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Location: Claremont
Sat Mar 19, 2005 5:50 am Reply with quote
aw8 comes from my real name "andrew waite"and the pj got added on a long time ago because some sites have a 5 character minimum for user names so I took the initials of my favorite band and came up w/ aw8pj
Location: Australia
Sat Mar 19, 2005 4:32 pm Reply with quote
Well in the land down under, we call some one who is proud of who he is and where he comes from, "TRUE BLUE", and well we all know what Lurkers do huh............
Location: London,UK
Sat Mar 19, 2005 9:06 pm Reply with quote
If you wanna know how I got the name Flamur-Flag then here is a short story.
My father has established a football club called Flamurtari which in English means Flagbearer. At the time when I was born it was forbiden for us to use our national flag and therefore the name Flamur-Flag was very patriotic name.
When I came to England 13 years ago my British friends couldn't pronounce my name so I always had to explain how to pronounce it and what does it mean.
So my name is pronounced FLA(as in fla-utist without utist ) and MUR (moore).
Flamur a.k.a Flag
Location: Hudson, Canada
Sat Mar 19, 2005 10:47 pm Reply with quote
My parents were hippies and wanted a girl.
Location: USA
Sat Mar 19, 2005 11:08 pm Reply with quote
My name means absolutely nothing, really. I don't even know what a kopeski is.
_________________ Signature? We ain't got no signature. We don't need no signture. I don't have to show you any stinking signature.
Location: Montreal
Sun Mar 20, 2005 12:06 am Reply with quote
Hummm... Alex. It's my name. It means my name. People calls me this way. Is there any question?
_________________ anfa's signature back-up.
Site Moderator
Location: South Carolina
Sun Mar 20, 2005 1:16 am Reply with quote
in hindsight, I don't much care for my PSC name...I teach high school and my last name is rashley but the kids usually call me some variant of rash-something...on the day I signed up for PSC, they suggested "rashdog" so I went with it since they liked it.
If I could change it, I'd probably change it to "sasquatch" or something...
Location: FL
Sun Mar 20, 2005 8:55 am Reply with quote
My name mean that I'm the "least" craziest one here at PCS, next to MommysBoy that is.
No seriously folks, years ago I was picking a name for AIM. And all the names I picked were used already. So as a quick goof I just wanted to see if Screwloose101 was taken. And the rest is history.
Location: Ottawa Strong!
Sun Mar 20, 2005 9:08 am Reply with quote
Seamus Oisin is my dog's name. Avatar. The Irish Soft-coated Wheaton Terrier from hell.
I rescued him after a family beat him for 2 years. Attacks other dogs, anything yellow. especially heavy machinery and things with wheels (old folks walkers, skateboards, roller blades and his favourite our vaccuum. Oisin was his first name and I added Seamus. Oisin is an Irish Warrior prince in Celtic mythology.
Location: California
Sun Mar 20, 2005 1:54 pm Reply with quote
The Blues is 'Real' music
_________________ "I play like I'm breaking out of jail." - Stevie Ray Vaughan
Location: California Choppin'
Sun Mar 20, 2005 2:06 pm Reply with quote
When I first got internet access (Gah--8 or so years back? I can't remember) I picked myself a screen name that was an amalgam of my name, Ann, and the word cyber, as in cyberspace = CyAnn. It worked on a couple levels, cause blue is my favoite color, and cyan is one of the four process colors. After a while, though, I started playing online roleplay games and CyAnn was too gimmicky for a character name. So I dropped the A, dragonrider-style, and became Cynn. I've kept the name, since then, mostly because the connotation of the word "cyber" has changed.
I prefer the pronunciation "kin" to "sin," for obvious reasons, but I think people tend to say "sin" just by default. 
Location: currently Taipei
Sun Mar 20, 2005 9:22 pm Reply with quote
Yup... I thought it was a play on the word "Sin".
Mine's very obvious I suppose. I'm Irish (born in Belfast) and my name is Stu. Hence Irish Stu. Of course the "other" meaning is the famous Irish meal, known as Irish Stew, which is almost as good for you as Guinness.
Location: Head Up Hwy 613 Turn left at the goats.
Sun Mar 20, 2005 10:24 pm Reply with quote
OK Screwloose, I'm gonna cut off the pictues of Mommy in her bra and panties if you don't stop that.
_________________ I never said that!
vunt van pumununt
Location: the netherlands
Mon Mar 21, 2005 11:50 am Reply with quote
there is no literal translation for vunt van pumununt (at least not in dutch). It is a character that has evolved over 10 years in a small group of friends (of which i am one...duhhh  ), and came into being at a birthday party of one of my friends parents. there was a man there (strange to say the least) with long hair and an afro-beard and he came from a dutch city called purmerend. he was a 'vent van purmerend' (a man from purmered). over the years he gained a symbolic status (although we have never seen him thereafter), and his name slowly evolved into vunt van pumunund (in dutch pronounced as voent van poemenoent, in english the closest i can think of would be voont vun poomanoont... )
Mon Mar 21, 2005 1:56 pm Reply with quote
It all started... back in Junior High School. I was bored in one of my classes and I hated my girly looking signature. It was just my name signed in cursive. "Brian Black" BORING! So I doodled and sketched and pondered about my signature for months. I tried everything from drawing my B's upside down... (they look the same in case you were wondering) to drawing a symbol like the guy who used to have a symbol for what used to be his name Prince. I came up with "X", but my bank wouldn't recognize that as a signature unless I was blind or something. One day I drew my name and didn't cross my B's. The rest is history... I have gone by 3rian ever since. People have a hard time pronouncing it though. They usually say "three rian" or "thrian". My license plate on my car is also "3rian". Thanks for listening.
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