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Location: On Deck, South by Southeast
Sat Feb 26, 2005 10:16 pm Reply with quote
One word.
_________________ YerPalAl
I'm highly motivated to be un-ambitious today.
Location: Back down-under Site Sponge: YES!
Sun Feb 27, 2005 1:44 am Reply with quote
Quite right. That is one word. Well done 
Location: Duketown
Sun Feb 27, 2005 7:21 am Reply with quote
Quote: It's Trebuchet (for the "" and "Creative Minds Unleashed" bits), but I don't know what AtHeaMo used originally for the "Photoshop" bit. Something relatively simple and clean though.
For both the "" and the "Photoshop" bit I used the 'Humanist' font. (I think it was from the ITC fonthouse, but I'm not sure, 'cos I have the font on my other comp.)
Ledirlo, I'm very surprised to see that a great artist like you digs the Helvetica font so much. I really feel it lacks a proper oblique (I'm learning fast, YPA  )
Location: The Netherlands
Sun Feb 27, 2005 8:01 am Reply with quote
hold on,.. I dig the helvetica too much,... it is the mother of all fonts.
Never used Goudy and I guess I never will. Serif fonts are not really my thing.
Sun Feb 27, 2005 8:12 am Reply with quote
hahaha like I am a great artist ...and did I ever use hlvetica without noticing, really ?
Location: London, UK
Sun Feb 27, 2005 8:26 am Reply with quote
chrispis wrote: Never used Goudy and I guess I never will. Serif fonts are not really my thing.
There is a Goudy Sans - in fact I thought that was the one Al meant... but maybe not.
Personally, I prefer Helvetica or Tahoma to Arial when it comes to basic sans fonts. And my favourite serif font is Bookman, rather than the same old Times New Roman...
_________________ "The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection." - Michelangelo
Location: Duketown
Sun Feb 27, 2005 8:38 am Reply with quote
Quote: hold on,.. I dig the helvetica too much,... it is the mother of all fonts.
Isn't that Garamond, by Claude Garamond?
Quote: Never used Goudy and I guess I never will. Serif fonts are not really my thing.
Well, what do you expect from a guy that's very keen about this kind of furniture:

Location: On Deck, South by Southeast
Sun Feb 27, 2005 8:57 am Reply with quote
"Maybe it's a good thing there is no photo in the header. Just keep things clear in the overall design of the site and have the photos of the posts be the fireworks. I think adding a nother photo in the background will be distracting"
Good God Chrispis, if a single picture in the header of the page can distract the viewer from the contest posts the members here would have to be incrdibly lame. While there are some members who might subscribe to that theory I think oveall the quality of work hee MIGHT stand a chance of not being upstaged . . . . .
Now, back to the important discussion at hand, type!
You have never used a serif font and never will? Jeeez, that is so limiting. First, so you will understand, the majority of type that I use is san serif. I use a lot of Agenda now and my business card is Helvetica light except for the logotype which is CGDelphien. I am not married to serif fonts but I do not avoid them either. Each family has a tone and a feel and each is appropriate for different circumstances. You should really do some reading on the subject to discover the subtletry and unspoken messages inherently carried by type.
You are missing out on a lot.
_________________ YerPalAl
I'm highly motivated to be un-ambitious today.
Location: California Choppin'
Sun Feb 27, 2005 11:22 am Reply with quote
I work in textbook design, so obviously I use a lot of clean, serif fonts. In book design, the typography should whisper. (Unlike in advertising, where it should shout.) Also, it's been shown that serif fonts are considerably easier to read in large blocks. My favorite font family is Caslon. I also use a lot of Garamond. Gill Sans is my favorite sans serif font, although if I had to use only one, I'd pick Franklin Gothic.
Bookman is our house font for manuscripts--before books go into design. I don't particularly like it (fonts with huge x-heights look dated to me), but the name is just right. 
Location: The Netherlands
Sun Feb 27, 2005 4:04 pm Reply with quote
Quote: You have never used a serif font and never will? Jeeez, that is so limiting
I didn't say that, I never used Goudy. I did some corporate identities wit a serif font, but I rather had them seen wih a sans serif type. I like to mix them in brochures or annuals, but still I prefer sans serif. I like clean designs.
Quote: In book design, the typography should whisper. (Unlike in advertising, where it should shout.
Well that is a pretty orthodox view on it. Rather save way to look at it. Or are you talking about novels for housewifes and advertisements for washing powder? One blank page with a small 8 point 'whispering' font can say more than a big screaming page iwth huge fonts.
Quote: Also, it's been shown that serif fonts are considerably easier to read in large blocks.
I read bout that, and on this one also disagree. A sans serif page can be as readable as one with a serif. Just don't believe what they all write down. Those so called 'laws' are pretty dated (not all of them of course) because the recent font development already proved the opposite.
The fonts I use a lot are: DIN, Trade Gothic (always good), TheSans (thesis, caps is excellent), Quadraat (serif and sans serif), Bell Gothic, Folio, Eursotile (extended for that nice 60's look), Kasse (nice for headings), Solex, Minion(serif  ), TheSerif (thesis), and of course the cooper black and fette faktur for that nice nazi-look  .
Location: Back down-under Site Sponge: YES!
Sun Feb 27, 2005 6:14 pm Reply with quote
...and, for the record, you were joking about the comic sans, weren't you.
Location: The Netherlands
Mon Feb 28, 2005 3:50 am Reply with quote
Definitely,... my brother has the domianname for the dutch ban comic sans site:
A dutch mac magazine asked if they could use it 
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Sun Sep 04, 2005 1:53 am Reply with quote
Sorry to be a bother, but
the link to the high res version of the logo isn't working 
Sun Sep 04, 2005 2:19 am Reply with quote
well, having only just seen some of these messages when the thread popped back up, I would like to officially add Copperplate to the list of fonts to be banned. Comic Sans is to "fun and informal" as Copperplate is to "serious and arty."
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