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Thu Mar 10, 2016 4:47 pm Reply with quote
anabe wrote: You rant against all the BS
I is true...i am afraid to post another image in the contest because of that angry person
Cartoon Contractor
Location: I was here. Now I'm not!
Thu Mar 10, 2016 5:18 pm Reply with quote
YerPalAl wrote: I'm a little confused, tell me again just why Trump is so great?
Don't you live in Louisiana? Didn't that used to be Bobby Jindal's? The governor who blocked the Obamacare expansion? Maybe you ought to look a little closer for some of your problems.
And you have no idea who I will be voting for.
Well I do know your voting for the status quo no mater who your voting for just from your responses. And that's the problem with the whole political environment. They want their minions (the voters) to allow them to keep it the same. If we don't make a change in the status quo the problems will persist. Neither the entrenched Republicans or Democrats will change the environment unless we MAKE them change it. And by voting in one of the entrenched cronies they just go back behind closed doors and laugh and laugh and laugh at the stupid, led by the nose, dumb ass, strings attached to the limbs, hogs led to the trough, American voters. And then they just go on playing "point the finger" at the other guys and stuff their pockets full of our money, the lobbyist money, the "fund raiser" do-me-a-favor money and our country suffers for it. But that's ok, Al. Your obviously satisfied with the status quo. It probably works for you! So you vote the way want. That's your right as an American. They haven't taken that freedom from you YET!
And our problems weren't created by Bobby Jindal, Al. They were created by that Son of a Bitch sitting in the White House! You tell me why Wal-Mart, one of the largest companies in the world, is closing stores.They are home based in ARKANSAS? Right? Maybe it's because Bobby Jindal was Governor, right? But Obama gets on TV and says nothings wrong with the state of the union. Crank up the printing presses guys. We need more money. Raise the debt ceiling guys! More people need free shit! Keep your head in the sand! Everything is fine! No problems here.
"The Two Enemies of the People are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first." Thomas Jefferson!
And your president is dissecting the constitution so they can become the legalized version of the first. And we're almost there.
Location: southern California
Thu Mar 10, 2016 5:31 pm Reply with quote
Cartoon Contractor wrote: anabe wrote:
You rant against all the BS and lies from politicians, but at the same time are living proof that Trump's strategy to appeal to all base instincts of people worked 100% on you! You react to slogans and empty promises without a hint of feasibility. Trump doesn't have to operate in reality. He tells voters what THEY want to hear.
Just like a used car salesman.
"We are going to get things done. We are going to make this country special."
"We are going to get in there, and we are going to get you really great coverage," he said when promising to unravel Obamacare.
"I will tell you. We are going to make our military so strong and so powerful and so incredible," he said. "Nobody is going to mess with us, folks."
I'm not looking forward to a rabid narcissist, pouting like a 3 year old when someone "doesn't like him", in the vicinity of that famous red button.
And OBAMA operates in REALITY? He doesn't lie? He isn't a used car salesman? Did you see his last state of the union? The state of the union is horrible! Of course he lied about it! Said everything is GREAT! My state unemployment is astronomical! We're losing jobs by the THOUSANDS because of Obama. Ohh, I guess it's because I'm in a red state huh? Go figure, a president with a grudge! That's representation! Ya'll just keep listening to the media! They aren't biased much! It's amazing how many people the government has under their spell. Hypnotized and clueless. We don't have to worry about anything. Let em all in and we'll support em. Who the hell is we? Half the country either works for the government or is supported by the government. But that's ok the other half will foot the bill. Well I'm the other half and I don't want to foot the bill. It's time that the citizens of the country are heard and not told to shut up and listen to "what is the right thing to do" Obama's opinion of the "right thing" and the majority's "right thing" are two different things. So we'll see if there are still enough "working class" to right the boat or if the "status quo" voters will weight it down to take on a little more water. Because people! It's about to sink!
I have no idea why you would bring up Obama in your rant. HE is not running for president. With all your objections and complaints about lies from Obama, why would you even consider believing a reality show hot-air blower who ALREADY flip-flops with his promises daily, weekly and monthly!
Complain about your state's economy to your governor, you elected him.
It is more than naïve if you think Trump, as president, could achieve anything without co-operation from politicians and lobbyists and other statesmen. This is not a TV show where he would be able to just scream "you're fired" and then gets applause.
Trump appeals to the simplistic masses.
Location: southern California
Thu Mar 10, 2016 5:51 pm Reply with quote
Cartoon Contractor wrote: YerPalAl wrote: I'm a little confused, tell me again just why Trump is so great?
Don't you live in Louisiana? Didn't that used to be Bobby Jindal's? The governor who blocked the Obamacare expansion? Maybe you ought to look a little closer for some of your problems.
And you have no idea who I will be voting for.
