Did you notice I was gone?
Seriously though... wow. I didn't realise I'd been the subject of so much concern and speculation! It's nice to be popular... even if it's only online and not in "real" life
*insert sound of violins here*
Ok, well firstly - apologies for vanishing into thin air. I'd like to say that Fugue had it spot on: I was working undercover all along and my cover was blown, so I had to escape to a remote South American village for a few months until the "heat" was off.
Ok, I'd
like to say that. But it wouldn't be true. I'd like even MORE to be able to say that yes, I
was with the lovely missrobin - held captive in her cellar as a sex-slave

.. but sadly, no.
In fact, I've had a few busy/bizarre months with work, personal life, a fledgling relationship that eer.. well didn't quite work out after all and turned into a bit of a nightmare/disappointment (!) etc. The usual "life" stuff I guess!
So... I suppose that makes
Monitor's guess: "
Maybe he met a chick, and stayed in a sleazy East End hotel room since then? HubbahubbaHandToolUK!" the closest... sort of!
(Hmm. I wonder if I should offer a "prize" for the best guess?)
Anyway... I'm now back(ish). Got a few loose ends to "tie up" (no, that's nothing to do with sex-slaves and cellars either), and some work to finish this month, then taking some holiday but I'm hoping to get back to some serious (and NOT so serious) PSCing from July!
It's good to be back - and thanks again for all your concern!
PS - another side effect of a prolonged absence: the Hotmail account I used for PSC was suspended due to lack of use, and although I've reactivated it I've now lost all the mails I received from you lovely people in the past. Damnit! So don't be surprised if I've forgotten which of you have pet llamas, club-footed children with 7 fingers on each hand, recently started a job at a monkey-breeding farm, etc, etc...