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Location: Geordieland, UK
Fri Mar 25, 2016 3:23 pm Reply with quote
"I know words. I have the best words" - Donald Trump
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Fri Mar 25, 2016 8:58 pm Reply with quote
Tawiskaro wrote: marcoballistic wrote: As for terrorism. UntExp makes the correct point here too, the source and cause need to be tackled, and it will take many many years.
The cause is Islam. You didn't read your Fallaci.
To say the cause is Islam is such a sweeping generalisation it almost becomes funny until I realise you are serious. The cause is more the unfortunate control at root of people that are easy to influence, and also are looking for answers and in turn unfortunately vengeance against the systems in play that are seen to be the root of the evil.... Not at all too dissimilar to the reaction one Mr Trump receives from people who feel that times need a changing.
Terrorism is an awful, and terrible truth to many centuries of hate and distrust built up, but I assure you to say every Islamic person or muselim is so how evil or an issue garnering hate is absolute horse shit and this notion is why no head way into finding solutions however small will always faulter.
I mean hell, so many references into the past keep popping up, why not bring up Christianity's abominatory rampage across half the globe in the name of cleansing the unbelievers and the misled to the wests way of thinking!
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Fri Mar 25, 2016 9:11 pm Reply with quote
Generalisation is the mother of ignorance and intolerance.
Guess what time for show and tell, if I meet an American or a person from China, Iran, Ukraine, Pakistan, Spain or where ever, or what ever faith or race and they are a (for want of another term) a bit of a dick, that does not automatically render the entire race, religious trait or fellow countrymen/women as dicks as well!
Generalisation is lazy, stupid, ignorant and above all dangerous.
Location: Geordieland, UK
Sat Mar 26, 2016 7:34 am Reply with quote
marcoballistic wrote: Generalisation is the mother of ignorance and intolerance.
Guess what time for show and tell, if I meet an American or a person from China, Iran, Ukraine, Pakistan, Spain or where ever, or what ever faith or race and they are a (for want of another term) a bit of a dick, that does not automatically render the entire race, religious trait or fellow countrymen/women as dicks as well!
Generalisation is lazy, stupid, ignorant and above all dangerous.
Rational thought has been thrown out of the window, mate. They don't care about facts/stats because they want easy answers, so you end up with the basic "us and them" mentality.
Location: New York
Sat Mar 26, 2016 3:27 pm Reply with quote
marcoballistic wrote: Generalisation is lazy, stupid, ignorant and above all dangerous.
Mark, I am neither lazy nor stupid, but I am beginning to think Europeans are. You seem more concerned about American politics than you are about what is happening in your own back yard. Europe is being invaded by a medieval theopolitical cult. The long dreamed of conquest of the West by Islam may well be at hand. Are you not following the news out of Sweden, Austria, and Germany?
This invasion may well have been masterminded by the globalists mentioned upstream by Luiz. Your treasonous leaders--Merkel, for instance--have stabbed you in the back. But it doesn't matter who or what is the precipitating force. All you need to know is that when the Muslim population reaches a tipping point, non-Muslims fare poorly. I give you the continent of Africa as an example. From Somalia to Nigeria to Egypt, non-Muslims--including Christians in large numbers--are persecuted, enslaved, and murdered. And not by Mormon missionaries. By Muslims.
Does this mean all Muslims are evil, bloodthirsty turds? Of course not. During the Nazi era, most Germans didn't think it was moral to gas or otherwise exterminate Jews, but they turned their heads and acquiesced. They went along with the National Socialists out of fear, to be sure, but I think also out of loyalty to the Fatherland.
It has been estimated that twenty to thirty percent of the billion and half or so Muslims hate the West and the United States of America, in particular--Muslims who approve of and fervently believe in Jihad and martyrdom. Radicalized Muslims. Let's be conservative, if I may use a nasty word, and say it is only ten per cent. Card-carrying Nazi's in the 1930s represented about ten percent of the German population of some 80 millions. That's about eight million Nazis committed to one degree or another to the extermination of Jews, Gypsies, the disabled, etc. You can crack open a book and read the stats to see what sort of mischief the Nazis caused with relatively small numbers of fanatics. Now imagine militant Islam with ten or twenty times the number of true believers.
Sweden has become the gang rape capital of the world. Austrians are buying guns. Germans are burning down "refugee" relocation centers. The Poles and Hungarians have been awakened.
Listen to them.
Sat Mar 26, 2016 4:10 pm Reply with quote
Location: southern California
Sat Mar 26, 2016 4:33 pm Reply with quote
Tawiskaro wrote: marcoballistic wrote: Generalisation is lazy, stupid, ignorant and above all dangerous.
Mark, I am neither lazy nor stupid, but I am beginning to think Europeans are. You seem more concerned about American politics than you are about what is happening in your own back yard. Europe is being invaded by a medieval theopolitical cult. The long dreamed of conquest of the West by Islam may well be at hand. Are you not following the news out of Sweden, Austria, and Germany?
