welcome mommysboy, as YerPalAl said, pay attention to them elders here, I may be OLDER than most on site, (excludung YerPalAl of course...chuckle and snickers...and a few others), but I ain't da one to advize, ( put that in for Foque LOL!) ...(I still wonder where his spell check comes from????), but I have had the honor of having a selct few help me in my trial and errors. So I say again, welcome, curb thy tongue, and do what they suggest, and that "model citizen" crap will prevail... (BTW don't pay attention to anythin I type here cuz, (I'm just the non-elected "Moral Officer" according to some site friends). Peace, and Keep On Chopping, & Smile once in a while, it not only makes peeps wonder what you've been up to, but the outside World definitely could use that contagous factor eh?!?