Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Brain Storm - So... this forum sure is dieing, huh... - Reply to topic
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What's killing the forum most? |
New site forum-navigation system |
61% |
[ 19 ] |
Too many "make nice" moderators |
19% |
[ 6 ] |
Everything that needed to be said has been said |
3% |
[ 1 ] |
Other (see my comment below) |
9% |
[ 3 ] |
No problem. It's going just fine |
6% |
[ 2 ] |
Total Votes: 31
Location: A little town on the edge of Sanity
Thu Jan 27, 2005 10:17 pm Reply with quote
scion, yer a freak. stop being so confrontational. Dont take things so personal. its text in a forum where people discuss shit. dont make everything a fight.
Quote: *edit* if ya want honest opinions show? If I or anyone else goes
posting stuff to insult another person, harrasses another person,
puts up stuff that alienates people for their race. religion and especially
country of origin- then let them deal with the responses they get- ON
THE OTHER HAND!!! If the moderation was "UPPED" because the
craziness in forums was seen as scaring people
away from the site- then by all
means- keep doing it.
so, Im gonna open up a lounge where people can come have a drink and talk, argue, disagree and also have fun and play games... but every once in awhile, people just turn around and punch the person sitting next to them in the kidneys for saying something they didnt agree with. Do you think my lounge would stay open long? sure a few hearty folks might stick around but most will find somewhere else to play.
arguments are fine but you sound like an arrogant high school kid sometimes when you take the defensive so god damn much. cant you have an opinion or someone else have an opinion without you acting like its a direct attack to you personally? SHEESH.
Im not going to delete your comment cuz I think your comments make you look like a jackass and thats good enough for me.
on another note, start a thread (with a comment that makes you appear to be a reasonable adult mind you) asking if people would rather see the forums a free for all or something a little more friendly, forced or otherwise. see what the response is.
Site Moderator
Location: North Carolina
Thu Jan 27, 2005 10:31 pm Reply with quote
Chopper wrote:
(PSC should keep the PHPBB style forum, but use the catagory listings from the old site).
I'd have to agree here. If you are gonna change back to the original caterogry listings, it woudln't hurt to still keep some of the really cool functionality from phpbb that we didn't have before.
Now back to the arguing 
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Thu Jan 27, 2005 10:43 pm Reply with quote
show, yer a freak. stop being so confrontational. Dont take things so personal. its text in a forum where people discuss shit. dont make everything a fight.
HA! See?
Exactly- I said if you don't like it, delete it- it's what You've been doing anyway- and I haven't complained about it.
Why is my saying to do what you please considered confrontational?
Are you making a point or just high?
If yer maknig a point- good one-- if yer actually batty in the head- well , you asked
now let's make an example here show
you said and quote-
".arguments are fine but you sound like an arrogant high school kid sometimes when you take the defensive so god damn much. cant you have an opinion or someone else have an opinion without you acting like its a direct attack to you personally? SHEESH.
Im not going to delete your comment cuz I think your comments make you look like a jackass and thats good enough for me. "
Are these not at the same level of personal attacks
that you have threatened to ban
people from this site for?
and feel free to share with everyone that you got angry because someone else
PM'ed you complaining about my remarks in this thread-
which were done tongue in cheek, but seems you and at least one
other person are taking things a bit too seriously.
PS, I am not angry - I am DISCUSSING
Location: A little town on the edge of Sanity
Thu Jan 27, 2005 11:00 pm Reply with quote
HA! I knew youd say that....just get over pain brother...move into the light...
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Thu Jan 27, 2005 11:06 pm Reply with quote
well, you seem to forget that I was all for any attempt to tone things down a bit--
but it didn't tone down at all- it may have slowed down , but that basic little bit of
human meanness never went away-- it was just wearing different clothing.
don't forget that <B>I</B> said that if things are gonna be a little stricter then i am fine with that--
but where's the LIne ??? I don't think anyone has a clue where the "LINE not to cross" is.
Location: Saskatoon
Thu Jan 27, 2005 11:24 pm Reply with quote
You have to stay on the leading edge of this technology if you dont your done
This is a very rapidly growing tech
Alot of average " Joes" have digital cameras now and the software that goes with it
Software is another issue that will have a serious influence on this site
I love this place
keep it growing 
Location: Back down-under Site Sponge: YES!
