Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Brain Storm - 25 votes, downfall of quality!? - Reply to topic
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Location: North Carolina
Fri Feb 11, 2005 10:47 pm Reply with quote
Fugue wrote: These things are cyclical. It's the circle of life, young Simba.
Every so often, people complain that the quality has gone straight to hell.
The number of votes hasn't affected quality, it's just affected the number of votes. It's just inflation! Quality remains the same, it just galls many of you who remember what a gallon of milk used to cost. It does mess up the stats history, though, and those who used to vote almost indiscriminantly can now vote even more indiscriminantly than ever (and that shouldn't be encouraged - as badcop noted).
The number of votes does not refelct quality in the same proportion it used to, thats all.
"25 votes, downfall of quality!?" PFFFFFFFT! 
Here's your solution for that FUGUE.
Location: Back down-under Site Sponge: YES!
Fri Feb 11, 2005 10:51 pm Reply with quote
Yes, that looks good BTV. I voted in your poll there.
Location: Head Up Hwy 613 Turn left at the goats.
Sat Feb 12, 2005 12:56 am Reply with quote
When i started here it wasn't easy, i got quite a few 0 votes posts, that hurt me, and pushed me to do better and better, and took me to the good level i am now.
Looking through your port, I see that it wasn't until your 9th post that you got your first zero vote post. What in the name of God kept you going until then? You've only had 5 posts that got 0 votes.Here's your first comment from your first post
"supak0ma wow, my first vote, thx  "...hmmm, seems to me that was a little inspiring to you. I do agree that getting no votes can inspire you to do better, but so can getting votes.
Don't say you didn't get votes. You did, you just don't remember. Looke at your Big Catch entry. Did that deserve 9 votes? I don't know. Would you vote for that now?
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Site Moderator
Location: North Carolina
Sat Feb 12, 2005 1:34 am Reply with quote
That big catch entry would get about 20-35 votes now. (The shadow was pretty nice)
It's all so relative!
Location: .NL
Sat Feb 12, 2005 5:50 am Reply with quote
All i can say is what made me inspire to omprove my skills ...
When i came here abotu a year ago i had some idea of PS but i sucked bad ... i always liked creating stuff so i found this site and decided to join ...
Then i saw all these creative greatly chopped entries from Chrispis, Hellekro, Metalic, Bluefist, Ledirlo etc and all i could think was ... 'Damn, i wanna be able to do that 2 and add some' ...
My first posts were just to get to 15 so i was able to votes for the great stuff ... then i started trying new techniques and after that i tried combining ideas and technique ...
After some time i almost had my first win but it was tied and i lost cause i posted later ... that pushed me even harder ... so i spend alot of time on my yellow car ... and damnit somone came along and trashed it in the comments ... so i work even harder to show them what i could do and the puzzleball was born ...
So my point is ... it's good to have all skills mixed cause for me it was a big drive to improve and try to beat the best out here ...
That was kinda off topic, wasn't it 
Sat Feb 12, 2005 6:03 am Reply with quote
Well I havent been here very long.In fact I have only had 5 entries. I had lways wanted to learn adobe photoshop and how everyone did such amazing things with photos. I figured I was to dumb to learn but now I am beginning to think maybe I'm not. I don't know anyone here and I know my pictures havent been the greatest. But each time I make one I work a little longer and a little harder. I am actually starting to get votes now. That makes me even want to learn more and more. I would love for people to give help on what else I cold have done with my photo or what I shouldnt have done etc . But about the vote thing. Yes it is sad when you don't get any at first but when you get that first vote it makes ya think well maybe I can be good at this if I stick with it. I would like to know that the people like my pictures because of how good they are. There are alot of reasons for a picture to be good. What the person has done with the picture. The idea he has risen from the picture. How good he has used the tools to make the picture. How much imagination is put into the picture. The way I will use my votes is all of these things into one. I have been reading alot about adobe and learning and looking and with one vote I was on my way. The idea of no names is a great idea although friends will still be able to tell friends. And maybe fewer votes so they really have to think harder and in depth on who and what picture they vote for. Well that is my 2 cents. HOpe you don't mind. And by the way. Anyone want to be my
_________________ If at First you Don't Succeed, Don't try Skydiving!
Sat Feb 12, 2005 6:07 am Reply with quote
almost every day serps anfa btvs, metalic post, and their pics are way better than most of what we had seen so far...funny thread
Sat Feb 12, 2005 7:46 am Reply with quote
Quote: And by the way. Anyone want to be my
hi, what kind of underwear do you like ?
Sat Feb 12, 2005 4:44 pm Reply with quote
let's face it..great art has never been mainstream..just ask Van Gogh,who sold one painting in his entire life...this fact is reflected in virtually every area of culture.From adam sandler(highest paid actor in hollywood last year) stephen king(master of the run-on story) American Idol(need i say more?)...the simple fact is that the most creative isn't always the most's much easier for the average joe/jane to relate to a known entity rather than an abstract concept..that's why alot of funny posts seem to outscore some of the more subtle or thought provoking ones..(in my opinion that is) ..either way the best doesn't always win and just as it is in real life that's the way it should be..once fringe art becomes mainstream it invariably loses it's edge.All that aside i see the point of the purists of the site..i'm very new to this..i see past winners that demonsrate much, much more skill than what's winning more recently(with some noteable exceptions)..this fact, to me, is undeniable.Perhaps the solution is to only allow the source photo to be used and to require that it alone be modified..that way we would have a fair singular place to start and finish..It seems to me that if one spends less time searching Google images and more time trying to improve his/her photoshop skills it can only be a good thing in the long run for the site and the members..but that's just my opinion as i've said..i love this site and will continue to post as long as it's people have really insprired me
Location: Back down-under Site Sponge: YES!
Sat Feb 12, 2005 8:31 pm Reply with quote
Quote: only allow the source photo to be used and to require that it alone be modified
Interesting thought Holly, but imagine the amount of entries that would just be combinations of filters? There's nothing more boring than seeing lens-flares, page curls and texture effects as an entry. 
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Sat Feb 12, 2005 11:48 pm Reply with quote
supak0ma wrote: In the period between the change of the site and today something happened, something that contributed to lower the general quality of the photoshop works:
Ok, I read THAT and got confused- I see a lot of responses that agree too---
the last six weeks alone have seen EASILY IMHO at least three if not FOUR of the best five chops
Something I find a bit worth being excited about, 
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Sat Feb 12, 2005 11:50 pm Reply with quote
ledirlo wrote: almost every day serps anfa btvs, metalic post, and their pics are way better than most of what we had seen so far...funny thread
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