crap out of each other and you know it.

Okay ..let me try this again....years ago Florida had an incredible murder rate...they loosened gun laws and NOW a lot more
RESPONSIBLE citizens are armed....Murder rate plummeted.....What i am trying to say is the states that ALLOW us responsible people to carry concealed have way less gun crimes than those of Illinois.(Chicago)...DC..and California...The gun laws are SO STRICT for CCW that the only people carrying ...ARE CRIMINALS!!..You are correct...a state like mine IDAHO has 1.5 Million people ..STATE WIDE!..stats show 85% of us in Idaho have guns...average # of guns PER PERSON is 5.....
California is so strict as is Chicago and DC...ALL with the highest gun crimes rate in the country!....Yeah the math is odd but correct!...I know here in Idaho 8 of 10n people are probably CCW.....The hell if I may commit a crime here or in Florida...BECAUSE EVERYONE IS CONCEALED CARRY!....ERGO ...LESS CRIME!
i DO APPRECIATE YOUR INPUT....IMHO more people responsibly carrying..EQUALS...less crime!..
Cheers mate ....great discussion!...and yes here in the states
laws do differ big time...Arizona and Alaska have some pretty loose laws...Calif ...Illinois and DC so strict ....and the application for CCW is ridiculous to say the least!in those states!
Great input ...i agree to get out to Beautiful Idaho and lets shoot!