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Sat Mar 26, 2005 11:10 am Reply with quote
i think it may be time to all chip in and get nancers a man
Sat Mar 26, 2005 11:15 am Reply with quote
How can I get my point acrossed?!?!
No more ramblings. aside from a few, most are not getting what I'm saying. Try this.
I am not trying to tell people here what their likes and dislikes should be regarding "art".
What I am trying to explain is that images made for a contest should be able to stand on the work that was done by a PSC member and not that of the stock image. THAT IS ALL.
Can I make it any clearer?!!?
Patim and Holly9000, you are so wise, I am humbled in your presence. Thanks for being the crusader of the naysayers and completely misunderstanding my points.
maybe its all the quoting and double quoting going on.
Anyway, I'm done here since there are only the same few that really understand my point and have had their say.
Thanks to all who participated intelligently. I will take it to image comments now since there I will have an example of what I'm trying to show.
Location: California Choppin'
Sat Mar 26, 2005 11:23 am Reply with quote
SwordOfTruth wrote: I will take it to image comments now since there I will have an example of what I'm trying to show.
But.. that's what I asked you to do, back on page four, and you not only refused but you ridiculed me for suggesting such a thing.
Sat Mar 26, 2005 11:32 am Reply with quote
this is the first contact you made with me SOT--i used the source and worked on it to make the image you see..for some reason this wasn't "good"enough or enough work for you or something..for whatever reason you felt it appropriate to let others know that my work wasn't voteworthy---well..thanks for all the expert the next time i chop i can really think about how you've educated me and i'm sure the next time i post it'll be more to your liking--lmao---you ass---brother?..i'm not your brother---i have the capacity to see and understand when i'm wrong..that's the measure of a man's intelligence--what he can learn--NOT WHAT HE CAN TEACH--my brother would never try to fob off his lame excuse for "education" on a person who first didn't ask for it..and then especially not in a way that causes public embarrassment or anxiety they way you've done--you're the coach who's team never wins "brother"--you're the nazi's and the huns--you're pol pot's cambodia and Britain's India--you're the national guard at kent state and eric harris from columbine-- the world has seen the likes of your kind throughout history--and the good people have always risen to defeat those that would shove their ideas down a freethinking man's throat---you need "re-educating" yourself--the sad thing is--i honestly don't believe that with your kind it's even possible
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Sat Mar 26, 2005 11:36 am Reply with quote
(*makes farting noise and wags fingers in a threatening manner*)
Sat Mar 26, 2005 12:08 pm Reply with quote
Cynn, At the time of your suggestion, YerPalAl was threatening me that should I take my arguements to the images, they would be deleted. I offered to allow you the opportunity to request the sources and all you could do was create a well crafted instult.
I was hoping to at least have my point heard and considered before risking the wrath that will begin when someone is unhappy that I did not see the same thing as others when considering their entry. We will see.
Holly9000, I have learned my share here and am only trying to share some of that with others. Without teachers, there can be no learning. As you read through this thread, you will see that I am not shoving things down people's throats. Every step of the way, I have asked for comments, I have read each comment and responded to each point even if they have not been related to the discussion.
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, can you stop telling me my approach is wrong and address the points I've brought up??
See if you can address the example that EJH and I brought forth. Try looking at both images, the one of hers and the one I presented from ramba in the same contest and address what I've said about those two images directly. Can you tell me why the image from ramba was not seen as image gaining tons of votes on the artistic value created by someone other than ramba and why EJH's entry was not recognized as a more original peice of work created for this site alone to be entered in a contest? Can you?
If not, continue with your way which is an image that makes fun of me and then, using the comments as you did, throw around your childish insults. I'm sure this approach will add more merit to any discussion you might try to engage in in the future. bravo.
Reinman, while you may not want this discussion to continue, I do and others might. Your good cheer is welcome as always but understand that, while this thread may not be important to you, I find it interesting to see what other site members think regarding the issues I have brought forth.
