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Location: Australia
Sat Jul 16, 2005 12:05 pm Reply with quote
Photoshop way of life.
Using Photoshop and other graphic programs is not part of my job. By day I'm just your average electrician, working for a living like the rest of us, but in my spare time and some times during my working time I am a photoshop-a-holic. Not having the association with other graphic type people, i.e. designers, artist and enthusiast I find my people don’t understand my passion. (Talking real life here, if it was not for this place I would go stir crazy). My wife enjoys my work and is very supportive yet dose not understands my passion outside of the computer realm.
Some times we are out shopping and all of a sudden I get this idea for a chop, and I tell her about it and I get this look of…”that’s nice sweetheart now what’s next on the list”, or I work out how I can pull off an effect on an image and wake her up to show her the result, yeah I know askin for trouble there.
The other night we had some friends over for a BBQ, and I found a fellow PS’er, they never knew about this site or any others, they just did it for the fun of it. 4 hours latter we had left everyone else drinking outside and were comparing images on the PC, getting advice and complements on my images was mind blowing for me. I do not consider myself a good chopper, just average but to be able to talk to some one about PS and not getting looked at like you’re a geek was great.
This has lead me to wonder if there is a “PHOTOSHOP LIFESTYLE”.
Do others have the same passion that I have, if so people lets hear about your PS lifestyle.
Site Moderator
Location: North Carolina
Sat Jul 16, 2005 12:18 pm Reply with quote
I photoshop all my meals and print them out and eat the paper that they are printed on
But seriously, I have enough people around here who are interested in both ps and this site in a way that they can understand that this style of ps'ing is both a fun endeavour and an artistic one and thus I can share the experience with them. So, I'm not quite in your situation, but I still like to meet and talk to other ps'ers.
Location: Australia
Sat Jul 16, 2005 12:26 pm Reply with quote
I envy you that Bill, dont get me wrong my wife and kids take a great interest in what I do but dont understand my joy when I pull off that one good image or effect. I dont think this type of skill is an Australian ideal. Hence the lack of any other Aussies out there other than Fugue.
Some times I will be on the job and see an image and think, "shit that would make a good contest entry"' or " Damn I could use that image in an entry" or the worst is when I see an image and know it's been chopped and no one understands why I bother looking for it.
Or is it just me being anal...
Location: Yorkshire,
Sat Jul 16, 2005 12:57 pm Reply with quote
the first fellow photochopperer i met was QOB, i met her on sunday, introduced her to psc on monday, and she moved in to my house on teusday fo a very enjoyable 6 months, that's how rare a spicies we are arond here. the problem was, all we did was photochop, all we talked about when we went out was photochopping, you can have to much of a good thing.
i dont even know another person around here with photoshop, although my friends enjoy my work, and the stuff i do for the pub is enjoyed by all, it would be nice to have someone to bounce ideas of or pick the brains of.
PS i was just your average electrician too
Location: London, UK
Sat Jul 16, 2005 1:27 pm Reply with quote
Hahaa! This thread is beginning to sound like a therapy session!
Where's Rein? It's time the Doctor was IN!
Seriously though - I sympathise, blue. I work with computers, so at least my workmates understand the attraction to PS in general and do like it when I show them some of the great images on here, or share an entry I've done.
However, none of them are into graphic design or art as such (they're all techies and/or user support people), so they don't really share my level of interest in "Photoshopping" (sorry, Adobe.. heh), nor can they really recognise or appreciate techniques used or suggest alternative ones.
As for family, they're not really into computers at all, so they definitely don't "get" it!
_________________ "The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection." - Michelangelo
Location: Northern NY
Sat Jul 16, 2005 1:40 pm Reply with quote
This was posted quite a while ago by TJSnaps. I thought it was a good example of what can happen to a 'Chopper' when ther's no other 'choppers' around to relate with.
HER: What are doing honey? ME: I’m working on an image for HER: Why did you paint the guys face red? ME: It’s a mask. HER: Why would he be wearing a red mask? ME: It’s a quick mask honey you won’t see it in the finished picture. HER: Why paint it on there if you won’t see it? ME: It’s there to protect that part of the picture. Don’t you have to get ready for work? A few minutes later HER: OH honey that looks awful I’d get rid of that checkered background. ME: AAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGG
_________________ Not All Who Sing "The Wanderer" Are Dion
The Closer you get to Canada the more things there are that wanna eat your horse.
