Hi all,
Yes, I’m new here. No, I’m not someone’s alias. I realize there is a “Welcome Center” but I have something to post besides ‘Hi all’ or should that be ‘Hi All’?javascript:emoticon('

I’ve been visiting PSC for a couple/few months now, admiring the great works and imaginations of the members here, and wanting to join in myself. Finding the time to chop is the issue. I’d say I’m an intermediate beginner. I found this site while searching for PhotoShop toots.
I hope to shed a little light, a non-members perspective, on the dying/dieing (whatever) forums. I suppose that after I post this I will loose this perspective, so cherish it while it lasts.javascript:emoticon('

I’ve always enjoyed the posts I’ve seen here. Often the members are very inspirational, helpful, encouraging and critical of each other. Other times (or at the same time) they are fun, satirical, and mean… in the good friendly kinda way. I think this is all excellent.
After reading through a lot of the PSC forums one thing that I notice quite often is how the original topics are lost amongst the bickering that precedes the few posts or pages. I think that this could be a factor. What new member is going to post a message amidst a fight? It’s not a good sign when I had to recheck what the thread was about because I had forgotten after reading ongoing fighting.
*mother mode – ON*
In some cases the bickering is amusing but it distracts from the thread, everyone can see that. In nearly every case the two individuals (or more) that personally ‘get in to it’ are both wrong. Sure someone started it but it takes two. If you have been involved in a personal, hurtful, mean, name calling, whatever dialog with another member you are just as guilty as the other party. You both end up looking like little children who can’t play nice together.
If anyone decides to start with me just remember… my dad can beat up your dad!
*mother mode – OFF*
At this point I do need to point out that I think disagreement, conflict and
mass debates are necessary, fun and at times enlightening. I’m not advocating the “make nice” policy.
I can’t speak so much for the forum layout/nav system because I don’t really follow the threads that closely, I just sit down for an hour or two once in a while and browse through everything. Personally I don't see a big deal in browsing to the forums instead of following a link from the main page, but again, I have very little experience with following a thread daily.
So, what I think this particular factor (how ever big it is) in the forum issue is is a few members with grudges between each other polluting the forums with their own
selfish banter about why they are better than someone else. Or more so, why that someone else is not a good as them.
In my opinion, the basement is a good idea, if you can’t allow a free-for-all then moderate these forums as well but maybe allow a bit more than the other forums do.
If an off topic or just plain sinister argument arises, let the two parties… no, FORCE the two parties involved to continue in the basement. I’d bet that a lot of the time they wouldn’t even bother to continue their fight in the basement because it’d be a waste of their time… oh, but it’s not a waste of the forum readers time eh?!?
I know that I’d visit the basement to watch a few fights, when I had the time to kill.
Please know that I realize that I am generalizing and that this may only be a small factor in “The Great Dying” and I don’t mean to preach or condemn. Let me know if I’m out of line in saying all this. I think the vote speaks for it’s self.
One thing I have notice off hand is the active forums are listed off screen on the bottom of the main page, new members & guests may be missing it.
For what it’s worth the forums that I have ‘frequented’ to this point are Contests and Entries, Fun and Games, General Discussions and recently Brain Storm. I’ve never used the “Active Photoshop Contest Forum Topics” links on the main page, just the one on top.
Anyway, I’m open for ‘Free Shots’ now so if you don’t like me already, need to vent or just want to have some fun I have added some places you may wish to start (just make sure you start a new thread so as to not clutter up this one javascript:emoticon('

Wink ):
- For you Mac users… I’m a Windows user, I do not own a Mac.
- For the PC people…. I have nothing against Macs.
- I think a swastika has it’s appropriate times, places and contexts in art, unfortunately I missed the entry that caused all that commotion before it was removed.
- I over punctuate…. ‘sometimes’
- Chevy over Ford ANY day!!
- Pepsi over Coke
That’s my 2638 cents worth. But then I’m only a noob.