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Location: Geordieland, UK
Wed Apr 20, 2005 8:02 pm Reply with quote
I'm drunk and Newcastle got beat again!
Thu Apr 21, 2005 12:41 am Reply with quote
Quote: (like Volkswes)
I'm only posting in this since BillTV made reference to me.
27yrs old
6'2" 200lbs
I do civil computer drafting ang GIS (like BillTVShow)
Part time student (nights)
Huge VW fan
Enjoy deer hunting, and motorcycles
Found out about PSC 2 years ago this month thanks to Nancers
Recently got blocked from PSC at work
Location: Duketown
Thu Apr 21, 2005 3:26 am Reply with quote
Quote: age: 45 (respect your elders you YOUNG PUPS!!!)
Ha! ReinMan has been 45 ever since he's joined PSC
Quote: I'm Robin, 30 y/o working as an architectural draftsman/designer in Virginia.
BTW, I'm 30 too 
Location: Milkyway
Thu Apr 21, 2005 3:41 am Reply with quote
Hi all,
I'm 24yr old Male, working as a techie. I dont hv any training in photoshop. I used to do a lot of chopping while I was in my college. (One year back). My dream was to be a graphics designer(I was studying programming  ). Now I dont have the facility to work on photoshop here. (I'm browsing frm my office  ). Here I cant download or upload anything. I'm staying in a Bachlers den and dont hv internet access there(The Monthly bill burned out a hole in my pocket('  '). So I have to go out for browsing.
I love Photoshop. Thats why i'm a frequent visitor here.
_________________ Vrooooooooooommm......
vunt van pumununt
Location: the netherlands
Thu Apr 21, 2005 3:58 am Reply with quote
I’m 31, have two sons (Daniel = nearly 4 and Chris = 1), a beautifull wife (sorry girls) and 3 cats . During the day I conduct neuropsychoendocrinological (I love that word) research, and on paper, I should get my PhD at the end of this year… unfortunately, this is gonna take a whole lot longer , cause of the shitload of other work that has to be done here. I studied neuropsychology at the university of Nijmegen (any “Nijmo’s” out there?).
I lived in New Zealand for 6 years when I was younger, but the Netherlands is treating me pretty well, so I’m not waiting to move back.
I love to photoshop (actually PSP…sorry  ), and most other pastimes have kinda slipped since I discovered PSC. Before PSC, I loved to read (e.g. terry pratchett), was a cinefilis… cinemafile… I liked to watch movies, and loved gaming (pc or board).
_________________ "This is a really cool quote"
Location: Florida
Fri Apr 22, 2005 2:32 am Reply with quote
K....I`m 36...I`ve been married for 12 years...My husband is an OTR truckdriver, So he`s RARELY ever home...I have 2 kids ;Paul, age 9 and Kennedy, age 7...I`m a licensed interior designer, But I don`t do alot with that anymore...I run a small graphic design business out of my home doing designs for signs, logos, wedding invitatios, that kind of stuff..I live in a VERY small town in rural Utah called Green River, it has a poulation of about 900 people...I was born in Pasadena,Ca. on January 1st 1969, almost LITTERALLY in the middle of the "Tournament of Roses" Parade (took my parents 45 minutes to drive the 8 blocks to get to the hospital  )...My favorite artist is Picasso...I also sing and do a little community theater here and there,Mostly musical...I am a Sinatra FREAK and My favorite city in the world is Las Vegas...That`s 
Fri Apr 22, 2005 2:34 am Reply with quote
I am an old musician. Played in nightclubs & casinos six nights a week for thirty yrs.
Played with many big name people ,but probably not people whos music you listen to.
Became disabled & had to give up the wild night life. Got my first PC a year ago & then fell in love with PS about 6 mo. later. Love it, but think I may have to seek professional help because I have become obsessive about it. Someday I will figure out how to add an avatar.
Location: Israel>Vancouver
Fri Apr 22, 2005 12:44 pm Reply with quote
I live in a chaotic small country called Israel, i'll be 20 years old in 2 weeks...
I have been painting most of my life... i really can't imagin life without it...
my life has been mostly boring until a year ago when i was in a car crash and ever since i'm all messed up... in the past year i have been trying to find out what to do with my life and ended up studying computer graphics which i really enjoy...
In my more sane moments i love to read sci\fi and fantasy books and listen to Tori Amos...
Location: Hudson, Canada
Fri Apr 22, 2005 1:22 pm Reply with quote
"We'll go back into the past just once..."— John Lennon
Certain members have inquired about my rock daze, so, as promised, here goes....
I first picked up the guitar when I was 8, began classical training at 10, and continued well into university. Considered a prodigy, I was offered the chance to go to Spain to study with the "Masters" when I was 13. I turned it down. I wanted to be a rock star.
