The layout is nice. I like the colors you used.
some points:
- The header looks fine but i dont like the display of date and time under it. It distracts and i think that everybody knows what date it is.

Firefox will not keep the date on its place but half over the header. And it is written in dutch on your english site.
- You have your email addresses on too much pages. This is friendly for your visitors but also a gift for spammers. I think its better to place a link to the contact page instead.
- The screenshots page is way too big. It is almost 4 mb!
It is better to make thumbnails of your pictures and then link them to the bigger ones.
- Export javascripts and css
- Wallpapers: not necessary to put them in a rar file. The packed size makes only a few kb difference. I would also make them available for 1024x768 and 800x600 resolutions and write the sizes under the wallpaper thumbnails.
- Why did you make a frameset?
- Your pages contain no doctypes and no Character Encoding. These have to be included. See . More help on This is really important!
The programming could be much better (sorry). Personally I would not have made the site with Frontpage but with GoLive or Dreamweaver. Frontpage is known for making very messy coding.
I make websites for a living and am therefor probably more demanding concerning the programming of a site. But if I were you I would really look around a bit on the Internet for HTML and CSS tutorials. It is really not so difficult!
Something positive: I must honestly say that your layout is really nice and clean! The navigation is top and user friendly! And the header and opening page are of very good quality!
Good luck!