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Photoshop Contest Forum Index - General Discussion - Can you see the Man? - Reply to topic

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Have you found him in 3 seconds?

Yes! I only have a right sided brain!



[ 9 ]

Yes! but not in 3 seconds! I have both sides of my brain!



[ 7 ]

No! The right side of my brain doesn't appear to be working!



[ 1 ]

Total Votes: 17

Cartoon Contractor

Location: I was here. Now I'm not!

Post Mon Mar 17, 2014 8:49 am   Reply with quote         

There is a man in the coffee beans.
This is bizarre - after you find the guy - it's so obvious.
Doctors have concluded that if you find the man in the coffee beans in 3 seconds, the right half of your brain is better developed than most people.
If you find the man between 3 seconds and 1 minute, the right half of the brain is developed normally.
If you find the man between 1 minute and 3 minutes, then the right half of your brain is functioning slowly and you need to eat more protein. If you have not found the man after 3 minutes, the advice is to look for more of this type of exercise to make that part of the brain stronger! And yes, the man is really there!


Location: California

Post Mon Mar 17, 2014 2:05 pm   Reply with quote         

Sure but behind him the two hot girls semi naked is a better image! Laughing Laughing


Location: Norway

Post Mon Mar 17, 2014 3:32 pm   Reply with quote         

Puuuuh, Im normal.... Laughing Shocked

Fuck Putin. ....and btw, fuck Trump as well.
Cartoon Contractor

Location: I was here. Now I'm not!

Post Mon Mar 17, 2014 5:23 pm   Reply with quote         

ShootHerman wrote:
Puuuuh, Im normal.... Laughing Shocked

According to YOU!!! Laughing Laughing


Location: Norway

Post Mon Mar 17, 2014 5:34 pm   Reply with quote         

Cartoon Contractor wrote:
ShootHerman wrote:
Puuuuh, Im normal.... Laughing Shocked

According to YOU!!! Laughing Laughing

No, no, no CC. This test tells me Im normal. Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
I didnt do the 3 sec, but 5 or 6 sec. Daaaamn Im good!!! I mean normal... Shocked Very Happy

Fuck Putin. ....and btw, fuck Trump as well.

Location: dutchy in germany > in Slovenia

Post Mon Mar 17, 2014 6:25 pm   Reply with quote         

I clicked the middle option.. but actually i think i found it very fast.. not sure if it was under 3 secs though.. shit Laughing


Location: On the way to Utopia!

Post Mon Mar 17, 2014 7:41 pm   Reply with quote         

Split second.
Yay... my brain still works!



Location: Seattle

Post Mon Mar 17, 2014 8:59 pm   Reply with quote         

You people are so gullible. There isn't a man in there Laughing

This is an old famous test, but for another purpose. If you see little people in your coffee beans, it mean's you're schizophrenic Razz

For the record, I found six people in there and counting...

Site Moderator

Location: Cincinnati, Ohio

Post Mon Mar 17, 2014 10:53 pm   Reply with quote         

Cartoon Contractor wrote:
There is a man in the coffee beans.
This is bizarre - after you find the guy - it's so obvious.
Doctors have concluded that if you find the man in the coffee beans in 3 seconds, the right half of your brain is better developed than most people.
If you find the man between 3 seconds and 1 minute, the right half of the brain is developed normally.
If you find the man between 1 minute and 3 minutes, then the right half of your brain is functioning slowly and you need to eat more protein. If you have not found the man after 3 minutes, the advice is to look for more of this type of exercise to make that part of the brain stronger! And yes, the man is really there!

Which doctors?



Location: California

Post Mon Mar 17, 2014 11:20 pm   Reply with quote         

the202 wrote:
Cartoon Contractor wrote:
There is a man in the coffee beans.
This is bizarre - after you find the guy - it's so obvious.
Doctors have concluded that if you find the man in the coffee beans in 3 seconds, the right half of your brain is better developed than most people.
If you find the man between 3 seconds and 1 minute, the right half of the brain is developed normally.
If you find the man between 1 minute and 3 minutes, then the right half of your brain is functioning slowly and you need to eat more protein. If you have not found the man after 3 minutes, the advice is to look for more of this type of exercise to make that part of the brain stronger! And yes, the man is really there!

Which doctors?

WITCHDOCTORS!!!! Laughing Laughing


Location: Indiana, USA

Post Mon Mar 17, 2014 11:59 pm   Reply with quote         

OMG... the right side of my brain is missing. And I think I just suffered a mild stroke in whatever's left of it.
OH wait... I see the the little prick now. What does ten minutes or so say about my right brain? I feel exactly the same whenever I look at a source image. I guess that explains my dismal PSC scores.
I don't think it's a protein problem though. I think it more likely has to do with my... uhhh, you know... the Seventies. Now I forgot what I was...scratch
Time for another beer! drunken


Location: California

Post Tue Mar 18, 2014 12:22 am   Reply with quote         

So you were around in the 70's what was life like back then? Laughing Surprised


Location: Indiana, USA

Post Tue Mar 18, 2014 5:06 am   Reply with quote         

Martrex wrote:
So you were around in the 70's what was life like back then? Laughing Surprised

