badcop wrote:
YerPalAl wrote:
Well, Badcop, your VPP of 28.60 rather repudiates your stand about a decline in voting for someone who speaks their mind don't you think?]
You can't argue that a large number of votes placed on this site are based solely on personal relationships, can you?
Of course not, So do you think that SOTs method of stirring up firefights on people's posts is going to stop that?
If I had a good friend on this site, I'd vote for them too (regardless of the quality). They'd be insulted if I didn't.
Funny, I have friends here that I have not voted for and we still maintain our friendship. My voting criteria must be higher than yours.
Many people here are very well liked and that is reflected in their VPP.
Conversly, when someone is disliked, it should be fair to assume that some votes will be withheld.
When you take anonymity away, human nature steps in.
(I think in a fair world my vpp would be in the high 60s

Well, you can think what you wish.

Perhaps if you were to take a more positive proactive stand you would not need to be so worried about people's poor opinion of you.
YerPalAl wrote:
SOT merely complains, hiding safely behind anonimity. He/she should post to show the newer members what they need to aspire to
Perhaps SOT simply doesn't have the skill to "show newer members what they need to aspire to". My guess is that he is posting the same quality of work as some people who are getting way more votes than he is and that's what's pissing him off. I can understand that.
So, instead of trying to improve, of asking a top chopper to give pointers, or of practicing; SOT merely sits and complains and you seem to feel this is acceptable? You are making it sound that way pal. Besides, what you are saying is merely supposition isn't it?
I've used this analogy before and I'll use it again; One doesn't have to direct a film before he can leave a movie and say "that sucked". People should be allowed to have opinions no matter how many images they have personally posted or their quality.
I have no problem with people having an opinion, Badcop, I've listened to enough of yours. My point is As a mod my attitude is that it is desirable that this site not degenerate into a series of wars so I take a necessarily dimmer view on someone hiding behind an alias simply to cause trouble.
You would too if you were true to your statements.