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Location: Independent Scotland
Fri Mar 11, 2016 5:37 pm Reply with quote
Martrex wrote: okay where is the discussion on religion, since you've started one on politics! 
For the righteous man shall smite with vigorous wrath thy enemies with the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, and ...The Comfy Chair !
Cartoon Contractor
Location: I was here. Now I'm not!
Fri Mar 11, 2016 5:39 pm Reply with quote
anabe wrote:
 Unfortunately, the same can't be said about you...a birther!
Hope you'll continue to polish your array of tinfoil hats.
Facts are facts. His father isn't an American. But I guess your ok with a president that isn't a natural born citizen. So that insinuates that your ok with not honoring the constitution either. It's just a bunch of words that mean NOTHING-right? Go figure. And I'm the one with tin foil hats? Why construct a document with specific instructions for the highest office in the land if your not going to abide by it? It's the law of our land not a suggestion of what we think might be a good idea!
And by the way, unlike Obama, I am a natural born citizen whether you like me, my thoughts, my political views or not! AND unlike Obama, I love my country and don't want to fundamentaly change it! And ,unlike Obama, I've never attended an American Flag burning!
Location: southern California
Fri Mar 11, 2016 8:32 pm Reply with quote
Cartoon Contractor wrote: anabe wrote:
 Unfortunately, the same can't be said about you...a birther!
Hope you'll continue to polish your array of tinfoil hats.
Facts are facts. His father isn't an American. But I guess your ok with a president that isn't a natural born citizen. So that insinuates that your ok with not honoring the constitution either. It's just a bunch of words that mean NOTHING-right? Go figure. And I'm the one with tin foil hats? Why construct a document with specific instructions for the highest office in the land if your not going to abide by it? It's the law of our land not a suggestion of what we think might be a good idea!
And by the way, unlike Obama, I am a natural born citizen whether you like me, my thoughts, my political views or not! AND unlike Obama, I love my country and don't want to fundamentaly change it! And ,unlike Obama, I've never attended an American Flag burning!
You don't have facts, as countless and unsuccessful lawsuits brought by your birther brethren can attest to.
Obama is a natural born citizen and eligible to be president. Get over it.
The whole "birther stuff" has been debunked numerous times.
By people who seem to know a bit more than you.
Of course 500 years of jurisprudence won't make a dent in your tinfoil hat. YOU simply know better!
And, btw., your insinuations are wrong.
Location: New York
Fri Mar 11, 2016 10:14 pm Reply with quote
anabe wrote: Oh, pleeeze! He's no "patriot", he's a salesman!
He may not be, but time will tell. For now, let's just say he sounds patriotic and acts patriotic. Obama does neither.
anabe wrote: You don't have facts, as countless and unsuccessful lawsuits brought by your birther brethren can attest to.
The first suit was brought by an attorney, a Clinton supporter, as I recall. His suit got tossed for lack of standing. I am unaware of any "birther" suit going to trial. I believe they have all been dismissed for lack of standing of the various plaintiffs. Can you recall one that went to trial?
It's odd how this thread morphed into birther territory. I am not a birther, but I believe there's something unpleasant in Obama's personal history. Why else would his school records be buried? Maybe the explanation is as simple as Obama, "the genius", had crappy grades. We'll probably never know.
Fri Mar 11, 2016 10:21 pm Reply with quote
Sat Mar 12, 2016 1:24 am Reply with quote
Location: southern California
Sat Mar 12, 2016 3:58 pm Reply with quote
The first suit was brought by an attorney, a Clinton supporter, as I recall. His suit got tossed for lack of standing. I am unaware of any "birther" suit going to trial. I believe they have all been dismissed for lack of standing of the various plaintiffs. Can you recall one that went to trial?
It's odd how this thread morphed into birther territory. I am not a birther, but I believe there's something unpleasant in Obama's personal history. Why else would his school records be buried? Maybe the explanation is as simple as Obama, "the genius", had crappy grades. We'll probably never know.
It should tell you something that all suits concerning Obama's "ineligibility", claiming his non-natural born citizen status, were dismissed for lack of standing and never went to trial. Taitz et al got her ass kicked, over and over again.
In this court decision, lack of standing is beautifully laid out...if you're interested in REAL legal opinion.
And then comes CC, regurgitating this birther nonsense!
What you personally believe "might be" suspicious or unpleasant in his school records is irrelevant. As I said before, Obama is NOT running for president, he still IS the President, and CC's birther temper tantrum won't change that.
What IS odd though, that CC brings up this crap in order to defend a bullying, lying and hateful caricature of a "presidential" candidate, who encourages his followers to "knock the crap out of protesters" and "roughen them up". Real presidential!
Location: New York
Sat Mar 12, 2016 6:58 pm Reply with quote
anabe wrote:
In this court decision, lack of standing is beautifully laid out...if you're interested in REAL legal opinion.
Thank you for confirming that none of these cases went to trial.
anabe wrote:
What you personally believe "might be" suspicious or unpleasant in his school records is irrelevant.
It may be irrelevant for those who uncritically adore Obama.
anabe wrote:
What IS odd though, that CC brings up this crap in order to defend a bullying, lying and hateful caricature of a "presidential" candidate, who encourages his followers to "knock the crap out of protesters" and "roughen them up". Real presidential!
Here are some "presidential" quotes from your guy:
“They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back.”
“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun. Because from what I understand folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”
"I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face."
""We talk to these folks because they potentially have the best answers, so I know whose ass to kick."
"You know, kids have good instincts. They look at the other guy and say, 'Well, that's a bullshitter, I can tell.'"
My favorite is from Dreams From My Father. Listen:[/quote]
Presidential, indeed.
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Mon Mar 14, 2016 6:00 am Reply with quote
ok sure lets play this game of what is legal and not and should of gone to court and didnt and got buried if you want to...