Location: On Deck, South by Southeast
Sat Jul 16, 2005 2:16 pm Reply with quote
Me: "Hello, my name is Alan and I am a Photoshopaholic."
Group: "Hello Alan."
Yep, this thread sounds familiar. 
_________________ YerPalAl
I'm highly motivated to be un-ambitious today.
Location: Australia
Sat Jul 16, 2005 2:44 pm Reply with quote
LMAO @Gravy aint that the truth...
I have noticed a few of us here are electricians splodge but could never see you as average dude your to out there to be average.
And hi Al, been in a thread like this before huh....
Another thing I have noticed is I get into this "chopsite-zone", as Mrs Lurker calls it. Where time just flies by and the next thing I know I've spent 4 mayne 5hours either searching or chopping...or once again is that just me...
Feel like I should be laying on a couch and dabbing away my tears
Location: Claremont
Sat Jul 16, 2005 5:42 pm Reply with quote
Blue you summed it up perfectly. I am constantly trying to share my work w/ friends and although they like my work they don't provide the opportunty to discuss technique or appreciate and understand when a suuden brainstorm strikes. My girlfriend understands it better but thats because she is constantly dealing with my neverending requests for her opinion and my infinitely long explanations of how I did every part of the image. I am lucky to have such a patient woman I can assure you of that. The point is Blue I sympathesize and must say I am grateful this site is here as an outlet for my passion.
Location: Canada
Sat Jul 16, 2005 10:37 pm Reply with quote
I think I got you all trumped. I think I know about 5 people that know what photoshop IS (it removes redeye, right scott?). They just see my chops and go, wow i wish i knew about computers.
God bless the blissfully ignorant
Location: Canada
Sat Jul 16, 2005 10:38 pm Reply with quote
PS i want to be in the sock club. I know its some type of inside joke, and i don't even knwo what it really is, but i want in! I just bought 6 new pairs!!
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Sun Jul 17, 2005 12:40 am Reply with quote
Ah well...
This IS the underlying Dark Landscape that we all my traverse at some point in our Photochopping lives.
That feeling of being "different", or "Special" or maybe even a bit of a nerd/tard/bozo/recluse/idiot-savant.
To chop is to reach out towards the face of God and say "Gee, God, I can make You look like Clint Eastwood or I could make You look like Alanis Morrisette".
The addictive quality of The Work is a so damned ADDICTIVE that one tends to get addicted to it. And like all good practicing addicts one craves to have OTHERS of LIKE MIND AND ADDICTION nearby at all times. The Chop Enablers.
It is hard when that can not be. (As in Western Canada where all other choppers are either Gay And Too Busy or imaginary.) To be in a vast land and be the only one praying to the God Of Chop and to Hold The Faith by oneself is truly a test of the Soul. But those who find themselves in this place realize that they truly have no real choice in the matter.
Friends lean over your shoulder and say things like "Whoa!" or "Wow!" or "WILD!". They only glimpse the very tip of the ChopIceBerg. They are touched by only the visible spark of the Chop Universe. They can only weakly dream of the Depths of Creativety that He (or She) Who Chops knows intimately.
There are bowling alleys. There are movie houses. There are museums. There are kareoke bars.
Those places are for those who have not dedicated each and every second of their VERY LIVES to the CHOP. We, the ChopDamned, know no rest from the ceaseless drive of the Bitmap Morph-o-lot.
We are the Ones Who Chop.
God save us. Save us, everyone!
P.S. sometimes all this frightens me! 
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Location: London, UK
Sun Jul 17, 2005 1:10 am Reply with quote
... and so saying, the doctor thus went well and truly OUT.
(Well ok, not "out" as in "men who wear t-shirts just a little too tight and women who wear 'comfortable' shoes" but "out" as in "not inside". Just thought I'd better make that clear...  )
_________________ "The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection." - Michelangelo
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