This invasion may well have been masterminded by the globalists mentioned upstream by Luiz. Your treasonous leaders--Merkel, for instance--have stabbed you in the back. But it doesn't matter who or what is the precipitating force. All you need to know is that when the Muslim population reaches a tipping point, non-Muslims fare poorly. I give you the continent of Africa as an example. From Somalia to Nigeria to Egypt, non-Muslims--including Christians in large numbers--are persecuted, enslaved, and murdered. And not by Mormon missionaries. By Muslims.
Does this mean all Muslims are evil, bloodthirsty turds? Of course not. During the Nazi era, most Germans didn't think it was moral to gas or otherwise exterminate Jews, but they turned their heads and acquiesced. They went along with the National Socialists out of fear, to be sure, but I think also out of loyalty to the Fatherland.
It has been estimated that twenty to thirty percent of the billion and half or so Muslims hate the West and the United States of America, in particular--Muslims who approve of and fervently believe in Jihad and martyrdom. Radicalized Muslims. Let's be conservative, if I may use a nasty word, and say it is only ten per cent. Card-carrying Nazi's in the 1930s represented about ten percent of the German population of some 80 millions. That's about eight million Nazis committed to one degree or another to the extermination of Jews, Gypsies, the disabled, etc. You can crack open a book and read the stats to see what sort of mischief the Nazis caused with relatively small numbers of fanatics. Now imagine militant Islam with ten or twenty times the number of true believers.
Sweden has become the gang rape capital of the world. Austrians are buying guns. Germans are burning down "refugee" relocation centers. The Poles and Hungarians have been awakened.
Listen to them.
I don't know what your sources are, but those bolded sentences above sound a lot like the incendiary drivel published on sites like Breitbart, infowars, Alex Jones and other right-wing extremist rags. Underneath it all is racist fear and hatred, rekindled since Obama became president. Some white folks in the South just can't deal with that and see Trump as their hero to restore old white glory and power.
Read their comments on these sites....and you'll know that racist hate is alive and well in the US!
Location: Geordieland, UK
Sat Mar 26, 2016 4:46 pm Reply with quote
anabe wrote: Tawiskaro wrote: marcoballistic wrote: Generalisation is lazy, stupid, ignorant and above all dangerous.
Mark, I am neither lazy nor stupid, but I am beginning to think Europeans are. You seem more concerned about American politics than you are about what is happening in your own back yard. Europe is being invaded by a medieval theopolitical cult. The long dreamed of conquest of the West by Islam may well be at hand. Are you not following the news out of Sweden, Austria, and Germany?
This invasion may well have been masterminded by the globalists mentioned upstream by Luiz. Your treasonous leaders--Merkel, for instance--have stabbed you in the back. But it doesn't matter who or what is the precipitating force. All you need to know is that when the Muslim population reaches a tipping point, non-Muslims fare poorly. I give you the continent of Africa as an example. From Somalia to Nigeria to Egypt, non-Muslims--including Christians in large numbers--are persecuted, enslaved, and murdered. And not by Mormon missionaries. By Muslims.
Does this mean all Muslims are evil, bloodthirsty turds? Of course not. During the Nazi era, most Germans didn't think it was moral to gas or otherwise exterminate Jews, but they turned their heads and acquiesced. They went along with the National Socialists out of fear, to be sure, but I think also out of loyalty to the Fatherland.
It has been estimated that twenty to thirty percent of the billion and half or so Muslims hate the West and the United States of America, in particular--Muslims who approve of and fervently believe in Jihad and martyrdom. Radicalized Muslims. Let's be conservative, if I may use a nasty word, and say it is only ten per cent. Card-carrying Nazi's in the 1930s represented about ten percent of the German population of some 80 millions. That's about eight million Nazis committed to one degree or another to the extermination of Jews, Gypsies, the disabled, etc. You can crack open a book and read the stats to see what sort of mischief the Nazis caused with relatively small numbers of fanatics. Now imagine militant Islam with ten or twenty times the number of true believers.
Sweden has become the gang rape capital of the world. Austrians are buying guns. Germans are burning down "refugee" relocation centers. The Poles and Hungarians have been awakened.
Listen to them.
I don't know what your sources are, but those bolded sentences above sound a lot like the incendiary drivel published on sites like Breitbart, infowars, Alex Jones and other right-wing extremist rags. Underneath it all is racist fear and hatred, rekindled since Obama became president. Some white folks in the South just can't deal with that and see Trump as their hero to restore old white glory and power.
Read their comments on these sites....and you'll know that racist hate is alive and well in the US!
Shhhhhh! They don't like facts.
Sat Mar 26, 2016 4:59 pm Reply with quote
BSmatic wrote: [youtube][/youtube]

Sat Mar 26, 2016 5:06 pm Reply with quote
Location: Independent Scotland
Sat Mar 26, 2016 5:16 pm Reply with quote
Location: Geordieland, UK
Sat Mar 26, 2016 7:49 pm Reply with quote
Tawiskaro wrote:
So Bad Muslim kills Good Muslim = All Muslims are bad.
How the fuck does that work?
That story alone proves that not all Muslims are bad.
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