Sat Mar 26, 2005 12:17 pm Reply with quote
Holly9000, To address the image you presented as an example, you are right. I admit I could have offered some suggestions as to how to improve the image but you would have said "Thanks" and not made an attempt at fixing it. Nor would you have bothered to pay any more attention on your next entry.
There are some very basic things with that image that are questionable but most of all your lazy cut and paste work. I don't have to tell you that your cut and paste work is horrendous. You know it. What you also know is that people won't care. This lack of attention by the voters is what creates the lazy approach that you used in this image by not bothering to put in the extra affort.
Members see a silly image and think it deserves a vote. I might agree with them if I had seen the least bit effort on your part to make it a well edited image. specializes in this sort of image. I don't want to see PSC end up like that site.
Will you now tell me how I suck donkey balls because I think your attempt with this image was lazy and underserving? let see?
Sat Mar 26, 2005 12:31 pm Reply with quote
once again i will submit that you havn't learned a thing--i ask again---who are you to tell me what's voteworthy?..i think ramba's image is better than ejh's...what does that mean?...only exacly what it says....your attempts to "educate" me as to what is voteworthy is unsolicited and unwelcome-- be it in the forum or especially in the comments section of MY you still think that was appropriate?..or have you LEARNED otherwise?---if you have i guess i'll be getting that apology any time now right?...whether you like it or not i have my own opinion and always will--most of us do--the likes of you would sooner put a gun to a person's head to change that person's opinion than except that simple thanks for all the help and all but i think i can handle my own personal tastes..i can take it from here---i mean so far i've been doin ok--i know if i like vanilla better than chocolate--and the country better than the city--all kinds of stuff --you should see me---you'd be proud--so thanks for everything and please go away now-ass
btw your right about me altering my image-- it turned out exactly the way I wanted.. sorry if that's not good enough for the image police but that's the way it is
it's also interesting how we've had over 3 thousand views on this thread and less than 20 entries so far today---i wonder if there's any correlation between the two numbers--can your efforts at "re-education" actually be having an effect after all?
Sat Mar 26, 2005 12:54 pm Reply with quote
holly9000 wrote: once again i will submit that you havn't learned a thing--i ask again---who are you to tell me what's voteworthy?..i think ramba's image is better than ejh's...what does that mean?...only exacly what it says....your attempts to "educate" me as to what is voteworthy is unsolicited and unwelcome-- be it in the forum or especially in the comments section of MY you still think that was appropriate?..or have you LEARNED otherwise?---if you have i guess i'll be getting that apology any time now right?...whether you like it or not i have my own opinion and always will--most of us do--the likes of you would sooner put a gun to a person's head to change that person's opinion than except that simple thanks for all the help and all but i think i can handle my own personal tastes..i can take it from here---i mean so far i've been doin ok--i know if i like vanilla better than chocolate--and the country better than the city--all kinds of stuff --you should see me---you'd be proud--so thanks for everything and please go away now-ass
btw your right about me altering my image-- it turned out exactly the way I wanted.. sorry if that's not good enough for the image police but that's the way it is
it's also interesting how we've had over 3 thousand views on this thread and less than 20 entries so far today---i wonder if there's any correlation between the two numbers--can your efforts at "re-education" actually be having an effect after all?
Holly9000, you are as stupid as they come and this will be the subject of my next thread lesson. Should be a good one. You are now just being spiteful and immature with your responses.
Ramba's entry is better than EJH's but it is not his image.
How many times have you asked for people to comment on your image, good bad or otherwise. You've even created threads for it I believe. You continue to offer nothing to my argument that too many images are posted on the merits of a well found stock image that might deserve praise and admiration, but not based on the efforts of a psc contestant and only offer insults and requests for me to retire. The fact that it has so many reads tells me that many more than are commenting are interested to see what is discussed. If you are not interested in reading my comments, perhaps it is time for you to leave this discussion and not presume that others are also not interested.
I will send a PM to the moderator asking that you be removed from this thread as you have expressed no interest yet continue to clutter my attempts with your nonsense.
Regarding today's contest, perhaps it is an image that many aren't able to work with and lets not forget it's only 4 hours in on a weekend. Look for yourself wiseman, these contest are always slower. Please keep in mind that I was not trying to teach you anything here, it is common knowledge lost on only the those incapable of logical thought.
