papavales wrote:
to get on topic "short of", this site based on speed coppers but the lame thing is that it based on speed voting too. On the other hand i checked your portfolio and i think that an advantage wouldn't help much if your objective is the votes. Try to have fun man don't bother with the voting "which sometimes is friendly or blinded".
Oh, I know not all of mine are that great.
Personally I disliked the end result of my Maracas image so much, the Wild Heels contest was the only contest I entered twice.
I wouldn't have voted for Maracas myself.
I had to have that second entry because I knew I could do better, and even that one I can see
where I could have done better.
Zihuatanejo wasn't particularly good either, but I couldn't pull off my original idea and threw together
that one just to make sure I had an entry at all.
I didn't have any good second ideas for that contest.
Originally I was going to split the boat open like a fortune cookie and have
a fortune spilling out, but when it came to designing the inside guts of the boat,
I bit off more than I could chew and threw it out.
I don't know enough about boats to design the cross section.