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Location: Groningen - The Netherlands
Fri Apr 22, 2005 5:24 pm Reply with quote
_________________ Tell me and I will forget, show me and I may remember,
involve me and I will understand.
Location: the Netherlands
Fri Apr 22, 2005 6:08 pm Reply with quote
That's a long time ago! 5th class
_________________ Also known as the Kaleidoscope King!
Location: Virginia
Fri Apr 22, 2005 6:17 pm Reply with quote
vunt van pumununt wrote: Before PSC, I loved to read (e.g. terry pratchett), was a cinefilis… cinemafile… I liked to watch movies, and loved gaming (pc or board).
HA! I love that. We should have a thread about what we did BEFORE PSC.
Hi, I'm Robin. Before PSC I enjoyed rollerblading, watching movies snuggled up on the couch with my ex, sculpting and keeping in touch with family and friends. 
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Fri Apr 22, 2005 9:49 pm Reply with quote
With your (*gulp!*) EX?????!!!!!!!
Location: New York
Fri Apr 22, 2005 10:20 pm Reply with quote
lol I'm glad Rein pointed that out. I have to say, if I'm cuddling with someone on the couch watching a movie, and it's not my cat or my kid, it damn sure ain't an ex anything!
BTW robin, welcome back. 
_________________ cafn8d 09/12 @ 09:41 pm
I've been there! Wow, I've been someplace Square's been! That is SO AWESO... what... the SHIV is over? oh... Well, I've still been there...
Location: California Choppin'
Sat Apr 23, 2005 12:40 am Reply with quote
This is such a neat topic. Thanks for starting it!
My name's Ann. I'm 40 and I live in Santa Cruz, California with my husband and son. We've been married 17 years, and our boy is 11. My husband is a CPA.
I double-majored in college, so I have a BA in Communications and a BA in Art. I'm Art Director for a small publishing company here in Santa Cruz. Despite loud protestations from my boss, I only work during school hours. (I don't know why she's griping. She can't afford to pay me a full-time salary anyway.) The company I'm with specializes in curriculum development, and I do a lot of textbook design. I'm a typography nerd, but my favorite thing is to design book covers.
I've been using Photoshop since it came out, but only used it for color correction and image repair until very recently. I absolutely love chopping--it feels so evil.
When I'm not here and online, I'm either on my clan home forum (roleplay games are a hobby of mine that are being rapildy eclipsed by photochopping) or moderating the flame forum for an online game I enjoy.
Um, what else? I have a Tonkinese cat and a German Shepherd dog, some hermit crabs and a few frogs. ( The pets in this household always wind up being mine--even the Neopets.  )
I have a pretty dry sense of humor, so when in doubt, assume I'm kidding. I'm pretty jaded about the internet, and really like having forums and chat to blow off steam. My life's pretty stressy, but I wouldn't change a thing.
Meeshoo Klan
Location: Romania
Sat Apr 23, 2005 1:37 am Reply with quote
My name is Mihai (mee-hy)!
I`m 27 (capricorn - 12 january 1978) & I live in Gura Humorului, Romania. (I`m not a gipsy or necromancer  )
I graduate the Faculty of Economics (bleah)
Now I`m a DTP operator (prepress) & I work in a tipography.
I`ll B married soon (28 may 2005) with my enfionce Anca (she`s 24, she`s job is talk 2 people - she work on da local radio).
Hmmmmm... 2 B married is good????
I like my PC, PC games, movies, Photoshop, hip hop & death metall music (I`m a eclectic man), I love my cat (he`s name is Devil  ).
I want 2 "kill" my boss, cause I don`t have time 4 PSC! I work all day... & when I`m home I sleep like a dead!  hahahahaha
................... & that`s all folks! 
