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Location: Saginaw, Michigan
Fri Mar 25, 2005 10:02 pm Reply with quote
nancer your my life blood...ok maybe not but you are my life. ok your not...but you do good work how bout that....
_________________ ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED!
What you dont know how to use the three sea shells
Location: Geordieland, UK
Fri Mar 25, 2005 10:16 pm Reply with quote
If it's not right to leave negative comments on peoples posts why did the almighty chrispis leave this sarcastic crap on mine - "you found yourself a new trick, huh? duplicating! "
Fri Mar 25, 2005 10:24 pm Reply with quote
Quote: I must admit SOT that you have great debating skills. In debating it's a must that you summarize what the others say and than alter it to your own point. THAT is what you are doing. Although the merrit of your opinion is legitimate, you refuse to come with a solution. And although you think you're entiteled to your opinion ( and yes you are), you refuse others to state theirs if they don't compell to yours.
Instead of crabbing at me about my opion, why not express yours on the subject at hand? I have my opinion and have asked for others. So far most have decided I am here only to fight. I am here to discuss, Nothing more. If you can't participate in a discussion like an adult, then keep quiet.
Quote: Cause you're not alone here, you have to adept to other people here. There are people here with thin skins, childish behavior, anger and so on. But aint it the same in real life. How do you deal with that. Do you tutor your neighbours on how to behave and if so, do you tell them yourself or through somebody else ( your alias). If there is a majority of people that thinks that it is going well here, then it is going well. You have the right to setup a discussion and so has anyone the right to answer in their own way.
I participate at this website assuming most are adults and act accordingly. Have you seen a majority of people Patim? This forum is full of the dozen or so people yet contests have over 50 posts a day. Not quite the majority. And if you read through this thread, you will see that a majority agree with the points I've brought up.
Thanks for explaining my rights though. I appreciate it. Especially since I'm an alias and stupid and cowardly. Your charity has not gone unnoticed.
Quote: So instead of starting an endless discussion without giving a solution, try to be constructive for once. It's easy to start a riot here ( and you've been around here long enough to now how to do that), but it is better to give some solutions to try.
I know its a lot but there have been some things discussed. Some technical aspects and a few pointers to think about when a member is considering an entry for a vote.
Quote: So to help you I will start with one possible solution and than you ( and others) can come up with some more possibilities.
Let's ask JMH132 to cut back the votes to 3 for each contest for at least a month. That way we can see if that brings a positive change.
Hope this contributes to a fair discussion.
I don't think its the amount of votes people have nor is it the amount of votes that one post or another gets. What is of concern is whether the average new user to PSC understands what a good entry is and what isn't. Thats what some of us have been discussing.
Quote: Ps: I still think that it is strange that you hide behind an alias. People only do that if they have got something to lose or they are afraid. I'll say it once again; it's contradicting most of what you are saying here.
yes. I got this point. thanks again.
Fri Mar 25, 2005 10:37 pm Reply with quote seems everything i post gets deleted these days..interesting..and right around the time SwordofTruth shows up as well...i wonder what that could mean?probly just a coincidence right Showcase?
Fri Mar 25, 2005 10:46 pm Reply with quote
Quote: Ok. I want some praise, dammit! I just read all FIVE pages of this thread. I went through various emotions as I did so: anger, amazement, sadness, gladness, and I also now feel somewhat fanatical devotion to the Pope.
Well Done Reinman!! you are a good man, especially for being a canadian one.
Quote: 1) Mr. Sword O' Truth - you make some valid points, and you've kept a most level head through all this. One of the commenters here basically said "lots of people who frequent this site have thin skin". This is true. I have been one of them... though it has gotten thinker (mostly around my ears). It is of course your choice in a debate how you choose to address an issue. And I'm not suggesting that you adopt any other way than how you do it. But I have found to work WITH the "truths" (in this case the Truth of the Thin Skinned) on a particular journey is beneficial to the whole of those involved in that journey. In this particular case I have found that a bit of humour and compassion allows those with thinner skins (and sometimes thicker skulls) to hear my case.
Reinman, I'm sorry I cannot be the humorous member that you are. I truely am. I've enjoyed your comments, completely zany or serious or a combination, in the past and hope to in the future. Thin skin was not really my concern with bringing this up. I know that disappoints you but it's the truth. Again, as Patim says, we should be concerned with the majority here, and not the dozen or so that hang out in the forums. I am hoping that there are many more readers than writers in here and thin or thicked skin, maybe they will take something away from what I and others have tried to discuss.
