vunt van pumununt wrote:
...But, I am a beleiver of the wielder of the axe of 2nd chances...
2 possibilities here and I'll address both:
You, vunt van pumunutty are willing to give me another chance.
Well aren't I the lucky one. I will count my blessing.
You, vunt van pumunutty believe in giving second chances to the member that might have posted an image poorly done.
I agree. A member here can try and try and try again. And encouraging them again and again and again is as noble as the truth. However, encouraging them with a vote and a comment that includes "amazing", "incredible", "wow", "terrific" is not encouraging them to work harder and get better. It is only encouraging them to post the same lackluster image.
Holly9000 wrote:
you know what the funniest thing is?..i was this guy when i first got
oh, so now you've seen the light and been saved by the PSC gods? I don't think so. You have fallen into the same trap as the rest. Uneducated voters that don't understand the difference between a stock image and a good display of photo"shoppery" is the trap.
Gort wrote:
Welcome, Sword of Alias.
Tis true you are an old member, for small things give you away. Comments such as "what people are voting for these days" show that you remember older days. And what a pity, my lord, that your wit is sharp only when your face is cloaked.
Me thinks you must attack others to compensate for wielding a small dagger.

well spoken. I cannot deny my status as an "Alias". I have in fact, noble knight, not tried to hide this. Tis shameful you cannot see my wit uncloaked for it is the same only more damaging.
Thou hast not seen mine dagger. May you continue with thine great and glorious fortune.
YerPalAl wrote:
I might vote for an average post from a rookie that I would not vote for if it had been posted by a more experienced chopper. There is an element of incentive as well as the harsh light of graphic purity that should be considered when weighing the relative merits of any contest entry.
A crock of horse meat! Voting for a rookie only encourages laziness and a lack of concern for details. If you feel this is the only way to encourage, then at least vote with a comment that explains it is encouragement and list some details that the contestant might try on their next entry.
YerPalAl wrote:
People vote for different reasons and graphics appeal to different people for different reasons also, so if you expecct to impose your sense of values in judging here then you should change your name to Sword of Fools. A far more useful purpose could be acheived by looking at what showcase and I have embarked on, by adding comments on posts that are meant to be positive suggestions for ways to improve the chop rather than negative slights on the talent of the chopper or the intelligence and taste of the voters.
It would be useful to me to look at what you and showcase are doing? How is that going to help me? It is only a matter of time before a user like
Cynn, Ronni or anyone number of other over-sensitive member has their feelings hurt and what good you might be doing is then only seen as negative.
Badcop wrote:
My only problem with Sword of Truth is why, with infinite possibilities, one would choose to fashion their persona after a 32 year old virgin renaissance faire junkie.
All of your statements ring true except this one. I'm not 32, nor am I a virgin, nor can I spell "renasance". Then again, you can't spell "fair" either. Though, I believe that a bulk of the voting problems are a lack of education for the new member. Stock Image vs Photoshopped image thing again. These members that came in hordes after the new site format are having trouble seeing the difference between good image searching skills and good image editing skills.
I also believe that badcop's vpp would be higher were he to run around praising everyone for their contributions. His chop show consistent effort AND thought.
I can hold my own in a contest and have proven it time and time again (I know, you'll just have to believe me). I am not ashamed of the votes I get. I am ashamed at the lack of truth from voters regarding images and their "amazing color and composition" when reality is that the amazing color and composition is that of another artist other than the one competing.
YerPalAl wrote:
...So do you think that SOTs method of stirring up firefights on people's posts is going to stop that?
Forgive me for thinking that most on this site were adults and that they must realize that not all will praise them for their work. The six comments or so that I have made were directly related to the image a member chose to contribute. I did not start any firefights. It was
Cynn who brought
Patre's post into this thread. Perhaps it is her, with her "oldbie vs newbie" issues and her over-sensitive nature that is blowing this out of propotions??
Patre has sent me a PM regarding my comment and I am pleased with his response.
I'm sick of quoting so you all are just going to have to try and keep up.
YerPAlAl, it is not my mission to improve myself. It is my mission to educate new users in what the difference between a well "found" image is and what a well chopped image is. You mention "Wars" in one of your comments. Do you really think that me not liking one image or another is starting a war? You can't be serious.
Zed, you will find that some people look at this as a hobby, not simply a way to past the time. Hobbies are something people enjoy doing and typically show passion for their chosen one. If it bothers you that we want to discuss this, perhaps you could go outside and get some of that air.
Well, that was a lot which most will not read but I will continue on my journey as I intended and respond as needed.
Live well.