Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Brain Storm - So... this forum sure is dieing, huh... - Reply to topic
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What's killing the forum most? |
New site forum-navigation system |
61% |
[ 19 ] |
Too many "make nice" moderators |
19% |
[ 6 ] |
Everything that needed to be said has been said |
3% |
[ 1 ] |
Other (see my comment below) |
9% |
[ 3 ] |
No problem. It's going just fine |
6% |
[ 2 ] |
Total Votes: 31
Location: Back down-under Site Sponge: YES!
Thu Jan 27, 2005 7:32 am Reply with quote
Much less people starting threads, much less people responding... I'm not just imagining it, am I? And with the dramatic increase in contest participation, you'd expect that participation to flow through to all parts of the site.
...So what's killing the forum most? Maybe something can be done.
Location: French Canada
Thu Jan 27, 2005 8:14 am Reply with quote
Maybe....and that's just an assumption....maybe they're just too busy voting? 
Location: On Deck, South by Southeast
Thu Jan 27, 2005 9:09 am Reply with quote
. . . . . and chopping?
_________________ YerPalAl
I'm highly motivated to be un-ambitious today.
Location: Back down-under Site Sponge: YES!
Thu Jan 27, 2005 9:29 am Reply with quote
erm... well that's always been the case.
I can understand how voting takes much longer now with so many entries, so yeah, that could be impacting.
Location: On Deck, South by Southeast
Thu Jan 27, 2005 9:46 am Reply with quote
And so many more votes too. With 25 I find myself being a bit more liberal and voting for chops that I would have passed on before. It does take more time these days.
And then there ARE those damned nicey-nice mods, we need to kick their butts . . . . .
_________________ YerPalAl
I'm highly motivated to be un-ambitious today.
Site Moderator
Location: North Carolina
Thu Jan 27, 2005 11:01 am Reply with quote
I'd tend to agree with this. The old forum was even more active with less active members. I'm sure it's probably a lot of factors or probably some kind of cosmic algnment problem. Some scientific mathematican can come along and figure it out for us. 
Location: A little town on the edge of Sanity
Thu Jan 27, 2005 11:30 am Reply with quote
geezus fugue, Im locking this thread NOW! Im kidding...KIDDING!!
Its not your imagination. things have really dropped off.
Im leaning towards the new layout and not so much the "make nice mods". there is a slight chance I might be biased however...
How many people have actually been asked to make nice I wonder? There have been a couple that Ive asked to tone it down a bit and to not purposely provoke. If I misunderstood the situation, then thats my fault and I'll try to be more observant.
I dont think its the added voting time either. as you said, it would seem with more users there would be more threads and comments.
Im pretty interested, as Im sure JMH will be, in the results of this poll. Im hoping more people will take one last look and add their input.
There is a bit of good H2H is coming...I'll start a thread today with some vague details that will surely prompt a flurry of comments
keep up the good work fugue.
Location: California Choppin'
Thu Jan 27, 2005 11:38 am Reply with quote
As a newcomer, I noticed that there's a lot of interaction that goes on in the contests themselves, with the comments and votes. I assumed that was the reason these boards are quiet, compared to other forums.
I also think having moderators who step in when people are rude is a positive thing, not a negative one. I don't think the mods here are particularly saccharine. Al, for one, seems very fair.
Cards on the table--there are a couple of posters here who are full-on rude. I'd post a lot more if I hadn't gotten sniped at so many times.
Site Moderator
Location: North Carolina
Thu Jan 27, 2005 12:19 pm Reply with quote
There is a bit of good H2H is coming...I'll start a thread today with some vague details that will surely prompt a flurry of comments
Location: London, UK
Thu Jan 27, 2005 12:52 pm Reply with quote
Showcase wrote: Its not your imagination. things have really dropped off.
Im leaning towards the new layout and not so much the "make nice mods". ...
I dont think its the added voting time either. as you said, it would seem with more users there would be more threads and comments.
I totally agree with showcase. (Pause for show to express amazement.  )
The drying up of the forum can't be down to more time spent voting, considering we have many more members around. It seems more like a combination of lack of interest in the forum (we hardly have ANY interesting new threads about contests, games, PSing pics for fun,, etc these days) and the more awkward forum layout. (I hate to say I told you so, but... etc etc  )
Also, some of the "older" PSCers who used to keep the topics alive and create interesting (or even just plain silly) threads haven't been around on the forum as frequently lately. Speaking personally, I know I only check the front page for the most recently updated threads and add to those if I feel like it, so I'm not viewing as much of the forum each time I visit as I used to.
_________________ "The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection." - Michelangelo
Location: minneapolis
Thu Jan 27, 2005 2:05 pm Reply with quote
its not as fun anymore cause no one gets into arguments and stuff like that. the board is full of apologies now... WTF??? never heard of something so freakin stupid. send a goddamn email or pm, dont start a thread. that lovey-dovey bullshit has to go. anyway, when people do argue they do they get told to go sit in a corner. i think everyone, users and mods, need to lighten up a little. let em have a few words... a little bickering always stirs up the pot.
or else showcase just deletes everything he finds unflattering about himself
but thats just my opinion 
_________________ L@rue 05/24 @ 09:02 pm
I like Pete he is a good American citizen
L@rue 05/18 @ 10:32 pm
Usa rules porn movie and music and cloths sex mode all around the world
ScionShade 09/24 @ 9:05PM
.............and Pete's the normal one. Go figure.
Thu Jan 27, 2005 5:44 pm Reply with quote
Three reasons...
1. No more Kitty.
2. No more Reinman.
3. The forum catagories.
(PSC should keep the PHPBB style forum, but use the catagory listings from the old site).
Thu Jan 27, 2005 6:26 pm Reply with quote
I just use the site to watch good chops.
and say bad things about balding people.
and stuff.
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Thu Jan 27, 2005 8:04 pm Reply with quote
I actually started typing a very long
response to this- early today, but
had to go to work.
Now I come home and someone has made a snide remark concerning myself
and I no longer feel like joining this discussion,
I'm afraid she'll just come back up behind me again with
another insulting remark as she's done since her first day here.
Boohoo, woe is me.
*edit* if ya want honest opinions show? If I or anyone else goes
posting stuff to insult another person, harrasses another person,
puts up stuff that alienates people for their race. religion and especially
country of origin- then let them deal with the responses they get- ON
THE OTHER HAND!!! If the moderation was "UPPED" because the
craziness in forums was seen as scaring people
away from the site- then by all
means- keep doing it.
I am assuming that in this thread i can say these things without getting sent to the corner?If not- go ahead and delete, by all means, I won't cry.
Location: currently Taipei
Thu Jan 27, 2005 9:46 pm Reply with quote
Well now. I can't agree more with this thread. I used to have a great time here at the forums, and after the change, I really tried my best to participate, but so many threads were just ignored or got just 1 or 2 replies. I finally gave up, and I think a lot of other people have too.
I seriously think it needs to be simplified in some way, and should go back to having a similar look and feel to what it used to be. By that, I mean just the main forum page.
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