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Yes, one PSC member has proven to be "a bit of an ass" but regardless here's the poll |
YES, I'd kill to grab a WIN using a really cool image created by a computer! |
0% |
[ 0 ] |
I'd consider this as long as it's included as an external source by the author. |
48% |
[ 12 ] |
Hell NO! Go crawl back into your hole, troublemaker! harrumph |
52% |
[ 13 ] |
Total Votes: 25
Location: france
Thu May 25, 2023 6:04 pm Reply with quote
It is a good idea to raise this concern as Photoshop now bears AI functions that are true photoshop and therefore should be used in order to produce PSC entries. Except it's far from doing the whole job itself...but hmmm it's already pretty awesome as it makes some impossible things possible.
So it's not like you click on a plugin's button , get a fancy effect , save and implies some work but look
Photoshop now bears that, so it's how photoshop itself has evolved and therefore psc users will get to know that tool, and to recognise it within an entry , and to judge honestly and knowingly
That stuff is very welcome I have tried it and it does pretty awesome things. Seriously welcome AI within Photoshop natively like I do because it will make things better for all, even here at psc.
Location: Colorado
Thu May 25, 2023 9:40 pm Reply with quote
ledirlo: At least for those that can afford it?
Location: france
Fri May 26, 2023 4:21 am Reply with quote
[quote="MsgtBob"]ledirlo: At least for those that can afford it?[/quote]
yeah but when you photoshop for work or run a business you must subscribe monthly and and have the genuine version so I'm there
Location: france
Tue May 30, 2023 8:17 am Reply with quote
anyway it look like all of today's images were created using AI...or I'm wrong...
Location: Colorado
Tue May 30, 2023 10:24 am Reply with quote
ledirlo wrote: anyway it look like all of today's images were created using AI...or I'm wrong...
You're wrong. 
Location: france
Tue May 30, 2023 12:25 pm Reply with quote
[quote="MsgtBob"][quote="ledirlo"]anyway it look like all of today's images were created using AI...or I'm wrong...[/quote]
You're wrong. :)[/quote]
mine was using Photoshop only and it's AI
good....most of them I recognise
Mon Jun 05, 2023 3:08 am Reply with quote
Personally I feel any external with a bit of the source "stuck in", whether AI or otherwise isn't great chopping. I've never knowly used any AI I'm more than happy to list my sources, I just often don't get the to do so.
As Bob said, not all us can afford PS, I use photofiltre 7 which is pretty basic by comparison, but I'm usually happy with my results, it just takes a lot longer to do what PS can do relatively quickly. I've tried other freeware and it's just too steep a learning curve for me to persist with (As I suspect PS would be if I ever tried it)
I'm also a little confused by what the poll answers actually mean 
Location: france
Mon Jun 05, 2023 4:28 am Reply with quote
people who can draw can use many other apps than ps, I can't draw though :p
some people just paint stuff on photos and it looks real
I was reticent but AI is a dream that has come true to anyone who wants to make awesome images of anything, paintings, photos, photo-montage, etc
it allows you to produce your own sources without paying, and very often to make complete amazing images. try google search "Bing image creation" it is 100% free, and "midjourney" (paid).have fun ;)
Location: PA USA
Mon Jun 12, 2023 5:12 pm Reply with quote
Nobody should complain on the price of PS, Gimp is identical to it and it's FREE. Now the learning curve, that's another story. But if you start NOW, you can be good at it in 6-12 months. 
Tue Jul 18, 2023 4:15 pm Reply with quote
I absolutely love the new AI tools that have been developing these past few years. However, I think that they'd go against the spirit of this website. I suppose I wouldn't care if people generated their own images to then hack apart and use as composited sources, but I don't like the idea of generating an entire image and then shoehorning the source into it.
The former wouldn't be notably different than using any other outside source images, and one could argue it's even better since the images had to be thought of, thoughtfully prompted and then generated over and over until they get what they imagined.
As always, AI continues to be a gray area and I can see the points of those who are for or against it.
At the minimum, it should be a rule that they have to note that they used outside sources, but I'd say that for any outside source, not just AI.
_________________ "Recently, NASA scientists discovered that most people love to play video games but hate to die in fiery airplane crashes."
Location: Land of the Free
Tue Jul 18, 2023 10:16 pm Reply with quote
mason4300 wrote: I absolutely love the new AI tools that have been developing these past few years. However, I think that they'd go against the spirit of this website. I suppose I wouldn't care if people generated their own images to then hack apart and use as composited sources, but I don't like the idea of generating an entire image and then shoehorning the source into it.
The former wouldn't be notably different than using any other outside source images, and one could argue it's even better since the images had to be thought of, thoughtfully prompted and then generated over and over until they get what they imagined.
As always, AI continues to be a gray area and I can see the points of those who are for or against it.
At the minimum, it should be a rule that they have to note that they used outside sources, but I'd say that for any outside source, not just AI.
Welcome Back, Mason! You create super images! Let's talk Website Spirit. What's it been, 14 yrs. since your last entry? If voters and contest participants are any indication of "Site Spirit", this your last contest (2009) garnered 54 entries, 899 voters and 61 comments. Today's (2023) and a typical contest of these days, took in 5 entries, 19 votes, 5 comments. At this rate of decline In your estimation how much longer will the PSC "Spirit" remain more than a vapor of the past?
Mason... Old Yeller's time is at hand. PS's "Generative Fill" (AI) has the potential to evolutionally transform PSC into an alive productive energy, or it could indeed be PSC's final coffin nail. Do nothing and well... I'm certain PSC will suffer the same fate as Old Yeller. So in closing I urge everyone to by any means post images, vote, comment, be active in the forum, use the chat, and submit source material. It's time for action, not excuses! Please Chop, and vote for an image's merit and personal appeal.
"Generative Fill" is incorporated into Adobe's Photoshop. It's here guys! What am I supposed to do, stand on principle and not submit to (AI) even though it sits upon my desktop? Shoot... guess I'll stop obeying those pesky traffic lights as well. How dare they tell me when to Stop! *sarcasm*
By the way, I voted "Hell No" on this threads poll but have since change my mind. And I for one am not afraid of being fooled by AI. Not here, not on this playground. 
Location: Colorado
Wed Jul 19, 2023 12:43 am Reply with quote
Hey SplatShot, is that bird dog in Gummy's backyard (doesn't look like metal though)... 
Location: Land of the Free
Wed Jul 19, 2023 12:24 pm Reply with quote
MsgtBob wrote: Hey SplatShot, is that bird dog in Gummy's backyard (doesn't look like metal though)... 
The Dirds are in my backyard, Bob. And they lay real eggs everyday. But you are correct. Gummy's eggs have a metallic taste to them. Upside... the shelf life is fantastic! 
Location: The middle of Floor-Duh
Thu Jul 20, 2023 6:35 am Reply with quote
For those that don't know what Bob and Splats are talking about my back yard is full of welded metal art that I make.
I post them at deviantart (dot com) /agummybear/gallery/65680597/welded-metal-art
(the site here won't let me post a true link to it but y'all know how to find it, or Bob can post the link, it will let him.)
As for the A.I. thingy, I use PS6, so none of my stuff is AI.
I know that with it being part of PS now it's just another tool, but I feel that it takes all the sport out of Snipe Hunting. javascript:emoticon('  ')
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