Hi everybody!
First I wanna thank the site-admins for al the fun I can have here!
My name is Arjan Aanen. That clears out the Triple-A-thing

I am 26 (soon 27) years old, live in the Netherlands ( = Holland ) and study architecture in Delft. I'm using PS and all the Adobe-sjait a long time already; I use it for the graphic works I do besides my studies. For fun and for money.
I thought I was good, using PS

But now I see I still can learn a load! I wanna Thank evereybody! For the comments, the votes and the support! I really enjoy this site. So many great choppers with even more greatier ideas ! All together, I think this site makes a good place to play, and have a nice and clean competition in a good atmosphere.
I hope you enjoy my works. I know I'm having a very good time, looking at all the works every day. Sometimes I wanna vote more than 25x, but yeah...
But for now: Enough sjait from me. I already had some nice contacts now and then with some of all. Feel free to react a little if u read this.
I hope we can play for a long time here