Chicken wrote:
ReinMan wrote:
Dearest Chicken: Not to burst your bubble (nor BLOW your bubble, if you get my drift!?) but I found that those penile units were a bit fuzzy around the edge.
But I'm sure if you work at it you could be a contender in next years tourney.
Yours truly,
From the Canadian Delusion (how the feck does one spell DELUSION anyway?!)
Just North of You,
ReinMeister deJour
Dude...give me a know how creepy it was masking that out?
YOU chose to be funny with PENISES,
YOU deal with the masking and CLOSE UP DETAIL work required for a winning chop. Don't come beeeyotching to me! If you'd picked a hotdog or a pickle or a popcycle perhaps you'd not need so much therapy at this time? Perhaps it is time you take RESPONSABILITY for YOUR DEVIANT WAYS!
And, if it isn't time for that, then have a nice day

the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!