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Location: Almuñecar.

Post Wed Mar 18, 2020 5:25 am   Reply with quote         

blackstar wrote:
oh uhh uh...ummm uhhh.....0_0 uh...*faints*


Location: Norway

Post Tue Mar 24, 2020 4:07 pm   Reply with quote         

Luxwiz wrote:

Just wanted to announce that after 14 years of fairly regular participation in the comps here at PSC I have reached a milestone... my 500th win.All I know about PS I learnt here at this wonderful place.I had always had an interest in photography and dabbled in illustration and oil painting so when I discovered the art of photomanipulation it naturally captured my attention.While searching the web for photoshop sites I came across PSC and was amazed at the talented members here.The technical expertise,creativity and humor in the daily comps here got to me so I registered here in 2004 mainly to watch the daily comps and entertain myself.It wasn't until 2 years later that I finally found time and made an effort to actually try to learn photoshop in order to join in and enter some of the comps.That was a magical time here,the members were like a family and there was such a great feeling of belonging to something special.Even if you didn't have a clue of what you were doing there was always some talented member that was willing to give a helping hand,giving advice,correcting your flaws and teaching you techniques with which to improve your work.Photoshop was not easy at the beginning so I decided I would stay non advantage until I was good enough to compete half decent.Well one day I was so surprised when I signed in and lo and behold the advantage calendar came up before my eyes, some wonderful member that I barely knew actually gave me the gift of a years advantage membership.Well more reason to get down to business and learn how to chop properly.It took me 2 years and 150 entries before my first win,so nothing came easy.The competition back then was top notch and 40,50 and 60 entries in a contest was common place.So a win for someone like me was a real buzz and will never forget my very first one... Well many years have gone by and over 1600 entries later I am still learning and still entering in the daily comps.Many changes have taken place here since then,the daily comps often have very few entries nowadays although I've notice a small increase in new member participation recently...but hey PSC is still alive and I would just like to take a moment to thank the various owners that through thick and thin have continued to believe in maintaining the site on line and to the special spirit which has made possible the many good times and all the wonderful people that throughout the years have come together here... so THANK-YOU PSC Very Happy

Congrats Luis. Impressive. I think can give you many thx (read: livelong advantage membership) for your activity, here at Ithink you are one of the few reasons why still exists.

Then again, how can you keep on chopping like this (...or at least did) the last few years? Im impressed and a little bit "chocked", do you really have a life "outside" Smile


Fuck Putin. ....and btw, fuck Trump as well.

Location: Almuñecar.

Post Wed Mar 25, 2020 9:57 am   Reply with quote         

thanks Geir and you are one good chopper and much respect for keeping the ol skool values of sportsmanship and fairness going here.Although we've had our little healthy spats, always enjoy when you join in the comps.Lately I have been feeling a bit unispired with all this virus drama but I'm sure things will get better again soon.I've been advantage here since my good friend Mindgraph gave me a year's advantage gift membership long ago and dont mind paying my yearly fee as I think it is apart from participating the least I can do to support this site that has given so much personal satisfaction.As for my choppin,well I was able to chop a lot from work since I had a small second hand shop with a desk and pc handy for when I had spare moments...a few hours a day were always available to chop.I retired last June so now I have more on my hands.As for a life outside PSC I do have others important things I do like administer a small fruit plantation of mangos and avocados we have at our country property here.As well I have been playing music with a friend at a local restaurant on saturday nights for 4 or 5 years now as well as join in often at open mike music sessions at some local pubs...and I do have my wife and daughter to spend time with and a normal social life to attend to,so I do keep back to the bunker Mr. Green Laughing

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