To the rest of your points relating to the discussion, I understand the lack of formal rules and this is why I think some of the new users aren't quite sure what makes a contest entry and what doesn't. I was wondering if other people felt the same as me, That's all.
I apologize for the volitility of the discussion and have asked the mods here to keep that to a minimum as I am aware that discussions such as this are overlooked by other members if they see the shit that began to fly.
It is not my intention to attempt to change the way people vote. However, I would like this discussion to make just one person look twice at an image and consider some of the things that were said in this discussion before still excersizing their PSC given right to vote.
Thanks for contributing.
Location: Geordieland, UK
Fri Mar 25, 2005 10:48 pm Reply with quote
My shi dosn't get deleted, it's just that no fucker reads it!!!!!!
Fri Mar 25, 2005 10:55 pm Reply with quote
Reinman, regarding your comment about what if you took an image and then added the daily image to it.
I think that if you create a contest entry with your own photo with which to add the daily source to is acceptable. This hardly ever happens and is not something I even considered while reading and commenting here.
I like your creative work and hope you get back to posting soon.
Location: minneapolis
Fri Mar 25, 2005 11:34 pm Reply with quote
after reading the last few posts, i now know who SOT is.
and to everyone else...
to self quote myself....
_________________ L@rue 05/24 @ 09:02 pm
I like Pete he is a good American citizen
L@rue 05/18 @ 10:32 pm
Usa rules porn movie and music and cloths sex mode all around the world
ScionShade 09/24 @ 9:05PM
.............and Pete's the normal one. Go figure.
Location: Santa Barbara, CA
Fri Mar 25, 2005 11:52 pm Reply with quote
i believe i do as well
_________________ Starfish should rule the world
Sat Mar 26, 2005 12:26 am Reply with quote
EJH wrote:
It's ironic that you should offer that entry. After your comment, I checked out that contest and that particular one contains a few examples of images I think should have been seen for what they were.
This entry, with it's comments still visible, is a classic example of what I am referring to about voter knowledge.
This image was a "skillfully found stock image" which happened to almost fit with the colors of the daily image for that contest. Yet, this image received better than double the votes than your entry which I think showed a good effort and was an entry that deserved more recognition.
If you looked at that clown post and done as I've suggested which is remove the daily image along with any additional peices ramba may have added, the entry would have been just as stunning thanks to the original photogropher, not ramba.
How can you tell it's not a "perfect" chop? Why would someone spend all that effort to create such a stunning image only to cut and paste a minaturized version of the daily image in the baskets? People don't think like this when they consider an entry?
Also in that contest is the post from Square with the girl wearing some sort of shawl. Again, this entry was stunning without the daily image. Members should have realized what it was and voted accordingly.
These are the things I want members to see and learn. I don't know if I can teach them or even if they care. The sad fact remains that I care and therefore would like to know if anyone has any suggestions or insight? Besides the claims that I am out of my mind and that I should shut up I mean. Anyone?
Quote: Not saying this is a great piece of art or anything, nor a revolutionary idea. Just an example...
It was a good entry and a great example. Thanks EJH.
Sat Mar 26, 2005 1:51 am Reply with quote
Quote: These are the things I want members to see and learn. I don't know if I can teach them or even if they care. The sad fact remains that I care and therefore would like to know if anyone has any suggestions or insight? Besides the claims that I am out of my mind and that I should shut up I mean. Anyone?
Proper news "SwordofTruth"..there are no guidelines as to what makes a good chop except your own subjective opinion..that's can argue technique all you want but in the end if you put a hundred people in a room they're all gonna see something different when they look at the same thing and have a hundred different opinions about it..does that make the other 99 of us wrong?you seem to think it does..i think ramba's clown chop was excellent..i don't care how she made it ...i enjoyed it for what it was..who the hell are you but an arrogant self imortant egotist to tell me or anyone else it wasn't good enough to vote for?.Shame on you!You've brought an ill wind to this site and i think everyone with any sense recognizes that..the fact that you're so arrogant as to attempt to invalidate the opinion of others based on fuzzy logic and point by point skewering of peoples responses to the poisonous delivery of your "truths" doesn't make you any better than any of us just shows how truely pathetic some people can be when their ego depends on everyone else agreeing with the garbage they spew.There's a name for the type of philosophy you espouse's called "Facism" was a favorite brand of a really fun bunch around the middle of the last century...but i'm sure i'm not telling you anything you don't already know right?