Well I do know your voting for the status quo no mater who your voting for just from your responses. And that's the problem with the whole political environment. They want their minions (the voters) to allow them to keep it the same. If we don't make a change in the status quo the problems will persist. Neither the entrenched Republicans or Democrats will change the environment unless we MAKE them change it. And by voting in one of the entrenched cronies they just go back behind closed doors and laugh and laugh and laugh at the stupid, led by the nose, dumb ass, strings attached to the limbs, hogs led to the trough, American voters. And then they just go on playing "point the finger" at the other guys and stuff their pockets full of our money, the lobbyist money, the "fund raiser" do-me-a-favor money and our country suffers for it. But that's ok, Al. Your obviously satisfied with the status quo. It probably works for you! So you vote the way want. That's your right as an American. They haven't taken that freedom from you YET!
And our problems weren't created by Bobby Jindal, Al. They were created by that Son of a Bitch sitting in the White House! You tell me why Wal-Mart, one of the largest companies in the world, is closing stores.They are home based in ARKANSAS? Right? Maybe it's because Bobby Jindal was Governor, right? But Obama gets on TV and says nothings wrong with the state of the union. Crank up the printing presses guys. We need more money. Raise the debt ceiling guys! More people need free shit! Keep your head in the sand! Everything is fine! No problems here.
"The Two Enemies of the People are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first." Thomas Jefferson!
And your president is dissecting the constitution so they can become the legalized version of the first. And we're almost there.
You should inform yourself better, maybe less Fox would help.
This is from a conservative site.
How Bobby Jindal Wrecked Louisiana.
Cartoon Contractor
Location: I was here. Now I'm not!
Thu Mar 10, 2016 6:00 pm Reply with quote
anabe wrote:
I have no idea why you would bring up Obama in your rant. HE is not running for president. With all your objections and complaints about lies from Obama, why would you even consider believing a reality show hot-air blower who ALREADY flip-flops with his promises daily, weekly and monthly!
Complain about your state's economy to your governor, you elected him.
It is more than naïve if you think Trump, as president, could achieve anything without co-operation from politicians and lobbyists and other statesmen. This is not a TV show where he would be able to just scream "you're fired" and then gets applause.
Trump appeals to the simplistic masses.
Because you speak of someone not doing or incapable of doing what they say they will do. And the American voters elected OBAMA who can't get anything done, won't get anything done, and does only what He considers "the right thing" oblivious to what the American people want done! But that's ok. He's not Trump.
And you have the audacity to speak of politicians, lobbyists, and statesmen? And they don't flip-flop, lie, and talk from both sides of their mouths? We need a change from the politics as usual! I'm not saying Trump is the almighty solution to the problem. I'm saying that the status quo has to go! I'm just amazed how blind the American citizens are to the problem of Washington politics. It's like they just don't care! As long as the water comes on and the lights work- NO PROBLEM! Let the politicians do as they please. Let them lie to us, stuff their pockets, make laws that we have to abide by, but they don't. This is how it should be? Are you kidding me? We are no longer being represented. We are being ruled! Big difference.
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Thu Mar 10, 2016 6:11 pm Reply with quote
I am married to a born and bred southern belle from Louisiana and let me tell you, since she has been over here in England, it has opened her eyes to how poor the US's education, racism and healthcare really and sadly is.
And before you say anything she loves her country, but is also so very sad for it her family and all her country men and women.
Her and I both wish to move to the US one day, but if Trump gets in, there is no way, I am not saying Hilary is the answer, but if you think Trump is just because he is saying one bullshit sound byte after another, well, I fear for the next 4 and god forbid 8 years.
I also agree your news media is feeding you such horse-shit, it is a money making rating war, no actual facts or news, all bullshit to scare Americans constantly.
The sad fact of the matter is the solution to this is non of the above, your points CC that politicians are corrupt and have their pockets filled by big business are exactly right, there is no solution. No immediate one anyway.
Your lives are run by corruption which in turn is run by the insurance, oil and pharmaceutical companies which make you pay so much for basic rights.
As an Englishman, it is ludicrous to me how your healthcare systems and state of education works... but is Trump going to fix this? like fuck is he!
I return to my original point, I am still waiting for him to say 1 solitary thing that would actually be classed as a workable idea for the American people.
It is absolutely stunning how much support he has, with no manifesto in sight. If he was in any other country on this planet, he would have been laughed out the building the moment he said he was running.
Final, point, I and my wife, wish for Americans that it was not like it is, but to change how it is, needs a total and top to bottom reworking of how your entire political system works, it is broken, unfixable in its present state, and it is a crying shame.....
Blue, think fast, here's ya soapbox back 
Cartoon Contractor
Location: I was here. Now I'm not!
Thu Mar 10, 2016 6:33 pm Reply with quote
marcoballistic wrote: I am married to a born and bred southern belle from Louisiana and let me tell you, since she has been over here in England, it has opened her eyes to how poor the US's education, racism and healthcare really and sadly is.
