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Location: Virginia

Post Thu Jul 21, 2005 5:39 pm   Reply with quote         

woops, I thought I posted the one I uploaded to imageshack. I ended up doing all 4 because they were so much fun Smile (I did me and my best friend Angie in one of them)


Location: Austin, TX

Post Thu Jul 21, 2005 6:09 pm   Reply with quote         

Hmmm. I couldn't get it exactly the way I wanted, even after tweaking in PS... But it's still a fun site! I'll have to check out the other ones later (I used the one Cynn did)


Compared to a (badly-shot-in-mirror) of the "real thing" Razz




Location: California Choppin'

Post Thu Jul 21, 2005 6:33 pm   Reply with quote         

Whoa, Goat! That's really close!

Robin, I love all five of yours. I think my favorite is the second one. It's so curvy and secksie.



Location: London, UK

Post Thu Jul 21, 2005 6:36 pm   Reply with quote         

Nice pic, Goat! If anyone revives the PSC Yearbook thread/idea, you should add that one to it!

And missR - you even manage to look hott in cartoon avatar form, eh? Wink Razz

"The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection." - Michelangelo

Location: Austin, TX

Post Thu Jul 21, 2005 6:50 pm   Reply with quote         

HandToolUK wrote:
Nice pic, Goat! If anyone revives the PSC Yearbook thread/idea, you should add that one to it!

And missR - you even manage to look hott in cartoon avatar form, eh? Wink Razz

A PSC Yearbook thread! I haven't run across that. I'll have to look for it.

I'll have to get a better pic.. (i.e. one with a trombone in it like my SOCK!) Maybe I'll do some thread-reviving. Razz




Location: Ohio

Post Thu Jul 21, 2005 6:55 pm   Reply with quote         


Location: London, UK

Post Thu Jul 21, 2005 6:55 pm   Reply with quote         

splodge has been compiling a cumulative one from wayyy back which has most of the people (past and present) who have passed through the PSC portals!

Here's what he said on the last PSC Family thread:

splodge wrote:

"The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection." - Michelangelo

Location: Yorkshire,

Post Thu Jul 21, 2005 9:01 pm   Reply with quote         

ha! i just hapen to have a spare slot on the bottom of page, Goat1981 i will use this photo untill you come up with a trombone pic


Hallcross Toots

Location: Yorkshire,

Post Thu Jul 21, 2005 9:14 pm   Reply with quote         


Hallcross Toots

Location: Virginia

Post Thu Jul 21, 2005 11:11 pm   Reply with quote         

wow splodge... you have done a great job keeping that up... I may have to send you a better picture some time. Mine's all fuzzy.


Location: Austin, TX

Post Fri Jul 22, 2005 12:30 am   Reply with quote         

splodge wrote:

Wow! That's awesome, bud! Thanks for adding me. That photograph is fine. It looks pretty good as a thumbnail.

Thanks again.

Jeez, there are some attttttttractive people on this site. Shocked



Location: Yorkshire,

Post Fri Jul 22, 2005 12:35 am   Reply with quote         

we're all photochoppers, that's why we all look good Twisted Evil


Hallcross Toots

Location: Virginia

Post Fri Jul 22, 2005 8:33 pm   Reply with quote         

...and thanks Cynn & HT Smile


Location: California Choppin'

Post Mon Aug 01, 2005 2:06 pm   Reply with quote         



Site Moderator

Location: North Carolina

Post Mon Aug 01, 2005 2:14 pm   Reply with quote         

Cynn, really?

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