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Location: Australia
Tue Jun 03, 2014 6:41 am Reply with quote
Looks like the Aussies win...I think we scared em all off Rose
Location: Brazil
Wed Jun 04, 2014 9:57 am Reply with quote
anfa wrote: I'll just leave this here.
It looks like someone is wanting my attention...
sorry, I won't even root for Brazil this year... I hope they lose before the quarter finals... it's a political thing... this World Cup was the biggest money wash in the history of Brazil... they spent 3 times more than Germany... 2/3 of this money went to politicians and affiliated companies... a few enriched insanely because of the overcharged projects for the Cup... not even 1/2 were delivered...our former president said in the Press it's bullshit to complain about some of them not being delivered, such as metros, cause we always managed to get to the stadiums without them...
Anyway, my team for this year's World Cup will be Argentina... so don't expect me to fight for the green/yellow bastards...
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: Brazil
Wed Jun 04, 2014 2:23 pm Reply with quote
arcaico wrote: anfa wrote: I'll just leave this here.
It looks like someone is wanting my attention...
sorry, I won't even root for Brazil this year... I hope they lose before the quarter finals... it's a political thing... this World Cup was the biggest money wash in the history of Brazil... they spent 3 times more than Germany... 2/3 of this money went to politicians and affiliated companies... a few enriched insanely because of the overcharged projects for the Cup... not even 1/2 were delivered...our former president said in the Press it's bullshit to complain about some of them not being delivered, such as metros, cause we always managed to get to the stadiums without them...
Anyway, my team for this year's World Cup will be Argentina... so don't expect me to fight for the green/yellow bastards...
Arc, you have my respect!! Argentina! Argentina!!!
Location: Brazil
Wed Jun 04, 2014 3:03 pm Reply with quote
As a matter of fact, I just marked my Argentina jersey with the name arcaico and the number 666...
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: Geordieland, UK
Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:49 am Reply with quote
arcaico wrote: anfa wrote: I'll just leave this here.
It looks like someone is wanting my attention...
sorry, I won't even root for Brazil this year... I hope they lose before the quarter finals... it's a political thing... this World Cup was the biggest money wash in the history of Brazil... they spent 3 times more than Germany... 2/3 of this money went to politicians and affiliated companies... a few enriched insanely because of the overcharged projects for the Cup... not even 1/2 were delivered...our former president said in the Press it's bullshit to complain about some of them not being delivered, such as metros, cause we always managed to get to the stadiums without them...
Anyway, my team for this year's World Cup will be Argentina... so don't expect me to fight for the green/yellow bastards...
Respect, brother!! 
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Thu Jun 05, 2014 10:06 am Reply with quote
agreed. Should make it though no problem. They're a powerhouse this year. Argentina has a nice easy group in F as well.
I wondered why they built a new stadium. Didn't Brazil have a nice one already? or was it rundown?
Could have used that money for much better things.
as for the team, they don't seem to have the same 'fight' as past Brazil teams I remember.
But that obviously could change once the dance gets going.
Location: Norway
Thu Jun 05, 2014 5:14 pm Reply with quote
Belgium will win the World Cup .
Im sober now. 
_________________ Fuck Putin.
Location: Indiana, PA
Thu Jun 05, 2014 5:29 pm Reply with quote
I will go with team Merica, team USA; or if the Canucks don't have enough people we could do a team N. America (or team Canuck).
_________________ <iframe></iframe>
Location: Geordieland, UK
Thu Jun 05, 2014 6:09 pm Reply with quote
OK, this is my idea of how it could work.
Hopefully we'll have enough teams to make 2 groups(It doesn't matter how big or how small the groups are. It would work with only 2 teams per group).
Each member of each team enters the daily contest(the contest dates can be sorted later. We'll just try to get some rules sorted first. lol).
Each member of each teams votes are added together like the team chop thing and the groups work like a league table.
The team with the most votes from both groups goes on to the final.
I think we should span the group stage over a few contests and the final over just one contest.
Does that make sense?
Location: Albany, NY
Fri Jun 06, 2014 6:08 am Reply with quote
anfa wrote: OK, this is my idea of how it could work.
Hopefully we'll have enough teams to make 2 groups(It doesn't matter how big or how small the groups are. It would work with only 2 teams per group).
Each member of each team enters the daily contest(the contest dates can be sorted later. We'll just try to get some rules sorted first. lol).
Each member of each teams votes are added together like the team chop thing and the groups work like a league table.
The team with the most votes from both groups goes on to the final.
I think we should span the group stage over a few contests and the final over just one contest.
Does that make sense?
Should you do total votes divided by team members to account for different team sizes?
Location: Geordieland, UK
Fri Jun 06, 2014 7:24 am Reply with quote
Werdnaibor wrote: anfa wrote: OK, this is my idea of how it could work.
Hopefully we'll have enough teams to make 2 groups(It doesn't matter how big or how small the groups are. It would work with only 2 teams per group).
Each member of each team enters the daily contest(the contest dates can be sorted later. We'll just try to get some rules sorted first. lol).
Each member of each teams votes are added together like the team chop thing and the groups work like a league table.
The team with the most votes from both groups goes on to the final.
I think we should span the group stage over a few contests and the final over just one contest.
Does that make sense?
Should you do total votes divided by team members to account for different team sizes?
There should be 3 members to a team. I have nothing against a country having more than one team. Like England-A and England-B or USA-1 and USA-2 or some such shite.
Come to think of it, it would seem a better idea to have only 2 members in a team so we could have more teams and make it more interesting.
Also with the multiple teams per country thing, we could name our teams anything(something patriotic, something funny, whatevaaaa!) and have the country represented in brackets/parentheses after the name, like this: Limey Gits (England).
Watcha think?
Location: Australia
Fri Jun 06, 2014 12:33 pm Reply with quote
Holy shit, this was 4 years ago!
Running this was pretty much the reason I stopped playing here lol. But I may as well make a comeback tour, count me in, I'll take Italy.
(For what it's worth, have one person per country. When you have the final number of entries you can figure out who plays who on which days.)
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