There is an interesting variety of "chopping styles" represented by the graphic artists who submit their work to this site. I will note only three in this thread as a starting point for discussion and comment.
The first style is what I would call strictly technical and involves only using the source and transforming it to make it look like something other than the original picture.
billtvshow's "Hot dog post is an example of what I mean:
The second style is a combination of a transformation and the additon of another source or sources to form a composite.
202's tournament entry is an example of this style.
The third style is the use of the original picture without any transformation, but with the addition of another source and/or sources plus lighting, color, integration and other modifications and adjustments etc.
to form a unique collage picture that is significantly different from the original.
Here is an example of such a picture, where the Christmas scene was the original picture.
The original source for the first 2 styles can be found simply by accessing the composer's picture profiles.
There are probably numerous other styles that could be differentiated, if time were taken to analyze and classify differences represented by the artists submitting work here. I have chosen to list only three because I believe that they represent what is most typical of the style differentiation that exists on this site. Each of these styles could have genre sub categories , for example" style one" could have a subcategory of surreal.
My questions are:
1. Do you think that any one style has a comparative edge in voter appeal re: the work on this site.?
2. Is one style any better than another one?
3. Is any style good, if the theme/idea is ingenious and the execution is technically superior?
4. Which style do you think most represents who you are as a chopper? Which style is more authentically you?
Please add any other related comments you think are relevant, but which I have not included in the topics for discussion.
Finally, it would be interesting to study voting trends related to the above styles in an attempt to determine if, in fact, one style typically prevails over another in the winning entry category. I use the "winning entry" category simply because it is easier to eliminate the competency of the artist variable as a factor in determing the winner, because most artists who submit a winning entry are presumed to be skilled and competent choppers.
Maybe this is case of when too much is too much. If so I hope you will just

and have a good day..