With that said, perhaps people are reading this thread and trying to create an entry that doesn't rely on the work of others but on their own and are finding it a bit more challenging. Let's hope so and let's give them a bit more time, shall we?
Location: Netherlands
Sat Mar 26, 2005 1:47 pm Reply with quote
Quote: Patim and Holly9000, you are so wise, I am humbled in your presence. Thanks for being the crusader of the naysayers and completely misunderstanding my points.
Quote: Thanks to all who participated intelligently.
Thank you for these quotes that states what I said earlier. You are the one that ridicule people that don't share youre opinion. I might say that for your intellect I'm in a downwards spiral. I thought you started of well, but you're nothing more than a big ego which only hears what he says himself. Try for once answering my questions ( read bacjk if you wish) instead of taking it down with misplaced arguments or degrading words. But hey, my guess is you can't do better than this  .
Quote: See if you can address the example that EJH and I brought forth. Try looking at both images, the one of hers and the one I presented from ramba in the same contest and address what I've said about those two images directly. Can you tell me why the image from ramba was not seen as image gaining tons of votes on the artistic value created by someone other than ramba and why EJH's entry was not recognized as a more original peice of work created for this site alone to be entered in a contest? Can you?
The answer here is simple. EJH put more effort in her work. Ramba did a cut and paste. In eye appealing way, the work of "ramba" is way better. In effort the work of EJH is better. Seeing EJH integration of the beer and the nuts I must say that it is PS technically not very well done. The integration of the colorblock in Ramba's post is flawless. So to speak technically as well as appealingly, I must say I found Ramba's entry better.
I didn't vote for either of them cause I didn't found both could enough for a vote.
So, answered your question. Now be so honest, read back and answer some of mine. And especially these ones were I ask why you feel the urge to teach us. If your not happy here, maybe it's better you leave and find a site where they "understand" you 
_________________ Photoshop is fun
Sat Mar 26, 2005 2:18 pm Reply with quote
Regarding the example we are discussing:
The answer here is simple for you maybe but is it simple for others? I disagree with you in your analysis in the fact that "Ramba's" image is not his. Sure he cut and pasted the daily image in their but anyone can do that. Patim, take the daily image out of those to entries and see where you end up.
Ramba's stock image will still ring true and be beautiful. EJH's loses much of its effect. The daily image in EJH's is an important part of the composition. Ramba's stock image is not made better or worse with the addition of the daily image.
I don't fault you for thinking Ramba's image is better. It is.
Thanks for addressing the topic at hand.
Quote: So, answered your question. Now be so honest, read back and answer some of mine. And especially these ones were I ask why you feel the urge to teach us. If your not happy here, maybe it's better you leave and find a site where they "understand" you 
If you'd like to discuss why I am trying to teach (I don't remember who said that's what I was doing, maybe it was me even) then start your own thread. This thread is about people being lazy with their entries and relying on the work of others to get themselves some votes.
I wish people would stop telling me to leave because I feel strongly about something and am trying to discuss it. This does not help to promote the site and encourage new users.
(please note the lack of sarcastic jabs. I am finished with them in this thread. Thanks for showing me and the others the light Patim. DOH! ok, that was the last one. sorry) 
Sat Mar 26, 2005 2:40 pm Reply with quote
And now that I have received my 6th PM from 6 different members saying that, while there are good points made in this thread worthy of some discussion, they will not participate in such a hostile environment.
I apologize to these members and others, as I am partially to blame, that might have felt the same way and as a result did not comment. I will refrain from defending myself in future threads I may start. If others would like to take up the cause here or in another thread, I would be interested to see if the results would be the same.
I am sorry that members like Fugue, HandToolUK and Badcop did not weigh in on the subject. Maybe they are just too thin skinned to handle it.
The rest of you may continue on hating me for my strong views and the moderators can refrain from any action in this thread against Holly9000 since it might prove beneficial to new users to understand what he is about.
Good Day.
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