And before you say anything she loves her country, but is also so very sad for it her family and all her country men and women.
Her and I both wish to move to the US one day, but if Trump gets in, there is no way, I am not saying Hilary is the answer, but if you think Trump is just because he is saying one bullshit sound byte after another, well, I fear for the next 4 and god forbid 8 years.
I also agree your news media is feeding you such horse-shit, it is a money making rating war, no actual facts or news, all bullshit to scare Americans constantly.
The sad fact of the matter is the solution to this is non of the above, your points CC that politicians are corrupt and have their pockets filled by big business are exactly right, there is no solution. No immediate one anyway.
Your lives are run by corruption which in turn is run by the insurance, oil and pharmaceutical companies which make you pay so much for basic rights.
As an Englishman, it is ludicrous to me how your healthcare systems and state of education works... but is Trump going to fix this? like fuck is he!
I return to my original point, I am still waiting for him to say 1 solitary thing thst would actually be classes as a workable idea for the American people.
It is absolutely stunning how much support he has, with no manifesto in sight. If he was in any other country on this planet, he would have been laughed out the building the moment he said he was running.
Final, point, I and my wife, wish for Americans that it was not like it is, but to change how it is, needs a total and top to bottom reworking of ho your entire political system works, it is broken, unfixable in its present state, and it is a crying shame.....
Blue, think fast, heres ya soapbox back 
What's sadder is the American majority think Obama is a good president and re-elected him. A community organizer with questionable credentials (and that's putting it nicely) and another that had to relinquish his law degree or would have been disbarred. We've had to endure 8 years of his bullshit and you think Trump would be WORSE? You wouldn't move here is He was president but would if the likes of Hillary Clinton becomes president? WOW! Amazing! I guess a criminal running ones country is OK!
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Thu Mar 10, 2016 7:00 pm Reply with quote
I clearly said that Clinton was not the answer either, if you must know I really like sanders. But I am sure you will have something interesting to say on that too lol
And yes, trump will be worse for not only America but the entire world. Why, because his agenda is about 1 thing, what can HE get out of it, not what can he do for America and her citizens.
Location: southern California
Thu Mar 10, 2016 8:53 pm Reply with quote
Cartoon Contractor wrote:
Because you speak of someone not doing or incapable of doing what they say they will do. And the American voters elected OBAMA who can't get anything done, won't get anything done, and does only what He considers "the right thing" oblivious to what the American people want done! But that's ok. He's not Trump.
And you have the audacity to speak of politicians, lobbyists, and statesmen? And they don't flip-flop, lie, and talk from both sides of their mouths? We need a change from the politics as usual! I'm not saying Trump is the almighty solution to the problem. I'm saying that the status quo has to go! I'm just amazed how blind the American citizens are to the problem of Washington politics. It's like they just don't care! As long as the water comes on and the lights work- NO PROBLEM! Let the politicians do as they please. Let them lie to us, stuff their pockets, make laws that we have to abide by, but they don't. This is how it should be? Are you kidding me? We are no longer being represented. We are being ruled! Big difference.
I never said "that's how it should be". I'm a pragmatist.
Politicians are corrupt and lie. Actually, most people in positions of power lie, are corrupt, look out for themselves, cheat and make unsubstantiated promises. Trump shows no indication that he will be any better, on the contrary. Yet somehow, you DO regard him as the solution to America's problems and are willing to tolerate exactly what you complain about with Obama. And swallow all the vague and insane "promises". Or maybe you actually believe that Mexico will build a wall, with their own money, and name it the "Trump Wall"?
That would make YOU one of those blind citizens.
And yes, that vindictive megalomaniac with temper tantrums would definitely be WORSE than Bernie or Hillary.
Location: southern California
Thu Mar 10, 2016 8:55 pm Reply with quote
marcoballistic wrote: I clearly said that Clinton was not the answer either, if you must know I really like sanders. But I am sure you will have something interesting to say on that too lol
And yes, trump will be worse for not only America but the entire world. Why, because his agenda is about 1 thing, what can HE get out of it, not what can he do for America and her citizens.
Great posts from you, agree 100%!!
Location: On Deck, South by Southeast
Thu Mar 10, 2016 9:37 pm Reply with quote
OK, since you blame all our troubles on the son of a bitch in the white house, here's a challenge for you, put your facts where your mouth is. I have had several right wing friends come out with the same faux news rhetoric and I always ask them, tell me one specific action that the president has done that is unconstitutional, just one. And not one of them, not a single one has been able to tell me. They all come back with the same pussy, "I'm not going to waste my time telling you if you don't already know!" bullshit which translated means I ain't got a reason but I heard it on fox news.
So convince me. Tell me when and how the constitutional scholar in the Oval Office is shredding the Constitution.
_________________ YerPalAl
I'm highly motivated to be un-ambitious today.
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