8 track tapes, with a matchbook stuffed under it to get it to track right, Sgt Peppers, "window pane' acid , mescaline, hash, mushrooms and a few scattered junkies who knew who they were and so did everyone else. Dry times when a joint couldn't be bought for any money. Bong pipes filled with MD "wine". Pharmaceuticals were for lunatics but there was a lot of "ludes" (downers) and "white crosses", (uppers).
Hanging in front of the liqueur store waiting for someone to get you some beer,(and most folks would), cruising the country roads smokin' and drinkin' and if the cops pulled you over they didn't ask to search your car, and if they found beer they would simply dump it out in front of you and tell you to go home, as long as someone was still sober enough to drive.
SWAT was what you did to flies.
Alice cooper, Moody blues, Aerosmith, Jethro Tull, Kiss and Black Sabbath..
Go to school stoned. Open lunch hour, hit the alleys and get stoned again. Cool
Sex scratch without a condom. Sex scratch with anyone who would. Nothing to worry about that penicillin wouldn't cure... or marriage.
Machines couldn't auto - censor your speech.
The last great days of the Drive in theaters and hamburger joints.
Old men didn't get carded just because. And certainly not for smokes!
A kid could buy some smokes, model glue and a can of spray paint, a BB gun or a lighter without an adult present.
When the electricity went out all the stores didn't have to close.
Gas was 89-$1.19. Candy bar for 10 cents, Coke for 20 cents and 2 cents back on the 12 oz bottle. Soda and beer can tabs littered the highways and byways.
NOBODY bought water in a bottle and NOBODY imagined paying for air! Shocked
The greatest invention was probably the butane lighter. Who'da thought we'd be just chuckin 'em in the trash in a few years.
No rap.
Garage bands on every block. Karaoke? Laughing
The telephone was at home, attached to the wall with a 3 ft cord that became a tangled knot from hell attached to the part you spoke and listened through. Telephone booths were actual booths before the phone company decided only the phone needed to stay out of the elements, before they disappeared altogether. We wrote letters to acquaintances whom we did not call "friends" and we didn't write down every thought in our head and throw them out the window so everyone on the planet could read them because... the whole damn planet don't really give a rats ass, as much as some may have a hard time believing. Surprised
Four or five TV channels, and if you were too poor to own a "Tenna Roter", somebody had to go outside and turn the pole till someone inside hollered, THAT"S GOOD!!! Had to get up and walk across the room to change the channels. (makes you wonder why we bothered huh) Laughing
Saturday mornings, Loony Tunes and and Johny Quest. Movies all afternoon . All day Sunday was sports.(some things never change)
Nixon wasn't a crook, and he told us so. Walter Cronkite gave the 'Nam casualties every night. "14 Americans killed... 8,000 Viet Cong dead".
Charlie Manson and the Son of Sam.
At the gas station a guy came out, pumped your gas, washed your windshield and checked your oil.
When you lifted the hood of your car you could actually SEE the engine and the fuel pump was on the front of the engine where it belongs and not in the gas tank. Shade tree mechanics under most every shady tree.
New Harley $1,800, Dodge Charger $2,500. Muscle cars everywhere. Fuzzy dice and custom vans with built in bed, little sink and cooler. (For "spammin' " ya know)
Songbirds, butterflies, toads, frogs, diversity all over the place.
Take your pocket knife , aspirin, Mydol to school. No silly backpacks. Lockers were where your books lived until each class. No four hours of homework. We did that in study hall or on the bus... if you were prone to that sort of waste of time. Jock or freak, prick teasers or girls who would.
In every game there were winners and losers and nobody was "special" or "challenged". Bullis were handled by "My big Brother!", and real friends who may not fight well, but went on to write books like "How to get Even". blackeye
ZZ Top, Yes, Dark Side of the Moon and "My Big Ten Inch. ( Well, SOMEBODY's big ten inch)
Oh hell... just watch "Dazed and Confused", they got pretty close to the heart of it all.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go have myself a good cry and knock back a six pack of Little Kings And smoke a pack of Kools.Crying or Very sad
Oh yeah.
A four finger bag was a "lid", and you had to twist one up three or four time a day to stay high. But it was FIFTEEN dollars and most of us could only afford a nickel bag.
I'd tell you more but I don't remember much else actually.
I just know we weren't the Fascist police state we are today. Sad...
If you want to know any more, I guess charliesou was around about that time. He may remember more, but I won't bet on it.
Did I say Lava lamps and "Midnight at the Oasis"?
And no rap. Very Happy


Location: Australia

Post Tue Mar 18, 2014 6:04 am   Reply with quote         

What does it mean if I see two midgets.....that makes a whole man if they stand ones shoulder?



Location: Independent Scotland

Post Tue Mar 18, 2014 6:58 am   Reply with quote         

jaw2785 wrote:
OMG... the right side of my brain is missing. And I think I just suffered a mild stroke in whatever's left of it.
OH wait... I see the the little prick now. What does ten minutes or so say about my right brain? I feel exactly the same whenever I look at a source image. I guess that explains my dismal PSC scores.
I don't think it's a protein problem though. I think it more likely has to do with my... uhhh, you know... the Seventies. Now I forgot what I was...scratch
Time for another beer! drunken

Great idea, think i'll join you ! DeadBanana

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