Not a chop.
Sunny day - light is coming in from DRIVER'S Window behind the halo dude's head.
If you look just above his head there is a little bit of flare out from the direct light coming at the lense. It looks like there might be a glass paneled building in the back ground that might be reflecting direct light back at the car.
This looks like it was shot with a telephoto lens, and this causes the halo dude to look quite close to his friend, but if one thinks of the width of a van's side door, there is probably some space between them. Halo dude is in the path of the light, while friend is behind the passenger seat shadow... that would explain lack of halo on them.
Sage is right, if a subject is backlit by a bright light you get that neat "light edging" effect - many photographers use this effect to punch out a subject against a background. This looks like it happened by accident.
ALSO: The reflection of halo dude's white shirt and arm, as well as its shadow, in the van's side panel also indicates it is not a chop.
AND I COULD BE WRONG - but if its a chop someone knew light refraction, lense compression and also knows shadows and relfection VERY MUCHO. But I don't think I'm wrong (some would say I just don't THINK!
