Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Contests and Entries - CONGRATS billtvshow - The tournament winner!! - Reply to topic
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Location: Geordieland, UK
Fri May 20, 2005 9:57 pm Reply with quote
TEAM BUCETA ROCKS AT THE HIGHEST LEVL!!!! ( Sorry Stephen, I'm drunk again!) 
Location: Australia
Fri May 20, 2005 10:12 pm Reply with quote
Congrates to both Bill and 202, I looked and looked and looked at both images and could not deciede between the two so, I decieded not to vote because both were wonderful images...well done gentleman.
( Sits back and waits for the..."but your one vote could have made it even"...)
Location: here
Fri May 20, 2005 10:28 pm Reply with quote
Congrats Billtvshow!
This was indeed a show!!! Great entries both, also big applaus for 202!
_________________ Take it easy!
Location: currently Taipei
Sat May 21, 2005 1:17 am Reply with quote
Well done Stephen!!
Well done to 202 too!!
Man, I think the end result showed amazing how both pics were.
I sat for ages staring at the pics too, and "almost" had to toss a coin to decide.
Great job, Splodge with the tourney pages.
Well done to JMH for organising it.
Well done to EVERYONE who took part. It was a pleasure to watch. 
Location: London, UK
Sat May 21, 2005 2:52 am Reply with quote
Congrats BillTV on the win! You rock man. Both are great images, the202's is fantastic as well.
Have been very busy and didn't manage to log on, thought the tournament lasts till today.
Location: Southern California
Sat May 21, 2005 3:37 am Reply with quote
Congrats bill.
And 202, you rocked it.
It was certainly a hard choice to make...
Location: Northern NY
Sat May 21, 2005 5:00 am Reply with quote
Wow, one vote? Spectacular finish to a great contest. WTG to you both and everyone else who entered. 
_________________ Not All Who Sing "The Wanderer" Are Dion
The Closer you get to Canada the more things there are that wanna eat your horse.
Location: Montreal
Sat May 21, 2005 10:58 am Reply with quote
Yep... Congrats to both of you. Unfortunaly I didn't get in time to vote for the final. I woke up just a sec too late. We could easely have a tie here! Nice job Bill. Great tourney.
_________________ anfa's signature back-up.
Sat May 21, 2005 10:19 pm Reply with quote
Sorry i'm a bit belated with this, but congratulations to billtvshow, who now becomes supreme emperor of the photoshop republic for 2005. Long live the king! (My personal favorite of yours was the badass elephant, and it's fitting you're using it as your avy.)
Seriously, that was a great tournament, and it was a lot of fun to see my first PSC tourney as a spectator. I can't even tell you how many times I'd refresh the tournament screen while at work. Congratulations to everyone who participated, and to jmh for setting it all up.
Meeshoo Klan
Location: Romania
Sun May 22, 2005 2:29 am Reply with quote
Congrats BillTvShow - great work & ideas! BRAVOOOOO!
U`re da real man & U won dis H2H clear & heroic.  [/b]
_________________ Be carefull what U wish 4 `cause it might come true!
Location: London,UK
Sun May 22, 2005 8:42 pm Reply with quote
Simply The Best!
Congrats PSC's Tv Bill The Show
Site Moderator
Location: Rochester, NY
Mon May 23, 2005 12:13 pm Reply with quote
BillTVShow....I hope you have a GREAT summer.
Location: Washington, USA
Mon May 23, 2005 3:16 pm Reply with quote
thanks to stephen i get to keep my house! good job i knew you had this thing from the begining!
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