Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Voting - A contest is 3 days, Not 3 hours. ;D - Reply to topic
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Location: Netherlands
Sat Jul 23, 2005 11:05 am Reply with quote
1.Some times after 3 hours you can allready see who`s gonna win, or at least the top 3. Offcourse mostly they are great entries. But I think there are some lazy voters, just vote the one with the most votes, not given attention to the others, with less votes in the beginning. Maybe im wrong about it. But thats why I put it in a forum. Btw I like to see 4/5 enries in the compitition racing for the winning entrie.
2. Some times I use a blueprint for creating something from the source, ultimately you dont see it in the picture. So my question is can say: source only in the authors note?
Cause the outside source is unseen.
3. I realy like the upcoming entries, cause they are better resolution, My thanx to the psc-team. Are they now standard on the site?
Keep up the good chop. 
Location: London, UK
Sat Jul 23, 2005 11:46 am Reply with quote
Haha! Here's another debate that's been rehashed many times here at PSC:
When to vote, when not to vote?
Some people seem to dump all their votes in the first few hours, some wait a day or so but then use them all up and some use just a few a time, checking back frequently each date. Others wait until near the end of the last day then go through and hit all the pics at once.
As for *how* we vote, it's really a matter of choice and preference, especially depending on how much time online we have. But I agree that not looking at all the posts (some have admitted they only check the first page of leading entries) is a bit unfair. I try to look at all the entries, at least viewing all the thumbs. (But of course it would be a lot easier if we could have the full-size "view all" back like we used to have...  But jmh has said there's not the bandwidth to support that at the mo.)
_________________ "The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection." - Michelangelo
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Sat Jul 23, 2005 12:13 pm Reply with quote
i look at every single entry, and try to at least comment on them, i dont believe in just looking at the first few, some only look at the on on the hompage that is leading i am sure, this site will suffer if noobs arnt embraced and given the support and feedback most of them deserve
Location: Northern NY
Sat Jul 23, 2005 12:18 pm Reply with quote
My preference is 30 nminutes before last call. I'll go through every single submission and enter then. I am very fussy though. However, I am open to bribery. 
_________________ Not All Who Sing "The Wanderer" Are Dion
The Closer you get to Canada the more things there are that wanna eat your horse.
Location: California Choppin'
Sat Jul 23, 2005 12:22 pm Reply with quote
Senzo, I like your dragon avatar!
I glance at the entries in all the open contests every day, but try to hold off on voting until day three. I have to admit, though, I usually cast a few votes on day one, as well, when I see posts I just can't wait to vote for. 
Location: Netherlands
Sat Jul 23, 2005 12:47 pm Reply with quote
hehe, thanx for some replies so far. @ Cynn thanx, the avator is just from a site. Think about putting my first winning entry in the avatar. ;D
I know its almost impossible, Maybe there should be some vcpp (vote counts per post) maximum 25. First week of the mounth you have 25 votes. The rest of the mounth youre votes are the avarage of the first week. Hmmmm. This would be a tough one to realize I think. It`s an idea. Does anyboddy know what I try to say. Im dutch my english is not that good 
Location: E-ville, IL
Sun Jul 24, 2005 11:05 pm Reply with quote
I wonder if anyone has every won after submitting an entry on the second day....
Location: California
Mon Jul 25, 2005 12:03 am Reply with quote
MoLinKo wrote: I wonder if anyone has every won after submitting an entry on the second day....
Maybe in the old days ... but probably not a chance these days. In fact I'd say it's near impossible if you don't have Advantage. There are a couple of pages of queued pics that post right at the contest opening, and they a usually pretty good for the most part. But I think anyone that participates in this site more than casually should have Advantage anyway ... just my opinion.
_________________ "I play like I'm breaking out of jail." - Stevie Ray Vaughan
Mon Jul 25, 2005 1:19 am Reply with quote
Bluesbro wrote: Maybe in the old days ... but probably not a chance these days. In fact I'd say it's near impossible if you don't have Advantage.
It happens from time to time. Aaanen won last week on the Toyota contest, and Michel won on the tweezers-and-clothespin contest a couple months ago. I'm sure there are a few more I can't recall. So it's pretty rare, but not impossible. As for winning after being posted on the second day, that would take a miracle.
