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Wed Mar 02, 2005 10:05 pm Reply with quote
It was great to have you here Bob........
I've heard alot about you since I arrived, and seen some of you're works at that "W" site.
You do some nice work.
Location: Bangkok
Wed Mar 02, 2005 10:15 pm Reply with quote
MommysBoy wrote: It's great to see Metalic eating some dust for a change. No offense Metal Man.
LMAOWTIME.... damnit! i know you hate me
Location: No longer PSC
Wed Mar 02, 2005 11:06 pm Reply with quote
Reinman, Blue is right, never come into chat after 9Am or before 5pm EST, it will cause you to need more medicatioon!
Cynn, you need to step back a sec. I understand why you are hurt, not knowing how it used to be, BUT, you cant get upset everytime a post doesnt do well, if i did that i would be wigging out at lkeast 4 times a week lol
It was just one day, just one chop just one contest, we can always come in on the first page, ya know?
BYW i liked yours and voted for it (either as me or my old name Rondo, which i made a point of voting with just so the newer ppl didnt go unrecognized, i figured double posts, i could double vote lol?
alot of why the posts from the old timers got votes were not just talent or friendship but for the spirit they were in, humor, the chopping here used to be morte about humor than skill (tho skill was a hueg plus with the humor) like ed209s post, or Kencd7's post,, ,. Some were kinda inside jokes , like Nancers torture of animals, My over use of nudity and filters as ROndo, and Leifs post being a homage to one of the funniest contests we ever had where chicken posted the pic unchanged and the most funniest comments section ever was made on a post.
The loss of the fun and humor in the contests, i think, is part of why these old timers who could reach the newer members alot, dont come around as much.
I know i have learned from more experienced choppers here.
Its ok to be hurt and confused, but dont take it so personally. and dont let it stop you from doing something you enjoy, you still chope pretty good and if you keep doing it will get even better
Whoile viewing the contests here, dont focus on one day,
. Look at teh whole picture not just one pixel.
Location: Pembroke, MA
Wed Mar 02, 2005 11:12 pm Reply with quote
I voted for my friends...
whats your point?
(and yes, Im kidding, but even if i wasnt, too bad, they are my votes to do with as I please. I don't OWE anyone shit.)
_________________ zebob 06/09 @ 11:14 am
im more of an alethic computer geek that doesnt play sports but is still strong.
Location: A little town on the edge of Sanity
Wed Mar 02, 2005 11:14 pm Reply with quote
Quote: Its ok to be hurt and confused, but dont take it so personally.
damn! you almost had it right heather...but...
there is absolutely NO reason to be hurt or confused. Like you said, one contest, one day...tomorrow will be different...might mean more votes, might mean less. its the way it is.
Cynn, you have done very well have the HIGHEST all time Votes Per Post AND got 17 votes in a contest where more people like you showed up to post. You have nothing to be hurt about and nothing to be ashamed about.
chop, vote and have fun...
Location: No longer PSC
Wed Mar 02, 2005 11:16 pm Reply with quote
I also would liek to state the obvious (what i do best)
Anytime you have peers voting for one another there will always be ppl who vote for epople bgecause of who they are not because of the skill.
Its human nature and well each persons gets 25 votes to do with as they please, it really is not anyone elses buiness what or why they vote for.
No one owes anyone votes, ever. Your post bombs, well pick yourself up dust yourself off and chop for the nest day like it didnt happen.
Dont get mad at everyone for not voting for you. HAVE FUN!!!
laugh, enjoy yoursel and bask in the fact you are among other creative types!
I for one LOVE being around and competing with ppl who are creativly minded like myself.

Location: No longer PSC
Wed Mar 02, 2005 11:20 pm Reply with quote
Showcase wrote: Quote: Its ok to be hurt and confused, but dont take it so personally.
damn! you almost had it right heather...but...
there is absolutely NO reason to be hurt or confused. Like you said, one contest, one day...tomorrow will be different...might mean more votes, might mean less. its the way it is.
I meant i understand it because she had not been here long enough to really know what to expect. I am sure it can be confusing to go from being golden to almost invisible.
I am sure it was a shock for her. but she still doesnt need to take it personally.
Its not like it was some conspiracy.
Location: A little town on the edge of Sanity
Wed Mar 02, 2005 11:34 pm Reply with quote
you know who needs a BIG wake up call...people not voting for people they dont like!!
Whats up with that. All we ever here about are friends voting for friends!!! what about the enemies that NEVER vote for each other...this is just as big a problem I think...

Wed Mar 02, 2005 11:36 pm Reply with quote
Heather's right..besides,everyone knows it's me they're conspiring against 
Location: A little town on the edge of Sanity
Wed Mar 02, 2005 11:38 pm Reply with quote
lets hope they get it right this time eh butch9k? 
Location: Head Up Hwy 613 Turn left at the goats.
Wed Mar 02, 2005 11:45 pm Reply with quote
metalic wrote: MommysBoy wrote: It's great to see Metalic eating some dust for a change. No offense Metal Man.
LMAOWTIME.... damnit! i know you hate me
LOL Metalic, like I told Reinman, no no no, I don't hate ya. I don't hate anyone. It's just fun to see ya not doing so well in a contest (for whatever reason) just because you always have good posts. This is part of my reason for starting this thread, not all the BS that's been incorporated into it. I don't mind the BS. Everyone can carry on. If this were a regular contest, you, I and everyne else knows you would surely be in the top 3 right now. I honestly haven't even seen your post, except for the thumbnail. Maybe you didn't try this time or maybe it's true that returning people sucked all the votes up, I don't know and I'm not arguing that point. I'm gonna look at your post after this cause I think someone or something was getting blown up again.
_________________ I never said that!
Location: Back down-under Site Sponge: YES!
Thu Mar 03, 2005 12:37 am Reply with quote
Showcase wrote: you know who needs a BIG wake up call...people not voting for people they dont like!!
Hmm, interesting point! I know you've got lots of enemies, showcase, but is it happening elsewhere? Lord knows I hate Ledirlo - that randy little French prat really shits me - but even we toss each other a vote occasionally (I pray this text doesn't auto-wrap to a new line -like it does on this composing window- after the words "we toss each other").
PS: erm... it's not like I wanted to insult Ledirlo with this, I just had to find an example to illustrate Showcase's issue. It's nothing personal, Ledirlo, I just hate your filthy guts is all. It's not something I think a lot about. Its just... erm... I'm just making this worse now, aren't I.
Location: Head Up Hwy 613 Turn left at the goats.
Thu Mar 03, 2005 1:22 am Reply with quote
Showcase wrote: All we ever here about are friends voting for friends!!! what about the enemies that NEVER vote for each other...this is just as big a problem I think...

Ha, Showcase opens up another wound and Fugue tosses a little salt in it. Does this really happen much? First I've heard of it. Guess that's why 15 votes is the highest I've got on a post. 
_________________ I never said that!
Thu Mar 03, 2005 2:05 am Reply with quote
ED209 wrote: As I've stated in the past, to me a vote is nothing more than a compliment, and tell me the last time you felt compelled to compliment someone that practically demands that you do so.
Well said, Ed. So far, this is the wisest remark I've seen in this thread.
(Dr. Seuss Rules!)
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