Thank you all for your thoughts, I appreciate them.
irishstu wrote:
the fingers were too perfect/symmetrical/whatever, as well as where the little finger joins to the rest of the glove just not looking real (I mean there should be some creasing there or something).
Very true, the fingers look very similar in length and shape. Good point about creasing.
irishstu wrote:
The idea itself was decent enough, although the connection between the glove and surfing was a bit loose, to say the least.
Ya, I don't see many surfers wearing work gloves!
screwloose wrote:
checking out the tutorial for using the pen tool for masking things might be good. I think using the pen to draw a mask is quicker once you get used to it. But that might not always be the case, like on your first post, using the pen tool to mask out the spokes I think would have driven me to drink ( more, ha! )
Will do. I did see that tut there and it is one of the next on my list to do. Those spokes in my other entry sure turned out bad. That was done before I knew about quick masking, heck, I hadn’t even heard of the term 'masking'. Get this... I used the magic wand with varying levels of tolerance and then the eraser here and there. It took quite a while and produced poor results.
screwloose wrote:
I know, I've been working on developing some skills but have to start applying them here. I'd say I'm fairly creative but I do have trouble coming up with good ideas. Part of that is because I don't know all that PS can do or how to do it.
mint wrote:
Now, on a closer look, the glove is pretty well done, using paths for cutout would help, the edges are little jagged.
Looks like a technique I'll have to pick up!
mint wrote:
But the image makes no apparent sense, there's hardly any link between a surfer and a work glove... the image theme was unclear.
When I started chopping the glove I knew I wanted the hangin' loose pose, I finished the glove and then though... Huh, now what! I wanted to get my entry in so I figured I'd throw a surfer in there. That was probably a mistake as it does come through as a half-assed effort.
mint wrote:
post early (advantage helps when you're at work at the time daily image is posted).
When I posted it I thought I was posting pretty quick. I'd guess that is was 30-35 hours after the contest opened, which sounds quite reasonable on a 3 day contest. Things are not always as they seem.
I've been considering Advantage. $30 a year is more than reasonable, this site and JMH deserve the support for all his efforts.
ReinMan - your first analysis was pretty close although I think you missed what I was getting at through my use of the completely white background

. It should reflect the black boarder's ability to hold the water back from seeping everywhere. Just as today's national boarders contain their respective fluids.
(I got the 'out of frame' idea from you, I've read you mention it a couple times here)
Cynn wrote:
It says, "Shakka, braddah!"
Or, to the Pidgin-impaired, "hang loose."
Cynn, you sound like quite the surf bunny!
Surfz up! Grab your plank and catch some gnarlatious heavies for me (cause I'm just a poser

Have a gas!!