Al, here it all is. Yes, I was taunting a bit but not in a evil way. Just havin' fun. I realize ppl are different and some ppl's joking is other ppl's annoyance. If I annoyed you, I apologize.
MommysBoy wrote:
Booooo, Booooooo
Cackle Cackle Cackle
ReinMan wrote:
er, um.... I'm sad MommyBoy hates me.
I have never done anything wrong to him. It is not my fault his nose is out of joint.
But I'd like to thank him for contributing to this thread in any event.
MommysBoy wrote:
No No No, I don't hate you Reinman. I don't hate anyone (except that man that was caught sniffin my Mommy's panty drawer). I just think to join your fan club, a person has to be female or gay. Sorry guys. But a naked middle aged man hiding his mimimal private parts behind an overgrown kazoo makes my skin crawl. I can even see a brown stain in the chair you were sitting in. I haven't figured out why there is a Reinman fan club yet. I have to admit, given a choice, I'd join your fan club before I'd join Showcase's.
YerPalAl wrote:
So . . . I'm gay? Is this what you are saying?
Crap, that's a surprise to me and will definitely be a disappointment to Square.
MommysBoy wrote:
LOL, I'm not saying anyone is gay but there is something very icky about this. I can accept a persons preference to join a cult. Cynn, I probably wouldn't have messed with you Reinenites if this thread wasn't under "fun & games". I'm just havin fun. 99.9% of what I say is fun (except when I speak of Showcase). I know ppl are pretty good at ignoring me and that's great if I annoy you but I'm not here to cause trouble,,,really, just to have fun. I might post some of my Reinman chops here if you don't mind. Drainman, Spainman and a couple others.
ReinMan wrote:
MommyBoy - thank you for NOT hating me. I do feel better - and I actually do understand a bit where you are coming from.
As to my manliness and your being threatened by it - I must ask YOU to pick up a 35 pound instrument that squeezes with appoximately 300 pounds per square inch and strap it close to your boys. OH, did I mention you gotta do it naked?
THen we'll see who the real men are around here (even got the rugby boys doing this one as it beats doing he Elephant Walk nekked down the mainstreets of Vancouver).
And I invite your parody's please! Don't forget PainMan and Brainman.
To the rest of you (and EVEN Showcase) I thank you again for your trust in my mental instability! My doctors will be glad to see that there is some benefits of me staying off my MEDS! :

MommysBoy wrote:
Wow, by the looks of it, I was attacked in this here fan club but didn't even get to enjoy it. How utterly depressing...
ok, Reinman. LMAO
Allow MommysBoy to do as he wishes... instead of "making him wrong" in his behavior, do you best to inspire him to more sociable and to LHAO more often.
MommysBoy wrote:
Someone sent me a pic of the first Reinman Fan Club meeting. I think it was taken right after the singing of "Hail To Reinman, Thy Brow is Bushy". Notice the gaze on these ppl's face? They are definitly brainwashed and are probably eating people for snacks.
blue_lurker wrote:
Hey come on guy's Im not anti Reinman, shit I like getting nakie and running around with a party's just the damn music man...sounds like someone jumping up and down on a bag of cats.
No cats were jumped on with in this post.
MommysBoy wrote:
Be careful Blue Lurker, they'll tar and feather ya in here.
MommysBoy wrote:
LMAO agoin Reinman. I prefer the somber melody of the Anal Kazoo. The problem I have is everything comes out in Am.
ReinMan wrote:
Am! (the key of "A" minor)
Mr. Mboy - that is too sad. As Nigel Tuffnel reminded us in the movie Spinal Tap: Dm - 'cause it is the saddest key of all!
MommysBoy wrote:
I play the tuba and girls are all over tuba players. Reinman, switch to the tuba and all those over 65 women will stop knocking on your door. The tuba will get you loads of women from 18 to about 45.
YerPalAl wrote:
Mama's Boy has obviously never seen St. Helen . . . . .
MommysBoy wrote:
I thought you had to die to see St. Helen. Or is she that bench pressin, thick thighed, raw egg eatin' hunk of a woman from Vancouber? Well, it doesn't matter what she is, she'll still be overtaken by a tuba playin man.
YerPalAl wrote:
You know, you speak on more things you know nothing about than any person I have ever seen . . . . . .
MommysBoy wrote:
LMAO Al, I love ya, not in a queer kinda way. Just as a fine understaning human being.
ReinMan wrote:
Yes, Thanks Al for defending the beauty and special needs of my daunting fiance!

I didn't know it was fiance, if it was. Thought it was a mountain or heavenly Saint.