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Location: Florida
Fri Aug 09, 2013 11:34 am Reply with quote
I sucked at saving my sources. I'm not sorry.
Enjoy the halfass cutout of my mountains from one of my psds and lack of birds.
The copter including blades were from the source- the actual blades created by a radial blur on one of the wheels. The cars were made by a little clone and a lot of paint.
All lighting, shadow, and color changes on every part of the chop were done completely by adding layers of paint.
Edges and mistakes were edited by zooming in and using the eyedropper tool and the paint brush.
The rainbow was painted.
Any loose petals were painted.
All clouds were touched up with paint and movement clouds were painted with a small wispy brush.
Tough match! Rather lose to Anfa if I have to lose at all...
Fri Aug 09, 2013 11:40 am Reply with quote
Wonderful work all .. i used alot of out sources actually ... so i think this thread is our thread right ? losers Only 
Location: Seattle
Fri Aug 09, 2013 11:51 am Reply with quote
kittie wrote: I sucked at saving my sources. I'm not sorry.
Enjoy the halfass cutout of my mountains from one of my psds and lack of birds.
The copter including blades were from the source- the actual blades created by a radial blur on one of the wheels. The cars were made by a little clone and a lot of paint.
All lighting, shadow, and color changes on every part of the chop were done completely by adding layers of paint.
Edges and mistakes were edited by zooming in and using the eyedropper tool and the paint brush.
The rainbow was painted.
Any loose petals were painted.
All clouds were touched up with paint and movement clouds were painted with a small wispy brush.
Tough match! Rather lose to Anfa if I have to lose at all...
Kay, your entry was pretty damn great and would have won against almost anyone else in the round. If Anfa had a single glaring flaw in his entry, you would have beaten him, too 
Location: Florida
Fri Aug 09, 2013 11:54 am Reply with quote
cringer8 wrote: kittie wrote: I sucked at saving my sources. I'm not sorry.
Enjoy the halfass cutout of my mountains from one of my psds and lack of birds.
The copter including blades were from the source- the actual blades created by a radial blur on one of the wheels. The cars were made by a little clone and a lot of paint.
All lighting, shadow, and color changes on every part of the chop were done completely by adding layers of paint.
Edges and mistakes were edited by zooming in and using the eyedropper tool and the paint brush.
The rainbow was painted.
Any loose petals were painted.
All clouds were touched up with paint and movement clouds were painted with a small wispy brush.
Tough match! Rather lose to Anfa if I have to lose at all...
Kay, your entry was pretty damn great and would have won against almost anyone else in the round. If Anfa had a single glaring flaw in his entry, you would have beaten him, too 
Thanks! I'm not pointing out all of my work to sound bitter at losing. Arc just had an issue with the total lack of paintwork in my entry that I said I would explain once voting was over.
Location: Brazil
Fri Aug 09, 2013 1:35 pm Reply with quote
kittie wrote: cringer8 wrote: kittie wrote: I sucked at saving my sources. I'm not sorry.
Enjoy the halfass cutout of my mountains from one of my psds and lack of birds.
The copter including blades were from the source- the actual blades created by a radial blur on one of the wheels. The cars were made by a little clone and a lot of paint.
All lighting, shadow, and color changes on every part of the chop were done completely by adding layers of paint.
Edges and mistakes were edited by zooming in and using the eyedropper tool and the paint brush.
The rainbow was painted.
Any loose petals were painted.
All clouds were touched up with paint and movement clouds were painted with a small wispy brush.
Tough match! Rather lose to Anfa if I have to lose at all...
Kay, your entry was pretty damn great and would have won against almost anyone else in the round. If Anfa had a single glaring flaw in his entry, you would have beaten him, too 
Thanks! I'm not pointing out all of my work to sound bitter at losing. Arc just had an issue with the total lack of paintwork in my entry that I said I would explain once voting was over.
Correction: i didnīt say it lacked painting... i said you changed the style... most of your latest work is source over painting, not painting over source... i paint in most of my chops, but they are essencially chops. Your style is the opposite... itīs mostly paintings with the source applied, which i enjoy a lot, when you manage to match them nicely. i just said you should have tried that instead of real manipulation, once manipulation is anfaīs expertise.