Location: London, UK
Mon Jul 25, 2005 1:29 am Reply with quote
In this contest, the winner was the 72nd entry! And this contest, was won by the 68th entry.
They were back in December last year... and yes, that was back before the site revamp and the arrival of the 2 page Advantage postings...
*whistles* "Those Were The Days, my friend, We thought they'd never end..."
_________________ "The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection." - Michelangelo
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Mon Jul 25, 2005 1:37 am Reply with quote
well bend me over and use me as a coffee table.....72nd entry, only 7 months back, wow dont think that would happen now, but still impressive
Location: E-ville, IL
Mon Jul 25, 2005 12:39 pm Reply with quote
Now that the Advantage members receive larger image files, have better placement in default view, a week to work on entries, and are relatively cooler in general  all for the monthly price, equivalent to a plate of cheese fries at Steak n' Shake. Do you think that we could allow the other members, 24 hours to view an image before the contest begins. Giving all people a chance to post their entry with in the first couple of hours of the contest beginning?
I don’t know if this would drop support for advantage, but I think it would definitely improve the posts that are rushed to get completed in the first couple of hours.
Location: Netherlands
Mon Jul 25, 2005 2:22 pm Reply with quote
MoLinKo wrote: Now that the Advantage members receive larger image files, have better placement in default view, a week to work on entries, and are relatively cooler in general  all for the monthly price, equivalent to a plate of cheese fries at Steak n' Shake. Do you think that we could allow the other members, 24 hours to view an image before the contest begins. Giving all people a chance to post their entry with in the first couple of hours of the contest beginning.
Not a bad idea at all i think. Here have another; what about you only can vote if youre posting in that contest or only can vote if you have atleast one entry in that week. Cause Im on this site for about 2,5 mounts, And sometimes I see olmembers only vote oldmember, But ey i dont care, im just give a piece of idea. Like I post a entry.
And about my other idea. was no decent reply I think. Mayby nobody understands what I mentioned. Im very good in chineese english.
Keep up the chop.
grtz senzo
Location: Netherlands
Thu Jul 28, 2005 5:23 am Reply with quote
HandToolUK wrote: In this contest, the winner was the 72nd entry! And this contest, was won by the 68th entry.
They were back in December last year... and yes, that was back before the site revamp and the arrival of the 2 page Advantage postings...
*whistles* "Those Were The Days, my friend, We thought they'd never end..."
That are anomalys I think. But I agree its not inpossible. And concrats with your upcoming winning entrie. Its the nr1 from the beginning, thats what I ment. Ok I agree its one of the best.  .
And could anyboddy give me atleast some comment about my ideas in this forum. Cause that where a forum is for right ?!? Im ou for a few weeks. Catch you people later.
Keep up thre chop
grtz senzo.
Location: London, UK
Thu Jul 28, 2005 9:28 am Reply with quote
<senzotaku> wrote:
And could anyboddy give me atleast some comment about my ideas in this forum. Cause that where a forum is for right ?!? Im ou for a few weeks. Catch you people later.
1) I already answered that in my first comment
2) Personally I think the "no outside sources used" thing is over-rated. Sure, if you can make a great pic with a (reasonably) original idea from just the source then well done. But if you use outside sources that shouldn't be considered somehow less skilful or voteworthy. In fact, being able to effectively integrate parts from other sources sometimes shows more creativity and skill than just tinkering with an existing image. It all depends on the concept, the techniques used and the overall quality of the resulting image.
The only time I would suggest it's important to state what sources were used is where it's not immediately apparent from the end image.
For example, in last years' Tournament I produced an image which looked like it was just the source laid on a single pic, but was actually made from several sources put together. Sometimes, you can put the various parts together so seamlessly that people think they are just a single stock image you've ripped off!
Cost me a lot of votes that did ... haha! Damnit! (Not that I'm bitter or anything... OH no... never!  )
Conversely, if you produce a very complex or radically different pic, people may not realise it's all been done from the single source, so saying "Only source image used" could be justified.
3) Yeah, I think the larger source images are a permanent thing, so jmh suggested.
4) Bunch of aerosols! 
_________________ "The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection." - Michelangelo
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