Location: Yorkshire,
Sat Apr 23, 2005 12:32 pm Reply with quote
i'm 48 years old, 6'1" tall with my legs on, retired electrician/fibre optics tech,
worked mainly in industrial and telecom insallation, worked in africa and all over europe
includind 1 year outside Durban S/A, 18 months Holland, and 2 years London UK,
i have been "common law" married 6 times curently born again virgin, i have 2 fantastic kids
to wife number 3, zoe 25, brett 21,
i've had my computer for over 3 years when i bought it i told the guy at the shop i wanted it
for computer graphics, although i didn't know the first thing about computers or graphics
the computer came with coral draw 8 and i thought that was it untill i got a copy of
PS ellements 2 with my new printer, my son talked me into getting ps7 and i never looked back.
i found PSC through a link from a tutorial site 2 years ago and have been here ever since.
i recently desided it's time to get out of my wheel chair and back on the road, so i bought
an old kawasaki KLR 600, way to big and dangerous but that's the way i have always lived so
i will over come.
favorite things:
beer, woman, bikes, and my local bar where all 3 mix together nicely,
i run the web site for the bar and help organize bands and events for the bar,
i would dearly love to make a living with computer graphics and web building, but at the
moment i do it for fun.
Location: Virginia
Sat Apr 23, 2005 7:08 pm Reply with quote
Square wrote: lol I'm glad Rein pointed that out. I have to say, if I'm cuddling with someone on the couch watching a movie, and it's not my cat or my kid, it damn sure ain't an ex anything!
BTW robin, welcome back. 
Thanks Square! good to see ya 
Location: the world, the jungle, the Puter
Sat Apr 23, 2005 7:41 pm Reply with quote
Howdy, or Woof Woof!, I is a D.O.G. Dang Ornery Guy, no cerealy, I enjoy making others smile if not LOL. And I enjoy attempting PSC posts. My Lady of now 5 yrs was the culprit that introduced me to PSC about Oct '04, (now I'm a 'PUTER Flirt according to her), LOL! But I enjoy People. I was reared way back when, YerPalAl & Patre might say "Old School" ways becuz itz mostly tru. My work? well I treat water for a living, that has recently stole my time away from PSC, GREEN of course, is my favorite color, (it used to be Blue until I learned the value of a US Dollar, many many many moons ago) I state that I am an Elder by age, but that's not exactly tru. My bod, ( a mere rental for this Life time), is younger than my Mind, but old enough to know the aches and pains of living. ( I v'e already surpassed the many different ages that I said I would be lucky to see EONs ago). My name here is due to my Children, (the ones I know of), 2 dogs Mac & Angie, and our 4 cats, Puff, short for puff puff the magic dragon, being she survived the "ICE -STORM of 2002 here in N.C., but mostly cuz she runs to me when I call it out. P.P. initials for Princess Paws, (that me Lady's youngest named it before we adopted it from her without choice), and PP's 2 kids, Pokey, & her Brother Spike. I enjoy them as much as I do what's her name, Star ummmmmmm Brite! J/K, she'll kill me when she reads this one Hee Hee! Anyways, I thank ya'll fer comin' up wit dis thread thinggy. It were fun. Yaknow, if ya lives to 105, and still feel alive, then it must of been worth it! BTW I do Believe in what my signature says also.
_________________ "Live strong as the mountains and true as the eagle and the Great Spirit will always be with you!" May Peace be in your Heart!
Location: Montreal, Canada
Sun Apr 24, 2005 7:47 am Reply with quote
sage :
Quote: used to be a rock star, but can't really remember any of that
A rock star? In Quebec? Know I know who you really are, sage!
Location: Home!
Sun Apr 24, 2005 8:21 am Reply with quote
Sorry have been away for a while as am travelling!
I am 27. Got married 2yrs ago and moved to Memphis after that. My husband is an MD and MS in biotechnology.. I am a software engineer and then did my graphic/web designing and e-commerce. Have been a designer since nearly 7yrs now. Working as a freelancer! Love spending time on PSC, ryze and chatting with friends all over the world!
Pssst Love your new avatar Reinman and Cynn! 
Location: Hudson, Canada
Sun Apr 24, 2005 10:35 am Reply with quote
ummm, by the way, isn't that Michel Corcoran? 
_________________ "Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans." John Lennon
Location: California Choppin'
Sun Apr 24, 2005 10:58 am Reply with quote
Welcome back, Enchantress! It's wonderful to see you again.
(Thank you! Drew 'er myself with Illustrator, then, of course, edited with Photoshop.)
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