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Location: Photoshop Nation
Fri Jul 28, 2017 9:06 am Reply with quote
Paul Von Stetina wrote: blackfox wrote: Paul Von Stetina wrote: it's been years, for some odd reason I decided to look in and see if this place is still happening...
hello to all the peeps, many years back my PC got hit by lightning, all systems fried, backup for all my art was locked up in a portable HD, 1000's of images, the other day I decided to look inside, it will not even pop up when I plug it in,  I was going to post a picture, imageshack wants $?  goodnight.
I have this thing called a hard drive. I've been adding to it for over 17 years. .. . it holds all of my PCS pics and a ton others. Putting your stuff online is kind 'a silly for storage. If you don't do something called "back up" of what you feel is important to disk, disc, tape, or floppy, that's on you. From floppies to zip drives to jazz to CD and DVD discs, it's all up to you. Heck, you can get a 64GB flash drive for less than $20, so if you lose your stuff . . . it's on you.
I go a step further. . . I back up to disk every month which I drop in a safe-deposit-box at the bank PLUS, I bought community/commercial satellite space. . so unless our planet is destroyed. . . I still have my PSC stuff from 2004!!!!
I did have everything backed up, and have a lot of stuff on discs and memory sticks, after the initial lightning strike,( I was out of the country when it happened), I checked the portable HD, it was OK because I had it disconnected, so after getting a new laptop, I never added those pics back, I just left it sitting, for years, I went off in another direction away from art, in attempting to build a free energy device, go ahead laugh, that's a whole nother story, so about a year ago I decided to look in the portable HD, it wouldn't open, but after a few tries, it opened, so I shut it down put it away again, recently I wanted to dump everything onto a much newer HD, when I plug it in, lights come on, but it does not show up on my laptop, Maxtor, the manufacturer says, "send it to us, for a fee, we'll try", I'm not ready to chance that, I have years of work in there, my nephew, is really good with this stuff, said he would give it a shot, so hopefully I'll have good news soon 
i'm not laughing, that's pretty interesting. Got any results?
Paul Von Stetina
Location: Deep Shit
Fri Jul 28, 2017 4:50 pm Reply with quote
It's a long story that goes back to @ 2005, there are 2 forces of nature here amongst many others, but these 2, gravity and buoyancy specifically were on my mind back then, as a craftsman that can build most anything with my hands, I said to myself, this is a no brainer, one force always forces down, the other up, that's when the sleepless nights of trying to figure this out began, first I did research on the web, because I knew there was no way in hell I was the first to think about this, looked at more than a few ideas from the 1800's. up until now, none of them worked, or we would have it today, the main thing I've learned from this journey is that it can work, my biggest fear was that someone else would beat me to the punch, because it was so obvious to me.
Here's an idea I found on the web, not in English, but pretty close to what I was working on, but not exactly, I have 3-4 prototypes I made, all different, it's easy to make one work, but it's not easy to make one do work,  I could continue for days...
these are the guys that beat me to the punch, enabling me to sleep again.
Rosch innovations, I actually want to thank them, I have 1000's of hours, spent $ I didn't have, I'm just happy someone did it, even if it wasn't me.
Location: Photoshop Nation
Sat Jul 29, 2017 9:29 am Reply with quote
Paul Von Stetina wrote: It's a long story that goes back to @ 2005, there are 2 forces of nature here amongst many others, but these 2, gravity and buoyancy specifically were on my mind back then, as a craftsman that can build most anything with my hands, I said to myself, this is a no brainer, one force always forces down, the other up, that's when the sleepless nights of trying to figure this out began, first I did research on the web, because I knew there was no way in hell I was the first to think about this, looked at more than a few ideas from the 1800's. up until now, none of them worked, or we would have it today, the main thing I've learned from this journey is that it can work, my biggest fear was that someone else would beat me to the punch, because it was so obvious to me.
Here's an idea I found on the web, not in English, but pretty close to what I was working on, but not exactly, I have 3-4 prototypes I made, all different, it's easy to make one work, but it's not easy to make one do work,  I could continue for days...
these are the guys that beat me to the punch, enabling me to sleep again.
Rosch innovations, I actually want to thank them, I have 1000's of hours, spent $ I didn't have, I'm just happy someone did it, even if it wasn't me.
do you think big oil and gas would allow this? it would mean freedom. I hope to see that day in my lifetime.
Paul Von Stetina
Location: Deep Shit
Sat Jul 29, 2017 4:26 pm Reply with quote
They are allowing it now, Rosch has units for sale, I wouldn't call this a disruptive technology, yet, if ever, it depends on whether it's embraced or not. However, the oil industry in the past, had already waged a propaganda war against it, have you ever heard of Rube Goldberg? I'll find something and post it later.
The reason I shelved this thing for now is because my expectations were a bit high, it's not easy to see how something works until you build it, my plan was this, if this device needs air to fuel the buoyancy aspect of it, then as it runs it needs to produce enough air to at least run itself, because of space and cost, the water tank I built was 8' deep, trust me, that's a lot of water pressure, I always wanted to use a tube, but I started with a box, it was built out of wood and fiberglassed, the deeper this thing can go, the more float pressure you have forcing in an upward motion, the same is true on the gravity side forcing downward, I was always worried that 8' was too shallow, I was correct in that assumption unfortunately.
another big problem is the air pumps that we have available today, they are not that efficient, I tried to add another to increase the air flow, but that meant more pressure was needed to make it turn, it had to be deeper, after that, I assisted this with air from an outside source, then it started turning, it was a beautiful sight, but as far as I was concerned, I had failed this round, shortly after, Rosch unveiled their baby.
it's been about 2-3 years since their rollout, the major difference between my device and theirs, they have it powered from an outside source, an air compressor, then as it runs, it produces electricity instead of air, my goal was to make this run on its own without any outside input, to put any naysayers to rest.
Mon Jul 31, 2017 2:34 pm Reply with quote
I enjoy watching perpetual motion project on YT, but same as a fail army clips. It's a dangerous place to be if you're naive enough that you actually believe you can make it. Feel free to try but, for a love of glob, don't scale things up and waste your money 
Tue Aug 01, 2017 1:23 pm Reply with quote
Stanley Meyer got too close...they murdered him.
Tue Aug 01, 2017 1:27 pm Reply with quote
Coincidently British Gas has just announced a 12.5% price increase.
Location: Hotel California
Tue Aug 01, 2017 11:20 pm Reply with quote
Swanson's Law, like Moore's Law with integrated circuits, means these solar panels are going to get much cheaper year by year.
Paul Von Stetina
Location: Deep Shit
Fri Aug 04, 2017 12:54 am Reply with quote
Unfortunately Stanley Meyer's death was a major setback, for those that don't know who he was, I would suggest going through these.
Paul Pantone made a pretty cool device that is fairly easy to duplicate, I have one in my shop that I built years ago, I'm sure I could dust it off and fire it up, this technology tells me big oil and car manufacturers could do better, a LOT better, these engines run on the "smell" of gas, vapors are so much more efficient than squirting raw gas into an engine, the exhaust is cool, and the engine runs almost cold.
What I don't agree with in his claims, is that you can run it on soda pop, you can add soda pop to the fuel mixture, but its only benefit is allowing the fuel to bubble, and thus producing fumes, or vapors of the actual fuel.
This is the new shit, everyting gonna be alright..
Location: Almuñecar.
Sun Aug 06, 2017 5:51 pm Reply with quote
BSmatic wrote:  love that cat and bread gif! yes cool gif 
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