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Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Tue Mar 01, 2005 12:18 am Reply with quote
Poor old Scooter.
He was so young.
I hear he's off tuning accordions somewhere in the Swiss Alps. He's got a large-breasted goatwoman and a small farm of cheese herders. Apparently he's quite happy but still deranged.
His PSC fatal wounding still plagues him to this day - or so I've heard on the goat vine... 
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Thu Mar 03, 2005 3:29 pm Reply with quote
Well, I believe in the whole eternal shebang. I've got
the contract and all the t's are crossed and the i's are dotted.
Now, here's the thing. Guaranteed an indestructible body and a new Earth.
Great. A malcontent like your's truly with literally eternity
on his hands.There's this whole 'perfect' thing and no conflict idealism going on.
We live in a world of good and bad, Good vs. Evil, lalala
Lucifer and Beelzabub and Legion and all the gang are all locked up
tight in The Lake of Fire. What's there gonna be for entertainment?
This whole 'life in the flesh' mentality THRIVES on conflict,need,
hope--so what are ya gonna do when everythings been solved?
The concept oft' put forward of eternal bliss and happiness.......
seriously--it is not within my soul to be thus---
so until I die, I contemplate, and hope , that beyond all rationality...
there is still at least one thing WRONG in Heaven.

Location: Florida
Thu Mar 03, 2005 3:41 pm Reply with quote
Wow, Scion...VERY poetic....
No, seriously...I liked that...
Location: Reading PA
Thu Mar 03, 2005 3:49 pm Reply with quote
What a GREAT statement, Scion...and I agree that sitting on a cloud playing a harp for eternity doesn't sound too appealing.
The only honest answer to the question of what happens when we die is "I don't know".
Folks have sets-of-beliefs that say this or that happens, but they are only beliefs, and are driven by what they WANT to be true.
I don't know, you don't know, the pope doesn't know.
Location: NYC
Thu Mar 03, 2005 4:44 pm Reply with quote
Holy shit, Scion
...and I mean that in a good way  Very insightful... that's true-- perfection is terribly dull... maybe that's the eternal joke... that what everyone thinks is "heaven" --that flawless utopia-- is actually "hell" 
Location: internet
Thu Mar 03, 2005 4:50 pm Reply with quote
On the color thing Leif has something there... the people at Rit said
"Some fabrics dye much more quickly and will appear darker sooner than others. Old, well-washed fabrics may dye faster than new ones. Most cotton, silk and nylon fabrics absorb the dye color very quickly. Other natural and synthetic fabrics usually take longer to reach the fullest, richest color."
So there you have it. Those of us who have lived longer fuller lives and are made of natural well-washed fiber should be the most colorful when we die.
Mon Mar 07, 2005 3:07 pm Reply with quote
if i was already dead then why would i wonder what happens when i die answer to batichan
Location: London, UK
Mon Mar 07, 2005 5:43 pm Reply with quote
ScionShade wrote: What's there gonna be for entertainment?
This whole 'life in the flesh' mentality THRIVES on conflict,need,
hope--so what are ya gonna do when everythings been solved?
The concept oft' put forward of eternal bliss and happiness.......
seriously--it is not within my soul to be thus---
so until I die, I contemplate, and hope , that beyond all rationality...
there is still at least one thing WRONG in Heaven.

Gort wrote: What a GREAT statement, Scion...and I agree that sitting on a cloud playing a harp for eternity doesn't sound too appealing.
EJH wrote: ...perfection is terribly dull... maybe that's the eternal joke... that what everyone thinks is "heaven" --that flawless utopia-- is actually "hell" 
*note - given the points quoted, the comments below assume belief in the concepts discussed.*
This old cliche that heaven and/or paradise is all sitting on clouds, and that perfection would be "boring", "pointless" etc always unsettles me.
Firstly, we've never known it so how can we be sure it would be devoid of challenge, fascination, etc? Seems like another typical manifestation of human arrogance to me (no offence to Scion, Gort, EJH, etc - I mean the general concept that "different/perfect = boring") - that our existence as we know it is somehow automatically "superior" to a possible other existence.
Also, heaven isn't about sitting around doing nothing. Supposedly, those who go to heaven rule as kings - so there will be work to be done. Also, holy books depictions of the angels show them to be very busy and active.
Think of this - God is said to be perfect and eternal. Is his existence boring or pointless? Do accounts (Bible, Koran, whatever) indicate God is just sitting around twiddling his thumbs thinking "Wow. I'm soooooo bored!! What can I DO??!!" ? No.
This one sits along with the other dangerous philosophy - that we NEED evil/bad to "appreciate" good, or for good to exist. Another illogical reasoning. Just because we know bad in our current existence, doesn't mean it's inevitable or desirable for a meaningful existence. How often do you find yourself, during a period of happiness, success or elation thinking "Wow, I really need some suffering right now to appreciate this!". And why do we feel such an inherent need to overcome suffering and/or lessen its' impact in our lives if it's so "natural" and essential to our existence?
_________________ "The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection." - Michelangelo
Mon Mar 07, 2005 6:12 pm Reply with quote
the more you think about why this why that the more questions you think i wish i could live without even having to think it never have thought it never just blackness nothing
Location: Argentina
Mon Mar 07, 2005 9:51 pm Reply with quote
Wow HTUK... I was expecting someone would put what I actually think into better words than I would have. So... there you are, I totally agree with you! 
Location: Geordieland, UK
Mon Mar 07, 2005 10:10 pm Reply with quote
Yay! Well said HT. Peace and love brother!
Location: currently Taipei
Mon Mar 07, 2005 11:35 pm Reply with quote
Man, I thought you WERE dead. Where have you been?
Location: france/ Annecy
Tue Mar 08, 2005 12:02 am Reply with quote
When I'll be dead, I won't need the internet to communicate with the livings 
Location: the world, the jungle, the Puter
Tue Mar 08, 2005 12:10 am Reply with quote
I can only explain my reply, (not answer), to your question as follows. Please give it some thought before you respond or reply to it.........  Another Time, another Space.........Death is the root to Life, as Life is the root to Death. After all can one existence be as the candle's tapper, forever giving of it's own life so the flame may live only to die when the waxing is deminnished? Thus is Time. And may the hours of the sandglass excede its breath within the glass which holds it, unless thy grains have been counted? Thus is Space. So One asks of death without knowing Life, and several appease the question of the supposed here after? Therefore I ask, What is Space, but the Time it took for one to transend it form its' begining to it's ifinitive ending, is it not?  So I now ask, why ask why, or what this matter of Time's end is, if you never knew it's begining? This is why I state.... " Keep On Chopping, & SMILING! Cuz the outside World needs it.
_________________ "Live strong as the mountains and true as the eagle and the Great Spirit will always be with you!" May Peace be in your Heart!
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