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Tue Mar 22, 2005 4:00 pm Reply with quote
I have arrived.
I wield only the truth and am noble in my efforts.
Welcome me.
Location: On Deck, South by Southeast
Tue Mar 22, 2005 4:07 pm Reply with quote
hmmmmmm . . . . . sounds like an introduction on a Never Winter's Night server.
OK, Welcome noble knight . . . now go forth and chop!
_________________ YerPalAl
I'm highly motivated to be un-ambitious today.
Location: Head Up Hwy 613 Turn left at the goats.
Tue Mar 22, 2005 8:53 pm Reply with quote
Sorry SOT but your baggage was sent elsewhere. I know how you must feel because my baggage was lost years ago and I still haven't got it back. Even if it is returned one day, my underwear in it fits no more and I have pictues in it of girls I don't even know anymore. Hope you recover yours soon.
_________________ I never said that!
Location: California Choppin'
Wed Mar 23, 2005 11:02 am Reply with quote
If your noble cause is to make unkind remarks to people like Patre, I'd prefer to welcome your brother, SwordOfTact.
vunt van pumununt
Location: the netherlands
Wed Mar 23, 2005 11:48 am Reply with quote
I must agree with Cynn, o bringer of 'truth' no mortal soul ith waiting for... But, I am a beleiver of the wielder of the axe of 2nd chances (now that can't be grammatically correct..  )
Wed Mar 23, 2005 10:28 pm Reply with quote
Cynn wrote: If your noble cause is to make unkind remarks to people like Patre, I'd prefer to welcome your brother, SwordOfTact.
Cynn, you would be served well if you did not become so sensitive about matters of truth. What I made for remarks were those of truth. The votes Patre's image are unexplained. Can you explain, in some detail other than "I like Patre and he tried", why his image deserves the votes it has in a contest that is to measure ones ability?
Or how about Holy9000's image in today's contest? Can you explian how it is that an image like that, which is nothing more than a silly idea, is worthy of the 25 votes that it has?
Can you?
Wed Mar 23, 2005 10:29 pm Reply with quote
Doodler! wrote: SOT who is the dumbest person on PSC?
Doodler, am I allowed only one name?
Location: California Choppin'
Wed Mar 23, 2005 10:52 pm Reply with quote
Well, let's examine your comment to Patre, shall we?
Quote: Pat...I must NOT vote for this. you have received too many for this already. While you did a decent job on the color and lightning, I fear that many are voting for an image that is welcome to the eye because of a good stock image. Not to mention that the clouds are not even close to accurate in their placement. very odd indeed.
You are a person with zero posts in any contests. If you had a firmer grasp of truth, you'd realize that you have no votes to give or withhold. I suggest you gain a little more truth by observing, before you make more of an ass of yourself.
Wed Mar 23, 2005 11:09 pm Reply with quote
Cynn, why so defensive about a post that is not yours and lets not forget it was a lazy attempt at an entry? I was simply trying to make a point regarding the number of votes given to Patre's image.
Now, before you jump all over me because you think that I called Patre lazy, read that comment again. You will see that I felt his attempt was lazy. I'm quite certain that Patre is not typically lazy in most of what he does.
What I mean by lazy is that he found the stock photo, realized that pasting the clouds in that window would be an inaccurate representation yet was pleased with how his coloring, "masking" (which is really a fancy photoshop word/technique for cut and paste). With this in mind, anyone could have picked any image to "mask" with the clouds and called it an entry. What Patre knew was that he would still get better than 30 votes for this image. That is why it was lazy.
Lazy attempts should not be getting so many votes. That was the point with my comment you are quoting.
What say you?
Wed Mar 23, 2005 11:37 pm Reply with quote
you know what the funniest thing is?..i was this guy when i first got here's the thing sword..everyday we get a pic right?..i for one usually try a few different ideas with it, but once in awhile an idea comes that's so perfect that it just falls into place.Those posts..while they take less time seem to get the most voter response..This tells me that a good idea is a big part of the equation..part..not all..the next part is execution...if by the grace of god that goes well then i consider a post pretty good..I never expect to win a contest..although i did in fact win once with an image that was one of those simple ideas..don't get me wrong..i've spent hours on posts..but those arn't always the ones people respond to..who's to say what someone's going to like on a particular day? One thing that really helps a members vote percentage is advantage..what does that say? it fair that if an entry is posted later it's harder for it to win?..i pose these questions because they mean absolutely nothing.A vote isn't a win bro--it's a way to show support to the artist..nothing else..if you think wielding the "sword of truth" is going to change anything let me assure you- it won't...but you know what?it doesn't matter..when someone starts givin out money for every vote we recieve,and a new car for a win it'll matter..till then the only important thing is to have fun and become a better to people like Showcase..and doodler.YerPalAl and Cynn..Gort ,arcaico ,ronni and Patre...and waaay too many more to name.. people who are the beautiful lifeblood of this site..they'll make you BETTER..not only as a photoshopper but in ways you can't even imagine --and that's why we're here pal...Remember that little pearl of wisdom and eventually you WILL get more votes, but you'll also get something much more valuable..and maybe earn the respect of a few people along the way-holly
Location: Ohio
Thu Mar 24, 2005 9:25 am Reply with quote
SwordOfTruth wrote: Doodler! wrote: SOT who is the dumbest person on PSC?
Doodler, am I allowed only one name?
you may list them with a short discription of why!
Former Site Moderator
Location: Pennsyltucky
Thu Mar 24, 2005 10:14 am Reply with quote
SOT, I'm convinced you are an alias, but I'm pretty sure you're not kitty, so I guess I'll extend a welcome of some sort and then sit back and watch you. With any luck I'll figure out who you are.
Damn, Holly didn't name me as one of the "lifeblood of PSC' people.
*runs to ladies room and cries*
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