Yes, I can the difference in degree of lighter-ness (

) between dewking's and splonge's edits. Thank you both for your input!
Thanks for your offer, dewking, but without the history, the step-by-step process, I'd stll be clueless.
(I'm pretty clueless anyway. You might just tell me that there's a way to save all your "history" in PS
for future reference?!

What method(s) did you use?
splodge wrote:
no it's not dew, it's a lot lighter, i took floorboards
that were not in shadow, layered them under the
original and erased the original back with a
15% airprush ereser, cut out the dogs snout/muzle
lightened it, brightened it, sharpened it, but it behind
the original and started erasing the original again
Wow, splonge, that's a totally different angle than I had tried before! Thank you so much for posting it!
I can really see (literally!) how your method would produce far smoother blending than my playing with
light/bright/hue/saturation of different sections "period." Well, I did try layers, but I obviously didn't
fade/erase the right ones the right way.
Any suggestions on pulling out more detail in the over-bright ear and shoulder? Is that possible?