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Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Voting - Proposition 343.1A.1 - Reply to topic

Should we have an open to the public contest once a month?

Yes. Great Idea.



[ 11 ]

No, Stupid



[ 21 ]

Total Votes: 32

Watch them Drift

Location: Connecticut

Post Wed Aug 06, 2014 5:59 pm   Reply with quote         

I propose we allow the public (non registered users) to vote on a contest once a month. This proposal has two distinct benefits:

1. The thought of increasing ones popularity with non-members will draw more members to enter the contest.

2. Members will seek votes from friends and more, bringing tons of traffic to the site, exposing hundreds to the photoshopcontest concept and may generate new members. More traffic also means more money from ads, and more members means more advantage purchases.

The trickle down effect means more money to owners who will be happier to preform maintenance and enhancements and possibly provide us with more/ better prizes.

I'm putting this to a vote.


Location: Eugene, Oregon

Post Wed Aug 06, 2014 6:15 pm   Reply with quote         

Would current vote records get shattered and replaced with poor entries that have a lot of twitter votes?


Location: Indiana, PA

Post Wed Aug 06, 2014 6:46 pm   Reply with quote         

I say I to Senator Drifts Proposition 343.1A.1....... I can probably make more fake Twitter and Facebook accounts per hour then the best of these fucks....... wait is this mic on. !@#$ I mean this will cause great tourist revenue to our great PSC.


Location: Geordieland, UK

Post Wed Aug 06, 2014 7:20 pm   Reply with quote         



Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder

Post Wed Aug 06, 2014 9:59 pm   Reply with quote         

anfa wrote:

as much as I want traffic on this site... I agree with Glenn, Anfa and Shane.

bad idea.

need more reunion and H2H's

and need less opportunities for people who don't have a clue to have the power of voting.
Bad enough we were getting spam entries there for a while.

It's a nice little website. Could it be better? sure. Been going downhill ever since JMH left

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Location: Brazil

Post Thu Aug 07, 2014 3:11 pm   Reply with quote         

Surely you never heard of the term alias...


TheShaman wrote:
fine fine! I'm an idiot!


Location: Independent Scotland

Post Thu Aug 07, 2014 4:26 pm   Reply with quote         

TheShaman wrote:
anfa wrote:

as much as I want traffic on this site... I agree with Glenn, Anfa and Shane.

bad idea.

need more reunion and H2H's

and need less opportunities for people who don't have a clue to have the power of voting.
Bad enough we were getting spam entries there for a while.

It's a nice little website. Could it be better? sure. Been going downhill ever since JMH left



Location: Norway

Post Thu Aug 07, 2014 7:14 pm   Reply with quote         

I see your point WtD. No problem.
But I agree with anfa. It wont work.


Fuck Putin. ....and btw, fuck Trump as well.

Location: Ottawa Strong!

Post Fri Aug 08, 2014 6:52 am   Reply with quote         

In a word, no!

However You care enough for the site and two thumbs up to you!!!

I had the right to remain silent....but I didn't.

Be my assbook friend

Post Tue Sep 27, 2016 12:03 pm   Reply with quote         

Who is JMH, why did he leave PSC and why did the site take a shit after he left?


Location: Hotel California

Post Tue Sep 27, 2016 2:26 pm   Reply with quote         



Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!

Post Sun Oct 02, 2016 10:30 am   Reply with quote         

itsCHOWDAH wrote:
Who is JMH, why did he leave PSC and why did the site take a shit after he left?

he was the original owner and founder of the site back in good old 2001. PSC is 15 years old in just over 2 months Shocked

He sold the site in late 2006 (I think), it was unfortunate, but it was the right choice for him. Sad times, no doubt but he was very well respected, and still is.

Post Mon Oct 03, 2016 7:38 am   Reply with quote         

Who's running the site now? Doesnt really matter who owns it, who is running it? Promoting it?

I've always thought this site had so much potential, but it's gone downhill over the past several years. Not sure the reason, may not matter. But can it be turned around and brought back to life? Don't know. But it's worth a shot.

Post Tue Oct 04, 2016 6:38 am   Reply with quote         

Another idea is to open it up to the public and allow anyone to"Like "the image just like on Facebook, Instagram, Imgur, etc. But only members can cast votes, same as always.

That way there's a public presence, but it doesn't affect the outcome of the contest.

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