Fri Jan 28, 2005 1:43 am Reply with quote
You're right Stu, it is "dying". The forum's a lot bluer than it used to be. I blame the fluoride in the water. "Dieing" is acceptable in some dictionaries. I thought something looked wrong with it though, but dying seemed to indicate the use of dye. My bad.
Lexi, I agree that we shouldn't go back to low-tech, but now there is an extra layer to pass through in the forum navigation hierarchy. Maybe it can be simplified?
I thought the forum would pick up as people got used to it... but it seems to be getting worse.
Location: currently Taipei
Fri Jan 28, 2005 2:46 am Reply with quote
Actually I seem to remember starting a thread about this awhile back, but it seems to have disappeared (!). This leads me to three possible conclusions...
1. It got pulled (unlikely)
2. I just can't find it (proof that the new forum is too complex)
3. "Steve" the hacker got it (probable).
Fugue's last comment was the first update in the whole forum for several hours, BTW. I think that's very sad indeed.
Location: currently Taipei
Fri Jan 28, 2005 5:38 am Reply with quote
Still not a single other post in the whole forum almost 3 hours later... 
Location: Groningen - The Netherlands
Fri Jan 28, 2005 6:20 am Reply with quote
Why this forum is dying ? ? ?
Take a look at the memberlist and check out the "multi-posters". It's a relatively
small group of people, and if you subtract the people participating in fun and games
it gets even smaller. This small group is very well acquainted, and tends to ignore
reactions from people from the outside.
Sometimes a thread gets started and as soon as one of the "multi-posters" steps in it
can change into a "m-p" discussion that has nothing to do with the original topic.
I think that a lot of the in-crowd conversations scare people of.
So my advice to the "non-posters", raise your voice and don't be afraid to give your
Well, I am not that eloquent as some of you are but I hope you get my point.
_________________ Tell me and I will forget, show me and I may remember,
involve me and I will understand.
Location: Photoshop Nation
Fri Jan 28, 2005 6:26 am Reply with quote
Showcase wrote:
There is a bit of good H2H is coming...I'll start a thread today with some vague details that will surely prompt a flurry of comments
only this shoulod have made the forum or this thread more lively, i say YAY!!!!! can't wait.
Location: Photoshop Nation
Fri Jan 28, 2005 6:39 am Reply with quote
polishmafia wrote: its not as fun anymore cause no one gets into arguments and stuff like that. the board is full of apologies now... WTF??? never heard of something so freakin stupid. send a goddamn email or pm, dont start a thread. that lovey-dovey bullshit has to go. anyway, when people do argue they do they get told to go sit in a corner. i think everyone, users and mods, need to lighten up a little. let em have a few words... a little bickering always stirs up the pot.
or else showcase just deletes everything he finds unflattering about himself
but thats just my opinion 
btw i totally agree wit PMF
Location: A little town on the edge of Sanity
Fri Jan 28, 2005 10:02 am Reply with quote
Scion, Im sorry. When you act like a whiny kid, I will take the role as grownup and deliver punishment as seen fit. sometimes, it might include some harsh words. If you take a nap and feel better, I will let you go out and play later, OK?
Comments are deleted when multiple people complain.
Your paranoia strikes again as I didnt receive any pm's prior to my first comment.
Its a fact that I perceive many of your comments as picking a fight.
There is no defined line to cross. Use common sense and decency and things will be fine.
Ive not threatened bannings, maybe a cool down period and only after multiple complaints and a couple requests from me..
regarding others like PMF and Supak...
I dont think everything has to be fighting like a bunch of teenagers to have a lively, intelligent, fun discussion. I believe most users feel this way.
If you feel you HAVE to have it this way, start a fight thread and get it on. Dont blast other people who are trying to have a reasonable discussion.
finally, I dont want it to be "Stricter" just would like some people to act more grown up.
carry on now with your bad self Scion and find someway to twist this into some attack on you personally. I'll be waiting.
Location: Back down-under Site Sponge: YES!
Fri Jan 28, 2005 10:18 am Reply with quote
Quote: So my advice to the "non-posters", raise your voice and don't be afraid to give your opinion.
Good advice, Siem, and you give those multi-posters hell, whoever they are! 
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