Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Welcome Center - can a member look at this - Reply to topic
Mon Apr 04, 2005 11:10 am Reply with quote
Post #1, I already explained some of what was working or, in this case, not working.
Post #2, What the fuck is it?? it looks like a mess. Even for abstract, it is tough to get anything out of that. colors are subdue in some areas yet over exposed it seems in others. It looks like you just adjusted some sort of levels for the parts of the daily image you used...or something. I wouldn't try something like this again.
Post #3, too busy. The image has no depth. The background makes no sense. Looks like a jumbled mess. The face is too bright considering the dark mood of the post. The cut-outs look flat, they need edges. Without edges, it looks like you traced a shape , cut, paste, move, done. Try adding some shading in different areas around the eyes and mouth and tongue. Drop shadows dont work that well the way you used them. Try hand drawing them or using a different technique. Speaking of the tongue, its messed up. I can't tell if its coming throught that thing or if its broken, etc.
11 sources seems a bit excessive for a post like this. You tried to add to much to the background is my guess when the daily image with the manipulation you attempted would have been enough.
Seriously, you are making an effort but my suggestion would be to start with something less involved and work more on the details. Sometimes its the little stuff that can make the difference from one entry to the next.
Location: Washington, USA
Mon Apr 04, 2005 11:17 am Reply with quote
personaly.. i think the quality of the work is very nice but your idea's need to be more... origional. with a good idea i think you could make a winner.
Mon Apr 04, 2005 11:18 am Reply with quote
please note:
I provided honest, constructive critisism while also including some encouragement. If I could vote, I wouldn't toss Nikon a vote or two since I'm sure this is NOT what this thread is about. A vote for Nikon is not needed since he is simply looking for some help with making a better image for themselves to be proud of. Votes are of no concern to most.
I, for one, cannot wait to witness the onslaught of encouragement and consturctive critisism other members have instore for such a plea as this. Afterall, this is a site where we promote each other in a kind way and assist where we can when we are asked, right?
Let's help and encourage Nikon in his crusade to better his entries here at PSC so that he can feel the pride we all feel at simply displaying our work for others to see, shall we?
Who's next?
Location: Washington, USA
Mon Apr 04, 2005 11:21 am Reply with quote
also, people tend to vote for more clear images, not the more "Out there..." busy ones like your 3rd one, i suggest you take time to look through previous contests and see what kinds of pictures are winning and doing well. that should give you a good idea of what people are looking for. good luck and welcome!
Mon Apr 04, 2005 11:29 am Reply with quote
AEaglenFitch, it would have been easier just to say, "Listen to SOT, he seems to know what he's talking about" don't you think? Or maybe cut and paste my text?
Nikon, I'm not sure you should listen to AEF (thats a long, hard name to type). He only has a 8.something VPP and clearly does not know what a good PSC entry is. Not to mention he's only been here since January. What could he know, right?
Well, at least according to some on this site.
Personally, He seems to agree with me so I think that makes him pretty damn smart.
Location: California Choppin'
Mon Apr 04, 2005 11:56 am Reply with quote
I can see that you put a lot of time into your posts, and that's admirable. Remember, this site isn't about winning the contests--it's about improving as an artist. Everybody here has several posts in their portfolio that make them cringe, and it's because we're always evolving and improving.
For me, and this isn't in any way a slam, I feel the cyborg thing has become a little trite. When I see something like that, I think, "there's somebody who read a cyborg tutorial." I apologize, if that's not the case with you.
For your next chop, why not try something simple, and really think about focus and edges? Knowing how objects interact with one another, is an important process for an artist. Ask yourself: How does this object affect the other items in my image? Would it cast a shadow? Should it be sharper or blurrier than the images around it? Where's the light source, and how would it affect this new object?
Try not to worry too much about the votes for a while--just polish your craft. 
Mon Apr 04, 2005 12:09 pm Reply with quote
Cynn wrote: ...admirable...artist...we're always evolving and improving...this isn't in any way a slam...a little trite...I apologize...
Now if that isn't encouragement, I don't know what is.
At least we know Nikon's feelings aren't crushed. Too bad we now think they might be 10 years old.
Cynn wrote: For your next chop, why not try something simple, and really think about focus and edges? Knowing how objects interact with one another, is an important process for an artist. Ask yourself: How does this object affect the other items in my image? Would it cast a shadow? Should it be sharper or blurrier than the images around it? Where's the light source, and how would it affect this new object?
In other words, with out so much fluff: Details, Details, Details. Thanks for backing me up Cynn.
Cynn wrote: Try not to worry too much about the votes for a while--just polish your craft. 
she's right. Who needs votes when we can feel good about ourselves. For God's sake, Just feel better about yourself and maybe, just maybe, if you give your teacher an apple, you'll get an A+ in your art class.
Location: montreal
Mon Apr 04, 2005 12:31 pm Reply with quote
sword of truth is alright in my books... i'ts about time someone we had somone like him
Im a, you got some good advice here
_________________ beefhead said: beet, how did you make the girl puke at regular speed?
Mon Apr 04, 2005 1:02 pm Reply with quote
thanks you people all seem really knowledgable and helpful
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Mon Apr 04, 2005 7:51 pm Reply with quote
"Listen to SOT, he seems to know what he's talking about"
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Mon Apr 04, 2005 7:55 pm Reply with quote
If you prefer...
I could just repeat everything SOT said,but..
in my own words.
Did ya notice I have a "Mandrill" for an avatar?
Yeah,tee-heee, and I aint even doing the
"scavenger HUNT thing".
Watch out for Leif ...He is just here
trying to meet boys.(unleess your into that..then..uhhhh..
Meet Leif,He's a movie star.)
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