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Location: Almuñecar.

Post Wed Apr 08, 2015 11:43 am   Reply with quote         

Well life is full of surprises.Just over a week ago on tuesday morning I was sitting comfortably in front of my pc having my morning coffee and working on a chop when I started feeling a strong pain in my abdomen.At first I thought it was indigestion or gases but the excruciating pain intensified to the nth degree and that night my fever reached 39.2 º C. Although I was bed ridden by then,very weak and could barely walk,my wife convinced me that time was of the essence and we should see a doctor.She drove me to the emergency ward at our local hospital and after some blood tests and an ecography the doctor's diagnosed an extreme case of acute appendicitis.He said that appendicitis,especially acute gangrenous appendicitis,which after the operation was proven to be what I had,should not be taken lightly.He stressed that in some cases if left unattended it has led to septic shock and DEATH.Well on that note and the fact that I was willing to do anything to get rid of that horrible pain,it was off to surgery and lights out.I was operated on at 1:00 a.m. that same night.Fortunately the operation was a success and after 5 days of observation at the hospital and overdosed on antibiotics I was allowed to come back home.Experiences like this really make one aware of how ephemeral and transitional life is.One minute you are peacefully enjoying the simple joys of life and the next you are at the mercy of a critical life threatening situation and in the trust of a total stranger with a scalpel in his hand.As well it helps to put life in it's proper perspective.To be able to discern between the many insignificant events that we daily unwittingly magnify and transform into absurd melodramatic soap operas of erroneous magnitude and what is really important in life and which we totally take for granted until our life is in danger.I am very grateful and happy to be back home and healthy again.I love life ! ... And thank-you all my PSC friends for being part of this wonderful life Very Happy


Location: Italy

Post Wed Apr 08, 2015 11:48 am   Reply with quote         

I'm sorry for what happened to you but luckily happy ending!

well back !

Passion for retouching images
Prince Laurent

Location: Belgium

Post Wed Apr 08, 2015 12:20 pm   Reply with quote         

silentdead wrote:
I'm sorry for what happened to you but luckily happy ending!

well back !

Idem dito!

Post Wed Apr 08, 2015 12:25 pm   Reply with quote         

1.excessive chopping combined with coffee may cause serious illness
2.marriage is not necessarily a bad thing Cool
I like when someone stands that human organism is perfect thing. We are not capable to draw a straight line or circle and so accessible to zillion diseases that it's real mystery how we survived so long as species DeadBanana
Joke aside I am glad you are alive and well and wish you fast recovery!


Location: Republic of Seychelles

Post Wed Apr 08, 2015 12:29 pm   Reply with quote         

Holy shit! Glad to hear your back to good health. I thought you may be on vacation in a nice Spanish beach chill-laxin' Smile Welcome back. Maybe this experience will inspire you to write a poem about's mine:

Luxwiz choppin nonstoppin' guitar player extraordinaire.
He had a pain in his side and let it slide.
We wish him the best and is back new.
Cause choppin aint choppin without you.
Welcome back sir… here is arty chop.
Lots of birds, blurs and what-not.
Hope you post soon alright-is.
Because we don’t want no more appendicitis!

And if I find out you go near my locker, I swear to God I'll give you a karate chop right in the head.

Location: Netherlands

Post Wed Apr 08, 2015 1:12 pm   Reply with quote         

Wow heavy, welcome back on board sir! Cool


Location: Norway

Post Wed Apr 08, 2015 1:30 pm   Reply with quote         

Sad to hear about what happened.
Its nice to hear that you are feeling better.

Welcome back Luis. Very Happy

Fuck Putin. ....and btw, fuck Trump as well.
Cartoon Contractor

Location: I was here. Now I'm not!

Post Wed Apr 08, 2015 5:52 pm   Reply with quote         

Know where your coming from Lux!! I had the same situation when I was 18 years old (a long fucking time ago) but I still remember the event well! I was at work when it hit me in the middle of the heat of the summer time and I WALKED to my girlfriends house about 3 miles away (now my wife) and she called my home to get me some help. My appendix almost ruptured and the Dr said if it had it could have been the end of me. Anyway congrats on the successful operation and recovery. Good luck and good health to you and yours.

C.C. thumright


Location: On Deck, South by Southeast

Post Wed Apr 08, 2015 6:17 pm   Reply with quote         

Thank your wife for us for taking care of you my friend. I am glad you came through this and hope you have smooth sailing from here on out.


I'm highly motivated to be un-ambitious today.


Location: Bethlehem,PA

Post Wed Apr 08, 2015 7:13 pm   Reply with quote         

Life does throw you a couple of curves at times, glad you came out of it OK. Now get your butt back behind the computer, vacation's over. Very Happy
Thank the Mrs. for me OK?


Location: greece

Post Thu Apr 09, 2015 12:07 am   Reply with quote         

Glad to hear that you re alright now. Take care


Location: Yorkshire

Post Thu Apr 09, 2015 12:46 am   Reply with quote         

Hope you are back to tip top condition ASAP Lux! It just shows how you can never take tomorrow for granted.


Location: Almuñecar.

Post Thu Apr 09, 2015 6:27 am   Reply with quote         

OneChiefRocker wrote:
Holy shit! Glad to hear your back to good health. I thought you may be on vacation in a nice Spanish beach chill-laxin' Smile Welcome back. Maybe this expereince will inspire you to write a poem about's mine:

Luxwiz choppin nonstoppin' guitar player extraordinaire.
He had a pan in his side and let it slide.
We wish him the best and is back new.
Cause choppin aint choppin without you.
Welcome back sir… here is arty chop.
Lots of birds, blurs and what-not.
Hope you post soon alright-is.
Because we don’t want no more appendicitis!

Tio eres unico ... reading your poetry makes one understand your chops much is a perfect reflection of the other... Imagery of your poetry = poetry of your images Smile


Location: Almuñecar.

Post Thu Apr 09, 2015 6:35 am   Reply with quote         

thanks for all the kind words and warm wishes everyone.You know more than PS,choppin and the daily competitions here,what PSC really is to me,is all of you ,this awesome global community of caring,talented,creative people.I feel proud to be a long standing member here and although I'll be taking a break from the day to day competitions for a spell,I'll be checking in most every day and will be choppin once in a while...Cheers my friends Hug



Post Thu Apr 09, 2015 7:44 am   Reply with quote         

Glad to hear you are sticking around a while longer Lux.

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