The time it takes to vote.
How long does it take to go over a whole contest?
From some recent comments, I get the idea some folks take a couple of hours.
I was just thinking how I finished mine in around twenty minutes a couple nights ago,
and it occured to me that maybe some folks are "surfing a harder way".
So, I'm gonna share my 'surf to vote' routine.
Maybe it will be a big time saver for someone, maybe you.
Here goes........................
Here, in image 1--I have opened the main voting page in a window on the left.
(choose the link you prefer now--'most recent' 'most votes' or 'default'.)
Then I open a second window-just 'anything' on right--i then resize windows to fit
full screen evenly.
Don't forget to clik 'display all entrys'--even if yer on 'dial-up', go ahead-
you'll only do that once--this page will not be refreshed.
NOW! pay attention--"CLIK" on the first image you want to
judge--"HOLD DOWN THE MOUSE BUTTON-clik on the desired "thumbnail" and
don't release the button--now Drag your pointer onto the right page --
NOW you can release the pointer!
The image you wish to judge has opened in that window--now comment-
vote-enter vote-slide yer pointer back to the left page-pick another thumbnail and repeat.
Anyone should be able to judge every image in a contest
quickly and be done long before it feels like a chore--
don't forget to 'dawdle' over the images that catch your
imagination or impress you with the skilz involved.
Thanks for peeking in.