In 1988, after a few stints with unsuccesful bands, I co-founded "Beyond the Pale".
In the early 1990s, Montreal was experiencing a "goth revival" and our sound and image fit right in. We were considered one of the major goth bands in Montreal at that time. Funny thing was that I had no idea what goth was. We were asked to play at some goth festival after a promoter had gotten wind of us. I found out there what goth was and was hooked: the darkness, the vampires, the tats and piercings, the women in latex, the make up, the women in latex...we fit right in.
Goth did not have the reputation it has today. Although the look is similar, the mentality was completely different. It was not about hurting anyone; the dark lyrics were more about mysticism, self-pity, the-world-is-messed-up-I-wanna-get-off type thing. There was never any violence at any of the shows I attended. People were there to fade into the black and observe being observed.
My lyrics grew darker and darker, and I created a persona on stage that was equally dark. Unfortunately, this persona began creeping into my real world, and, although I was probably one of the happiest person in the world, before I knew it, I wasn't laughing anymore. At parties, I could be found lying in the middle of the floor in a scotch-induced trance, from where I would emerge only to look for the bottle.
I surrounded myself with self-loathers, groupies and wannabes. There was no purpose to anything save the band, studio and the stage. Anyway, I'll spare all the details, but all this lasted for about 10 years. At my final show, a good friend of mine decided she had had enough and decided to exit the world during our final set. I guess I must have felt it, because I suddenly got a feeling of repulsion as I looked into the crowd. Without consulting anyone, I approached the mic and said that this was my final song. My band members looked at me with deer-in-the-headlight eyes, but my mind was made up. We haven't really talked since.
I guess symbolically, I joined her when I "killed" the persona that had taken over my life. I've never looked back until now.
Wow! Sorry about that! It actually took me over an hour to write this and about 30 mins to hit the submit button. You guys must be special for me to share that with you!
Anyway, if you want to hear some stuff:
I never finished the site, and I believe the only links that work are the song ones.
Sorry about the pop ups, but, hey, it's free!
_________________ "Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans." John Lennon
Location: British Columbia
Fri Apr 22, 2005 1:24 pm Reply with quote
hi, i'm a 34 yr old web developer working for a large communications company in Burnaby, BC, Canada. i commute 1hr in from the small town of Abbotsford where i live w my wife of 12 yrs, and our beautiful 4 yr old daughter, Shaelyn.
self taught, i've worked w photoshop quite frequently for the past 5-6 yrs, but just happened to come across PSC last fall, and absolutely love it. just too busy, and wish i was able to post more often.
in my spare time (which is very rare) i do some web design on the side. also like to rollerblade, play guitar, spend time w famlily, and play xbox live ... (yes i'm a 34 yr old video game addict).
anyways, that's about it... looking forward to my first PSC tournament!
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Fri Apr 22, 2005 2:48 pm Reply with quote
But ain't that a little TOO close to SURREY for your own comfort, dude!?
BTW - I'm still ME,
WHO ARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Location: Groningen - The Netherlands
Fri Apr 22, 2005 4:47 pm Reply with quote
Siem, born on Texel, 1961.
Dentist from 1988 till 2003.
2003 till 2005 very dark period.
Now: divorced, no kids and teaching dentistry at university Groningen.
Future: ?
_________________ Tell me and I will forget, show me and I may remember,
involve me and I will understand.
Location: philly
Fri Apr 22, 2005 4:57 pm Reply with quote
im 18
172 lb
i go to one of the worst ghetto schools in my city. and ima be studying electrical engeering at temple univercity next year. i like photoshop, art, painting photography, running and workingout. i speak russian ukrainian and english
Location: the Netherlands
Fri Apr 22, 2005 5:04 pm Reply with quote
TXPinky born on Texel (1962)
42 years old now! Married for 12 years, 1 son called Sem at the age of 7.
Graphic Designer. Working with the usual programs like photoshop, pagemaker, illustrato, Quark XPress, InDesign, Dreamweaver, Painter, Apogee X, all on a Mac.
Making the local paper twice a week, designing lots of things, prepress etc
You can actually see some of my work just click the rows and some pop-up appears (the cursor doesn't change in a arrow)
After school on Texel: 1/2 year kibbutz Israel, graphic school in Amsterdam, and after 17 years (10 years in Arnhem) back to Texel, where I live now for 3 years again.
I met my dutch wife on Crete.
Collecting rockabilly records, coinhunting, gardening, fishing, drawing etc.
Favourite music: Straycats, Brian Setzer, Paladins, Southern Culture on the Skids, Thirteen Sences, Feeder, Suede, Saybia etc. etc.
_________________ Also known as the Kaleidoscope King!
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