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Location: California Choppin'
Fri Apr 01, 2005 9:00 pm Reply with quote
Ladies and gentlement of PSC, it's the roast you've all been waiting for!
Team OAK is proud to present YerPalAl, here for your roasting pleasure.
What can I say about My Pal Al? How much time have you got?
He's the man who puts the "moderate" in moderator. He's so levelheaded, he could wear a compact disc for a beanie. I won't say he's middle of the road, but his middle name is "median."
He's a truly old-fashioned guy. Incidentally, Al, Santa Claus called. He wants his look back.
If you don't believe he's old fashioned, just look at his love life. His girlfriend is named Square! Here's a tip for you, Al--you'll reach Square's place faster if you don't travel by stage coach.
But I kid. Al's a great guy. I've never heard him say a bad word about anybody. Of course, that's probably because he doesn't know anybody, but still. He's great. He'd give you the hair off his back. He's the kind of person who can make you warm all over. Then again, so can a 24-hour virus.
And artistic! He's one of the finest choppers on this site. Who here among us hasn't gazed at one of his entries, and said... "what happened?" He truly puts the "Why?" in CMYK. And those rumors about the globs of library paste on his computer screen? I'm sure they're complete hogwash.
But I've taken too much of your precious time. I'm sure there are others here with some words to share about Al.
Location: Hudson, Canada
Fri Apr 01, 2005 10:55 pm Reply with quote
Thanks, cynn
Hello?...hello?...Is this thing on?....
As you may or may not know, I've been hanging around these hallowed walls for about a year before making my presence known. I still remember, though, the first time I noticed OurPalAl. I looked at his name and thought, "what kind of 'I-wannabe-everybody's-friend-hope-they-like-me-suck' was this Al?" (Patre, we're OK with 'suck' aren't we? It's not as bad as when I called my kid....well you know.)
So I clicked on his name to check out his Avatar. Then I thought, "what kind of person would expose his duck to a bunch of strangers?" Right away, I judged Al. I didn't like Al. Al was...then I took a closer look at his duck. "Holy cow! Al's got a big duck!"
I frantically pushed myself away from the computer and ran upstairs, slammed the bathroom door shut and turned on the light. Desperately searching through all my hair products, I finally found it. As I looked at it in the palm of my hands (I was going to add "stroking the head with my thumb, but we don't need to go that far with this, right?)...As I looked at it in the palm of my hands, it became very clear to me: Al's duck was bigger than mine. Now, I really didn't like Al.
I went back to my computer determined to find something wrong with Big Al, Everybody's Pal. What I found added insult to injury: Al was a mod. So this I-wannabe-everybody's-friend-hope-they-like-me-my-duck's-bigger-than-your-duck HAD POWER?
Let me just say that from that point on, I have the utmost respect for BigAlMyFineFeatheredPal. I raise my glass of wine in your honour and... (damn, I actually spilt some on my keyboard. Hang on....) I raise my half-glass of wwwine in...(wwwhat the...I think the wwww is stuck nowww.)
All the best, Al.
_________________ "Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans." John Lennon
Former Site Moderator
Location: Pennsyltucky
Sat Apr 02, 2005 12:31 am Reply with quote
YerPalAl....what can I say? You're very sweet
And a good cook to boot!
Location: Geordieland, UK
Sat Apr 02, 2005 12:49 am Reply with quote
Al is too nice! He can't be roasted!
Sat Apr 02, 2005 2:13 am Reply with quote
what can i say about yerpalal
except that in jail, he'd make a mighty fine gal
some times he may make you want to climb walls
but just remember he's got santas' snow balls!
if he gets any older he'll be farting dust,
and the way i hear it his pipes full of rust,
you may think that a bath toy icon is weird
but remember the owner has rats in his beard,
i'll keep this rhyme short so lets back up the truck,
unload the beer and lets roast the duck!!
all in fun al, i appreciate the comments and help you've been kind enough to leave.