Let us all not forget, above all and buried by money and paid out of court, Mr Donald Trump is a rapist. Now that is presidential... waaaait...
I hand the floor over to fans of worms in cans.
Location: Independent Scotland
Mon Mar 14, 2016 9:04 am Reply with quote
marcoballistic wrote: ok sure lets play this game of what is legal and not and should of gone to court and didnt and got buried if you want to...
Let us all not forget, above all and buried by money and paid out of court, Mr Donald Trump is a rapist. Now that is presidential... waaaait...
I hand the floor over to fans of worms in cans.
Enjoy Ex President Bill Clinton did a fair bit of rapin', didn't stop him getting to the oval orifice.
Location: Independent Scotland
Mon Mar 14, 2016 9:05 am Reply with quote
Here's some of his greatest hits..
Eileen Wellstone, 19-year-old English woman who said Clinton sexually assaulted her after she met him at a pub near the Oxford where the future President was a student in 1969. A retired State Department employee, who asked not to be identified, confirmed that he spoke with the family of the girl and filed a report with his superiors. Clinton admitted having sex with the girl, but claimed it was consensual. The victim's family declined to pursue the case;
In 1972, a 22-year-old woman told campus police at Yale University that she was sexually assaulted by Clinton, a law student at the college. No charges were filed, but retired campus policemen contacted by Capitol Hill Blue confirmed the incident. The woman, tracked down by Capitol Hill Blue last week, confirmed the incident, but declined to discuss it further and would not give permission to use her name;
In 1974, a female student at the University of Arkansas complained that then-law school instructor Bill Clinton tried to prevent her from leaving his office during a conference. She said he groped her and forced his hand inside her blouse. She complained to her faculty advisor who confronted Clinton, but Clinton claimed the student ''came on'' to him. The student left the school shortly after the incident. Reached at her home in Texas, the former student confirmed the incident, but declined to go on the record with her account. Several former students at the University have confirmed the incident in confidential interviews and said there were other reports of Clinton attempting to force himself on female students;
Broaddrick, a volunteer in Clinton's gubernatorial campaign, said he raped her in 1978. Mrs. Broaddrick suffered a bruised and torn lip, which she said she suffered when Clinton bit her during the rape;
From 1978-1980, during Clinton's first term as governor of Arkansas, state troopers assigned to protect the governor were aware of at least seven complaints from women who said Clinton forced, or attempted to force, himself on them sexually. One retired state trooper said in an interview that the common joke among those assigned to protect Clinton was "who's next?". One former state trooper said other troopers would often escort women to the governor's hotel room after political events, often more than one an evening;
Carolyn Moffet, a legal secretary in Little Rock in 1979, said she met then-governor Clinton at a political fundraiser and shortly thereafter received an invitation to meet the governor in his hotel room. "I was escorted there by a state trooper. When I went in, he was sitting on a couch, wearing only an undershirt. He pointed at his penis and told me to suck it. I told him I didn't even do that for my boyfriend and he got mad, grabbed my head and shoved it into his lap. I pulled away from him and ran out of the room."
Elizabeth Ward, the Miss Arkansas who won the Miss America crown in 1982, told friends she was forced by Clinton to have sex with him shortly after she won her state crown. Last year, Ward, who is now married with the last name of Gracen (from her first marriage), told an interviewer she did have sex with Clinton but said it was consensual. Close friends of Ward, however, say she still maintains privately that Clinton forced himself on her.
Paula Corbin, an Arkansas state worker, filed a sexual harassment case against Clinton after an encounter in a Little Rock hotel room where the then-governor exposed himself and demanded oral sex. Clinton settled the case with Jones recently with an $850,000 cash payment.
Sandra Allen James, a former Washington, DC, political fundraiser says Presidential candidate-to-be Clinton invited her to his hotel room during a political trip to the nation's capital in 1991, pinned her against the wall and stuck his hand up her dress. She says she screamed loud enough for the Arkansas State Trooper stationed outside the hotel suite to bang on the door and ask if everything was all right, at which point Clinton released her and she fled the room. When she reported the incident to her boss, he advised her to keep her mouth shut if she wanted to keep working. Miss James has since married and left Washington. Reached at her home last week, the former Miss James said she later learned that other women suffered the same fate at Clinton's hands when he was in Washington during his Presidential run.
Christy Zercher, a flight attendant on Clinton's leased campaign plane in 1992, says Presidential candidate Clinton exposed himself to her, grabbed her breasts and made explicit remarks about oral sex. A video shot on board the plane by ABC News shows an obviously inebriated Clinton with his hand between another young flight attendant's legs. Zercher said later in an interview that White House attorney Bruce Lindsey tried to pressure her into not going public about the assault.
Kathleen Willey, a White House volunteer, reported that Clinton grabbed her, fondled her breast and pressed her hand against his genitals during an Oval Office meeting in November, 1993. Willey, who told her story in a 60 Minutes interview, became a target of a White House-directed smear campaign after she went public.
In an interview with Capitol Hill Blue, the retired State Department employee said he believed the story Miss Wellstone, the young English woman who said Clinton raped her in 1969.
Location: Independent Scotland
Mon Mar 14, 2016 9:31 am Reply with quote
“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Mon Mar 14, 2016 10:29 am Reply with quote
2 thing here, we are not talking about the actions of other presidents, I thought at least we were talking about one that could be. Secondly however in relation to Clinton as you brought him up. Whatever he did or did not do really does not mean it's fine to just elect any old fucktard who does whatever they wish just because they can buy their way out of it.
I mean what isn't ok? Will serial killers and child rapist become fine to run soon, for f**ks sake!!
Mon Mar 14, 2016 10:56 am Reply with quote
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