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Location: South Carolina USA
Mon May 30, 2005 11:52 am Reply with quote
For me compare animation and photos like compare singing and dancing.They sure have music in common and that's yet. We need to separate them. May be make a animation tournament or onece a while give the source picture for animation. Cause I can take camera and make movie and put it in gif if I want. I can make animation. But to put it in 75 KB means to put it in pretty bad quality and I don't want to make kich. And about people who vote for themselfs- why this web site don't makes voteing like one vote from one IP ( from one computer). Cause --- oops sorry that was my brother...Doesn't work for me. ( Don't wanna offend enyone). Even if it's your brother- his vote looks just like yours.
Location: Australia
Mon May 30, 2005 3:12 pm Reply with quote
(Re-straightens coller...damn Sage...pats down hair...climbs back on soap box...)
Not a fair comparision Ms_Nicole, both the anination and the still image are changed by useing photoshop, if it is 20 frames or 20 different layers it's still the core idea of this site, image manipulation. With the size restraints, I makes it that much harder to keep picture quality, many times I have spent hours on a gif entry and dumped it because I can not get it to the correct size with out loosing quality. Both image types are can become "kich", and it all comes down to this, the rules allow the use of gif and if done well then the votes will do well.
(Why the hell did this topic have to surface when Ive got a gif entry in...climbs down from soap box...takes damn tie off...unbuttons shirt, top two button's...Ms_Nicole does that to it hot in here...)
Location: South Carolina USA
Mon May 30, 2005 4:02 pm Reply with quote
So sad, BLUE , you didn't get my point. I'm not against animations. My point was to make own contest for it with more file size allowd so people can do better job and I'll do it too then. You see?
Location: Old NewYork State ! Sex: Male. Age: Unknown
Mon May 30, 2005 4:09 pm Reply with quote
I think people just get pissed when a shitty animation gets more votes than a great still image.... just because it's "animated".

Location: South Carolina USA
Mon May 30, 2005 4:20 pm Reply with quote
What I mean. People probably spending a lot of time doing good job to make ani.gif and after they have to put it in 57 Kb what makes quality of their job much poor and all we got to see how good was idea. Why don't make animation contest? Cause if you just allow biger files in this contest then people will overload site with big size JPEG. Thet why it has to be 2 different conttests.
Location: Australia
Mon May 30, 2005 4:22 pm Reply with quote
(Climbs back onto soapbox...wipes sweat from it me or is Ms_Nichole hot in here..I mean is it hot in here...)
I did understand your point of view Ms_Nicole, but by removing gif entries from the main comp you will take away the competitive edge, if you look there is 90% still and 10% animated, out of that 10% lets say there is 3% of gif work that is of a high standard, that 3% has to compete against 50% of great still images. I do a gif because I see a challenge to keep the quality as best I can, remain in the size limit and to test my skills against the other 50% of brilliant images that get posted. Both image styles have there good and bad entries, what counts is the appeal of the entry, not only vote worth but idea and creatism appeals to me, I will vote for a chop that may be underworked because of the idea and the attempe of something that I know is difficult.
(Climbs down from soap box...damn it's getting warm...waits with baited breath for a response...)
Location: South Carolina USA
Mon May 30, 2005 4:29 pm Reply with quote
Well guys let's face it. Some pictures on this site are -art level. And animations...Well...Let's make it high level too. If you doing something or do it good or don't do it at all. I'm not P** of as you say. People free to vote for whatever they like.
Location: South Carolina USA
Mon May 30, 2005 4:31 pm Reply with quote
So you don't want oun contest for gif, blue_lurker ? Who does? Anyone thinks like me?
Location: Montreal
Mon May 30, 2005 4:40 pm Reply with quote
I think just like you... And everyone who already did animated gifs in the past should get banded. Period. 
_________________ anfa's signature back-up.
Location: Australia
Mon May 30, 2005 4:54 pm Reply with quote
( Stay's away from the soapbox...rather be on ground level...legs feeling kinda weak)
Dont get me wrong, Lovely Lady, Im not saying your P** off, far from it I am enjoying this conversation by forume. What Im trying to say, is to me, it is a shame to remove one method of using photoshop from the contests, what would be next you cant use the filters because they do the work for you, of TX's style of art because its not mainstream. I think I have entered about 4 animated images, all four have posted well. I also post a link to the bigger un-reduced image for those that want to see the quality. If you look at my entry in todays contest, I dont think the image quality has been compromised to much, image size payed the price for quality. Not sure about any one else but all my gif work is done in Photoshop, not photoimage or image ready, then I use image ready to create the animated result. Every image is created in photoshop at the original image size then reduced and optimised to fit the 75k limit.
(Hope she notices Im flirting with well as discussing the's still gettting hot in here...)
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Mon May 30, 2005 4:56 pm Reply with quote
JMH went through the trouble of making that whole 'other' area on site for
the 'Tourney'=
I wonder if we could have a small 1 day tourney-high vote wins
Everyone who gets a kick out of Giffin'
might have a whole two weeks to work the original source-
no size limit-( that means if yer gonna
'NOT-vote' for a big gif cause it loads slow
on yer 19th century telephone line connection to the interweb,
then don't vote at all,thank ya much)---------Plus
OFF SITE HOSTING----???????If ya post bigger than 75kb-
ya have ta host it yerself like the old dayz.
We're certainly not ready for "ScavHunt" right now anyway-
this might just fit the bill

Location: Glendale, Az.
Mon May 30, 2005 4:59 pm Reply with quote
I think both ideas could work under certain conditions.
If the file size on animations(gifs) were, lets say, increased
to 500KB, then the current competitive edge for a still image is
significantly reduced and contestants using either style
would be competing on a more even plane.
If the size retriction on animated gif files is not increased, then
I believe that Ms. Nicole's suggestion re: a category for animated gifs
makes a lot of sense. Since all submitted animations would be submitted
under the same file size limitation, each contestant would, in theory,
have no file size comparative edge, and the quality of the animation,
idea etc. would, again, in theory, be the deciding factor in determining
whose project received the highest number of votes.
I am still unclear, given the fact that the site recently acquired new servers, as
to why the animated .gif file size cannot be increased. A follow-up question would be.
assuming for whatever reason, that the file size cannot be increased: Under what conditions-added space etc.would the animated.gif file size be increased?
Location: South Carolina USA
Mon May 30, 2005 5:08 pm Reply with quote
Blue- It was not you who used this p** off thing)))
Location: Australia
Mon May 30, 2005 5:17 pm Reply with quote
Damn your a hard man Alex, banned geez mate, may be a quick whipping...say 20-30 lashes with the cat of nine, tight leather face mask...ball gag...oh baby...ooops sorry forgot where i was...LOL.
Im glad your not P** off with me Ms_Nichole cause then I would have wasted all that dont read that stuff above it's just nothing to worry about...unless...well...naw forget it...
Location: Yorkshire,
Mon May 30, 2005 6:22 pm Reply with quote
i cant be bothed to read all that, can someone break it all down for me,,,, .GIF's rock
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