Location: London, UK
Sat Mar 26, 2005 4:57 am Reply with quote
anfa wrote: .. it's just that no fucker reads it!!!!!!
Word! There couldn't possibly be anyone to read the whole stuff!  Write a book, you people!
, 1000 + 1 guidelines to PSC voting' or something like that. 
Location: Netherlands
Sat Mar 26, 2005 6:08 am Reply with quote
You just ended the discussion. I wrote my comment and expected nothing less from you than what you did. Quoting and than give a non-argumantal remark. You are reluctant to bring up any idea, yet you make other people seem immature (your words), or besides the discussion. What else did you bring up than that you're not comfortable with people voting the way they do?
Quote: Instead of crabbing at me about my opion, why not express yours on the subject at hand? I have my opinion and have asked for others. So far most have decided I am here only to fight. I am here to discuss, Nothing more. If you can't participate in a discussion like an adult, then keep quiet.
Unlike you I've stated my opinion from different angles. And if you ask others for their opinion and it isn't the way you want it, don't degrade it by saying that someone isn't an adult. That's cheap and a typical answer from someone without a point.
Quote: I don't think its the amount of votes people have nor is it the amount of votes that one post or another gets. What is of concern is whether the average new user to PSC understands what a good entry is and what isn't. Thats what some of us have been discussing.
Since when are you the one who decides what is a good entry or not? Why is it that you think that the average new user on PSC is some kind of retard? Are you God? Is it only your opinion that is right or maybe can other people think for themselves. Talking about self rightiousness.
I'll sit back now and enjoy the ride. There is no discussion possible with you cause the only argument you see is your own. I do agree with you that sometimes people get way to many votes for little effort. I don't agree with you that it is for you to say what people may or not may see as a beautifull image (chop). Nor is it your duty to tutor others.
Ps: I think you are JMH132
_________________ Photoshop is fun
Sat Mar 26, 2005 6:33 am Reply with quote
okay wow.
quite an interesting thread there.
now from a total newcomer's point of view on the whole thing I'll put this forward just from my own opinion and nothing against anyone (and if you take it personally that's your doing not mine since i don't know any of you  ).
Everyone has raised a valid point somewhere or another, and there's no "winner" in this thread except maybe someone who can take all of it into account and integrate it into their own personal work constructively.
I'll say something here personally. I have my own ideas on what I like and don't like. I've seen posts which have very obvious uses of the source image and those with VERY subtle uses and I may vote one way or another towards any of them based on my own personal aesthetics (when I can vote). Really, I think many people vote on what they like and not on who their friends are. One person's idea of a good image is completely their own. On the same subject, I'm sure there are those who are the opposite.
Over the last few days I've pored over the posts on the forum and have come to this conclusion: how people get along in the forums doesn't seem to have much overall to do with votes. All different people have won contests. Some more than others, but this isn't really a surprise. Some people truely are more talented than others. (Hell, right now I'd say probably all of you are more talented than me.) I've seen people come up as winners who I haven't even noted as posting in the forums.
Another thing, even if someone's posting as an alias doesn't mean they don't have a point. Figuring out someone's alter-identity isn't the important thing so much as what that person might be trying to express. Read what they're saying, not who they are. Every person's input is valid in a social situation. Forums, mailing lists, newsgroups, etc. are as much a social situation as a real life gathering of people. If Einstien had stated "E=mc2" while masqueraded as Stalin, would it be less true?
To wrap it all up, everyone has their own opinion. You have to accept each person's opinion as their own. This post is my own opinion and I'm not trying to push it on anyone. You agree, you don't, it's all fine with me. All I can say for myself is may the best (whatever that is) chop win. Anyone who wants to is now free to rip my post to shreds if they want, I've spoken honestly on what I think.
Former Site Moderator
Location: Pennsyltucky
Sat Mar 26, 2005 10:51 am Reply with quote
troupa wrote:
Everyone has raised a valid point somewhere or another, and there's no "winner" in this thread except maybe someone who can take all of it into account and integrate it into their own personal work constructively.
I beg to differ, I'm a "winner"! I had a hot young Italian in the ladies room, and a semi offer from Reinman and a new crush on phoenixtilt. All in all a good day, so I proclaim myself as the WINNER!
Welcome aboard troupa!
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