<senzotaku> wrote:
thx for the reply`s, btw does someboddy saves all entries?
Cause after 25 pages ion the porto and 20 pages in contest. They cant be viewed anymore.
Wayyy back before I signed up here, when I used to just "cruise by" to see what other people had posted, I did save some. But it's been so long and there are so many past contests/entries that it would be a heck of an effort to try and pick up with it. (Though I'd like to!)
As for viewing entries past the 20/25 page limit - you can. Each page of contests looks like:
Page 01:
Page 02:
Page 03:
Page 20:
So just keep incrementing the number by 12 for each additional set of contests beyond page 20.
(Same principle applies to the chat... though WHY IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT'S HOLY you would want to look back at 3 years or so of inane banter I can't imagine...

Of course, as you go further back in the contests you'll find:
1) that the thumbnails will stop - I'm not sure exactly when, but about 1.5-2 years ago jmh introduced them. Before that, you have to open each contest to see the entries, and;
2) a lot of past entries will be dead "red X" links, cos they used to be remote hosted on the contestants own web spaces and will have been taken down by now.
Still, there's a lot of fun stuff back there - if you have a few spare HOURS (yes, I DO mean that) then it's worth browsing back.