Location: Netherlands
Sat Apr 02, 2005 4:12 am Reply with quote
Well Al...yep he's been around. I always thought of him as a friendly teenager. Some kinda boyscout that wishes to help anyone. Than I saw his photo. He is ...well...old  And don't get fooled by his friendly appearence. Just look at his sharp tongue in his comments and you know what kinda guy he is.
And what's that with the rubber duck. I heard of fetishes.. but a rubber duck
In his comments though I have the feeling he's running around in circles. Maybe it's time to nail down his other foot.
I spoke to square the other day. She's getting bored that he is aging. I've got no sex life with Al anymore she said. Just when I get going, he wakes up.
But Al is AL, what more can I say...well no, I'd rather not go there.
_________________ Photoshop is fun
Location: On Deck, South by Southeast
Sat Apr 02, 2005 8:01 am Reply with quote
_________________ YerPalAl
I'm highly motivated to be un-ambitious today.
Location: California Choppin'
Sat Apr 02, 2005 11:09 am Reply with quote
And now.. a very special guest.
Yes, it's YerMama.
MySonAl is a wonderful boy. He'd spend hours and hours with his little scissors and library paste, chopping up all the photos in our family albums and sticking the heads on different bodies. I've got a beautiful photo from when Al was on the way--I've got the head of our dog and eight arms.
Mealtime was always a challenge, with MySonAl. Whenever I made Macaroni and Cheese, he'd immediately hand me a ballot with a check-mark on it. With tuna casserole, he'd come to me three days later and tell me he would give it a vote. With liver and onions, though, he would only comment.
I remember he used to say to me, "Some day, MyMama, I'm going to paint my car with the sky."
When he began chopping the heads off his GIJoes and glueing them onto his Hot Wheels, I was sure he was going to grow up to be an axe murderer, but just look at him!
Come here and give YerMama some sugar, my little Chopper!
Site Moderator
Location: North Carolina
Sat Apr 02, 2005 11:25 am Reply with quote
What most people don't know is YPA stands for Your Pal Assassin. That's right. It was Al on the grassy knoll. Back then, he could run like a cheetah and leap like a gazelle. No one ever knew. But one night he got drunk and told me in a pm all about it.
The cabaret act is just a cover up. 
Location: No longer PSC
Sat Apr 02, 2005 2:20 pm Reply with quote
I dot wanna say Al is in a may/december romance, but last time they went to the movies she got a childs ticket and he got a senior citizens discount!
Al is a bit older than his girtfriend, when they go out to eat she requires a booster seat
Location: California Choppin'
Sat Apr 02, 2005 5:26 pm Reply with quote
Here's a little-known fact about Al: He hasn't always liked squares.
We all owe a debt of gratitude to Square, for helping make Al the man he is, today.
Location: Netherlands
Sat Apr 02, 2005 6:06 pm Reply with quote
So i found out that the rubber duck fetish isn't a fetish at all. It started in Al's childhood.
What has this man to hide:
And what is the duck laughing about 
_________________ Photoshop is fun
Location: Netherlands
Sat Apr 02, 2005 7:21 pm Reply with quote
Here are another few facts I heard about OURPALAL:
-Al worked in a bank for a while, till they caught him steeling pens
-He was actually invited to do an audition as poster boy. It was for a birth-control campaign
-When his elders wanted to have sex, his mother showed a picture of Al
-When he puts on his underwear he can hear the fruit of the loom boys laughing
-Al is a very solid guy. Last night Square had sex with him to time an egg
-when Al went to a massage-parlor, they put out the sign self-service
Well so much forthe gossip right now. Al I still like you.......
to leave me alone 
_________________ Photoshop is fun
Location: California Choppin'
Sun Apr 03, 2005 1:11 pm Reply with quote
I wouldn't say My Pal Al is inept, but he can't even post an image properly, on the message board he moderates!
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