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Location: Norway

Post Sat May 07, 2016 6:57 am   Reply with quote         

...reason to remove the number of views on each image in the contests?


Fuck Putin. ....and btw, fuck Trump as well.

Post Mon May 09, 2016 6:57 pm   Reply with quote         

... honestly do not know...
Unrelated - I must ask: is this video real?


Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder

Post Tue May 10, 2016 8:25 am   Reply with quote         

you should just have your individual views removed from your own entries.

Lord knows I check mine several times before the contest starts and then every time someone votes. Laughing

Only thing it was good for is to gauge how an entry is doing, ton of views and little votes probably means people don't like it.

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Location: Norway

Post Tue May 10, 2016 10:24 am   Reply with quote         

BSmatic wrote:
... honestly do not know...
Unrelated - I must ask: is this video real?

Yes BSmatic, this videoclip is from a norwegian TV-show like the TV-show that had the song: Bad Boys, bad Boys whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when I come for you....

Its real!

The only thing is that here in Norway we only have good Boys, not bad boys.... Laughing Very Happy
This clip you have found is more more funny when you understand norwegian. He got this dialect that is very funny, when he is drunk.

So BSmatic, you are welcome to Norway, cheers.Wink

Fuck Putin. ....and btw, fuck Trump as well.

Location: Norway

Post Tue May 10, 2016 10:49 am   Reply with quote         

Yeah Sean, like you say it, maybe the mods dont want that:

Only thing it was good for is to gauge how an entry is doing, ton of views and little votes probably means people don't like it.

Fuck Putin. ....and btw, fuck Trump as well.

Post Tue May 10, 2016 10:49 am   Reply with quote         

My God that is most polite police on the planet Surprised They don't even carry a weapon Shocked
I don't think you should let anyone else in
Here's the deal:
1.Get politically neutral.
2.Rest of the world should build the dome to cover whole Norway
3. When we all kill each others, remove the dome and repopulate the Earth
If you need some genuine savages for contrast we should cover North Sentinel Island too.


Location: Norway

Post Tue May 10, 2016 11:38 am   Reply with quote         

BSmatic wrote:
My God that is most polite police on the planet Surprised They don't even carry a weapon Shocked
I don't think you should let anyone else in
Here's the deal:
1.Get politically neutral.
2.Rest of the world should build the dome to cover whole Norway
3. When we all kill each others, remove the dome and repopulate the Earth
If you need some genuine savages for contrast we should cover North Sentinel Island too.

Hehe. I guess you live in the US somewhere.Smile
Ok, we had a happening back in 2011, the terrorist, and the policeforce were armed a few weeks after that happening.
Before that happening and after, they are not armed, at all.

If the police is armed the badguys will get armed as well. Thats our policy here in Norway.
You guys in the US got a bad history regarding weapons. Im really glad we dont have that history.
And Obama has really understood that US has a huge problem regarding weapons. But its hard for him to get through to most americans because you are grown up with weapons.

You have a lot of killing on schools etc. One reason is because you can buy a gun as easy as buying a bottle of milk. Thats scary!!
So you americans, listen to Obama, regarding weapons.


Fuck Putin. ....and btw, fuck Trump as well.

Post Tue May 10, 2016 12:00 pm   Reply with quote         

Oh no...I think you just started the avalanche. Sad Very itchy subject for US folks
I am from Eastern Europe. Every time child is born or someone gets married there is more gunshots than you guys probably have in decade Smile
I don't have a gun.


Location: Norway

Post Thu May 19, 2016 1:36 pm   Reply with quote         

BSmatic wrote:
Oh no...I think you just started the avalanche. Sad Very itchy subject for US folks
I am from Eastern Europe. Every time child is born or someone gets married there is more gunshots than you guys probably have in decade Smile
I don't have a gun.

What avalanche BSmatic?! Wink Shocked Laughing

Fuck Putin. ....and btw, fuck Trump as well.

Post Thu May 19, 2016 7:09 pm   Reply with quote         

ShootHerman wrote:
BSmatic wrote:
Oh no...I think you just started the avalanche. Sad Very itchy subject for US folks
I am from Eastern Europe. Every time child is born or someone gets married there is more gunshots than you guys probably have in decade Smile
I don't have a gun.

What avalanche BSmatic?! Wink Shocked Laughing

Shhhhhh Laughing


Location: New York

Post Thu May 19, 2016 9:58 pm   Reply with quote         

ShootHerman wrote:
...reason to remove the number of views on each image in the contests?


I n noticed that, too. Also, search doesn't work anymore.



Location: New York

Post Thu May 19, 2016 10:22 pm   Reply with quote         

BSmatic wrote:
If the police is armed the badguys will get armed as well. Thats our policy here in Norway.
You guys in the US got a bad history regarding weapons. Im really glad we dont have that history.
And Obama has really understood that US has a huge problem regarding weapons. But its hard for him to get through to most americans because you are grown up with weapons.