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: Florida
Fri Aug 09, 2013 2:30 pm Reply with quote
arcaico wrote:
Correction: i didnīt say it lacked painting... i said you changed the style... most of your latest work is source over painting, not painting over source... i paint in most of my chops, but they are essencially chops. Your style is the opposite... itīs mostly paintings with the source applied, which i enjoy a lot, when you manage to match them nicely. i just said you should have tried that instead of real manipulation, once manipulation is anfaīs expertise.
I appreciate that, thanks. I do see what you're saying, and I probably could have come up with something like that- but I 95% think it would not have done as well. It's sort of a niche- some people like it (Which I'm glad you do), a lot of people don't.
I would have received a lot of "Needs more source", "The other's pretty, but solid PS work here (on opponent)" , the list goes on. I know this because it's happened often.
If my goal was only to make a chop that I loved no matter how well it did, then I may have done it- and I do for dailies once in a while- but I was in the H2H to win.
(Also, these sound like excuses, but painting can take me over 24 straight hours. I'm moving apartments this entire month, and my Dad's in the hospital with stress/heart problems. I entered as promised but I'm mostly on my phone back and forth here at the moment.)
Location: Seattle, WA (US)
Fri Aug 09, 2013 3:54 pm Reply with quote
Well, if you're going to loose,....loose BIG! I got 4 votes (and one of those was the courtesy vote from my competitor - lol!). The combination of only having three hours to chop and going against the best pic in the contest (imo) sealed my fate.
Congrats to volkswes for an awesome chop! 
Location: Indiana, PA
Fri Aug 09, 2013 4:27 pm Reply with quote
cringer8 wrote: kittie wrote: I sucked at saving my sources. I'm not sorry.
Enjoy the halfass cutout of my mountains from one of my psds and lack of birds.
The copter including blades were from the source- the actual blades created by a radial blur on one of the wheels. The cars were made by a little clone and a lot of paint.
All lighting, shadow, and color changes on every part of the chop were done completely by adding layers of paint.
Edges and mistakes were edited by zooming in and using the eyedropper tool and the paint brush.
The rainbow was painted.
Any loose petals were painted.
All clouds were touched up with paint and movement clouds were painted with a small wispy brush.
Tough match! Rather lose to Anfa if I have to lose at all...
Kay, your entry was pretty damn great and would have won against almost anyone else in the round. If Anfa had a single glaring flaw in his entry, you would have beaten him, too 
I think I voted for your entry Kayla great work! I voted on my Cell phone for the last two rounds. The match between Ryan and Koorio was really tough. I decided to vote for Koorio because of theme, and he did an excellent job of compositing the Scrubs. Now that I have seen the bigger picture I still would have voted for Koorio because of that weird chunk taken out of the biker guys side. But excellent entries really hard decision.
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Location: Permanent vacation from Nor Cal
Fri Aug 09, 2013 8:06 pm Reply with quote
I have the psd for anyone curious, but lost track of all the externals. Here is a progression gif of my chop for the round. I enjoyed all of your work!
My favorite of the round goes to- Photolicious
Best Humor- Shiza
I had a dream I could buy my way to heaven, when I awoke I spent that on a necklace.~~~ Kanye West
Location: Florida
Fri Aug 09, 2013 8:12 pm Reply with quote
I saw that, thank you Shane!
Cool gif Nat! Love seeing the work like that.
Location: Bucharest, Romania
Wed Aug 14, 2013 8:22 am Reply with quote
TheShaman wrote:
Very nice! You could have caused some troubles over there 
Location: Brazil
Wed Aug 14, 2013 1:51 pm Reply with quote
Is it too early for me to join this place??
Happy, Sean? Iīm out of the tournament!! Congrats to Sh!za! Good luck!
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Wed Aug 14, 2013 2:04 pm Reply with quote
arcaico wrote: Is it too early for me to join this place??
Happy, Sean? Iīm out of the tournament!! Congrats to Sh!za! Good luck!
I'm always happy Fab.
and even more so if you've brought the Tequila!
Location: Seattle
Wed Aug 14, 2013 2:10 pm Reply with quote
arcaico wrote: Is it too early for me to join this place??
Happy, Sean? Iīm out of the tournament!! Congrats to Sh!za! Good luck!
It's never too early to join the losers. Pretty sure I'm out as well. My procrastination finally caught up with me...
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