You have a lot of killing on schools etc. One reason is because you can buy a gun as easy as buying a bottle of milk. Thats scary!!
So you americans, listen to Obama, regarding weapons.


Spare me, Geir. You don't have bad guys in Norway. Once in a blue moon you get someone who stalks and kills 90 or so Norwegians, but you don't have anything like the population of criminal assholes we have in the U. S. Well, that is changing, as I am sure you know. Your EU masters are Hell bent on importing them.

That treasonous douche nozzle, Obama, wants to be a master. He and his ilk are exactly the reason our founders sought to protect the natural, or God-given right of self defense against criminals and tyrants by penning the Second Amendment. As long as citizens are armed, the government fears the citizens, and the citizens can take out the garbage. That is as it should be. It may be a difficult concept to grasp in a heretofore homogeneous nation, but you will soon understand if the current EU suicidal immigration policies proceed unchallenged. If that is the case, you will be sorry you don't have a gun--a gun for each able-bodied member of your family and social circle. I will happily send you one of mine. It's a .22 Marlin Papoose. Not much knock-down power, but you can take down a man with a better gun if you aim carefully. Yes, you will want to ambush him. That tactic worked for the French not so long ago.





Location: Montreal, Canada

Post Thu May 19, 2016 10:50 pm   Reply with quote         

Are you for real?

Tawiskaro wrote:
ShootHerman wrote:
If the police is armed the badguys will get armed as well. Thats our policy here in Norway.
You guys in the US got a bad history regarding weapons. Im really glad we dont have that history.
And Obama has really understood that US has a huge problem regarding weapons. But its hard for him to get through to most americans because you are grown up with weapons.

You have a lot of killing on schools etc. One reason is because you can buy a gun as easy as buying a bottle of milk. Thats scary!!
So you americans, listen to Obama, regarding weapons.


Spare me, Geir. You don't have bad guys in Norway. Once in a blue moon you get someone who stalks and kills 90 or so Norwegians, but you don't have anything like the population of criminal assholes we have in the U. S. Well, that is changing, as I am sure you know. Your EU masters are Hell bent on importing them.

That treasonous douche nozzle, Obama, wants to be a master. He and his ilk are exactly the reason our founders sought to protect the natural, or God-given right of self defense against criminals and tyrants by penning the Second Amendment. As long as citizens are armed, the government fears the citizens, and the citizens can take out the garbage. That is as it should be. It may be a difficult concept to grasp in a heretofore homogeneous nation, but you will soon understand if the current EU suicidal immigration policies proceed unchallenged. If that is the case, you will be sorry you don't have a gun--a gun for each able-bodied member of your family and social circle. I will happily send you one of mine. It's a .22 Marlin Papoose. Not much knock-down power, but you can take down a man with a better gun if you aim carefully. Yes, you will want to ambush him. That tactic worked for the French not so long ago.




Location: New York

Post Thu May 19, 2016 11:09 pm   Reply with quote         

Michel wrote:
Are you for real?

What is that green thing on your forehead?



Location: Norway

Post Tue May 24, 2016 4:24 pm   Reply with quote         

ShootHerman wrote:
BSmatic wrote:
If the police is armed the badguys will get armed as well. Thats our policy here in Norway.
You guys in the US got a bad history regarding weapons. Im really glad we dont have that history.
And Obama has really understood that US has a huge problem regarding weapons. But its hard for him to get through to most americans because you are grown up with weapons.

You have a lot of killing on schools etc. One reason is because you can buy a gun as easy as buying a bottle of milk. Thats scary!!
So you americans, listen to Obama, regarding weapons.


Spare me, Geir. You don't have bad guys in Norway. Once in a blue moon you get someone who stalks and kills 90 or so Norwegians, but you don't have anything like the population of criminal assholes we have in the U. S. Well, that is changing, as I am sure you know. Your EU masters are Hell bent on importing them.

That treasonous douche nozzle, Obama, wants to be a master. He and his ilk are exactly the reason our founders sought to protect the natural, or God-given right of self defense against criminals and tyrants by penning the Second Amendment. As long as citizens are armed, the government fears the citizens, and the citizens can take out the garbage. That is as it should be. It may be a difficult concept to grasp in a heretofore homogeneous nation, but you will soon understand if the current EU suicidal immigration policies proceed unchallenged. If that is the case, you will be sorry you don't have a gun--a gun for each able-bodied member of your family and social circle. I will happily send you one of mine. It's a .22 Marlin Papoose. Not much knock-down power, but you can take down a man with a better gun if you aim carefully. Yes, you will want to ambush him. That tactic worked for the French not so long ago.



TWK, we will never ever agree about what is right or wrong about guns.
Why? Because you got an opinion about this that is far from mine.
Far from mine. With your kind of thinking you make war, killing and other shit.


PS: of course we got bad guys in Norway. Bad guys are everywere....


Fuck Putin. ....and btw, fuck Trump as well.

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