Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Voting - Two things to raise fairness at voting: - Reply to topic
Location: Vienna/Austria/Europe
Sat Jul 30, 2005 1:14 pm Reply with quote
After two months of psc I would like to offer you two suggestions to make voting a bit fairer and more interesting:
1. Entries are open for voting only during the last 24 of the 72 hours, or for 48 hours after the 72 hours for example. I think it could be much more interesting when all entries start with zero votes at the same time. Now, the single contest are often decided after a few hours, when half of the total entries are still missing. Or maybe it is a right of the advantage-members, to share the grand of the votes among them ...
2. The following rule I have framed for my own entries: not to edit the entry any more, as soon as there are votes for. I make still changes with zero votes, but after the first I stop. This seems to me more sporting.
What do you think about this?
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Sat Jul 30, 2005 2:41 pm Reply with quote
I think your avatar is CUEL!
#2 idea is interesting and might make things a little more "locked down".
(I still like the wee yellow piggy!  )
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Site Moderator
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Sat Jul 30, 2005 2:51 pm Reply with quote
yello_piggy wrote: After two months of psc I would like to offer you two suggestions to make voting a bit fairer and more interesting:
1. Entries are open for voting only during the last 24 of the 72 hours, or for 48 hours after the 72 hours for example. I think it could be much more interesting when all entries start with zero votes at the same time. Now, the single contest are often decided after a few hours, when half of the total entries are still missing. Or maybe it is a right of the advantage-members, to share the grand of the votes among them ...
2. The following rule I have framed for my own entries: not to edit the entry any more, as soon as there are votes for. I make still changes with zero votes, but after the first I stop. This seems to me more sporting.
What do you think about this?
First of all, thank you for taking the time to put these thoughts together in hopes of bettering the site. Number one is not going to happen. It dilutes the value of advantage and is not as meaninful as it would have been a month ago. What I mean is that with these new stats, pscore and rpp, your overall rankings are calculated in a exceptionally fair way.
Number two is a possibility. I never thought of it or remember having the idea presented to me (at least this clearly). I would like to know what more users think of this before I actually consider making the change. It probably would not be a very cumbrsome patch.
Thanks YP
Location: London, UK
Sat Jul 30, 2005 3:05 pm Reply with quote
jmh132 wrote: yello_piggy wrote: ...
2. The following rule I have framed for my own entries: not to edit the entry any more, as soon as there are votes for. I make still changes with zero votes, but after the first I stop. This seems to me more sporting.
What do you think about this?
... I would like to know what more users think of this before I actually consider making the change. It probably would not be a very cumbrsome patch.
Thanks YP
Hmm... I agree with your tactic yello - up to a point. I don't like to see someone post a TOTALLY different entry after they've started to receive votes for one, and choosing not to make changes of your own initiation after posting is a good discipline... BUT the problem with preventing ANY editing after votes come in is that it would prevent the author from progressing or improving the entry.
For example, I noticed a small section that had been overlooked in a recent entry. I PMed the author and they edited it, correcting the missed piece. I think that sort of change should be allowed, and people should be able then to vote or comment accordingly.
(Personally, I think that if an author is prepared to try out suggested improvements or correct overlooked details, that counts in favour of an entry, but others may choose not to let it influence a subsequent voting decision.)
Of course, since it would be impossible for the site to distinguish between a change made at the authors' own decision and one made due to suggestions of others, I think that basically means things should stay as they are.
EDIT: Perhaps instead we could have a "image edited X times" message on each entry (like the forum notification when a message is changed after later replies)? That might be a good compromise - then anyone viewing the image later can decide for themselves whether to vote for an image if they feel retrospective editing isn't "sporting". It might help to discourage too many tweaks and edits after a contest has opened, but without forcing a restriction on people.
_________________ "The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection." - Michelangelo
Sat Jul 30, 2005 3:29 pm Reply with quote
jmh132 wrote: Number too is a possibility. I never thought of it or remember having the idea presented to me (at least this clearly). I would like to know what more users think of this before I actually consider making the change. It probably would not be a very cumbrsome patch.
I'd have to strongly disagree with this one (sorry yello!). Being able to edit your work during a contest is an important feature. If you notice a problem you might've overlooked after posting and getting a vote, shouldn't you be allowed to fix it? It's cool that people can leave suggestions on an entry, and you can actually fix it as soon as you see the comment. It encourages communication between members and real-time refinement of images.
When I make suggestions in a comment, it's with the thought that making those changes may gain the entry more attention and votes. If entries can't be edited after receiving a vote, the author would be powerless to do anything after you've pointed out an area for improvement. It seems to me that the only people who'd benefit from this change are those who receive zero votes for prolonged periods.
It's one thing if someone completely switches the picture after a contest begins (which happens very infrequently). But I don't see any real reason why taking away the ability to edit during a contest would useful.
edit: oops...when I started writing my message, HTUK's message was blank except for the quoted material. I guess it was fixed while I was writing. Sorry to duplicate your points, HTUK, though I guess if JMH wants input, the more the better.
Location: London, UK
Sat Jul 30, 2005 3:37 pm Reply with quote
Feral Hamster wrote: ...Sorry to duplicate your points, HTUK, though I guess if JMH wants input, the more the better.
Hah - that's ok, I took longer writing that novella  than I expected. Yeah, the more comments about it either way, the better so jmh can see what the balance of opinion is.
This just proves how useful it is to be able to edit afterwards... 
_________________ "The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection." - Michelangelo
Location: Australia
Sat Jul 30, 2005 3:59 pm Reply with quote
(Drags out da soap box...looks around for Sage...mmm...looks safe)
Number 1- suggestion is ok but I agree with Jmh it would take the shine of advantage, and if the change happened I would still pay da money I think the site would lose more than it would gain.
Number 2- Im like you Piggy, I have this unwritten lock on my images, when I post an image and the comp starts that's it for me. I beleive that it makes it me more accountable for my work, I try to find all the little faults before I post. I understand what Feralone is saying and I love the input when he and others make comment on my work, but I beleive that once it's out there and the comp is on it's on.
Im sure many artists wished they could take there work back and redoit when they found fault or some one pointed out an error. I like the learning but like the rules to be straight not overly flexable, once the comps on going that shuold be it.
well thats my 2cents worth...
(Looks left...right...cant see him...steps down from the soapbox...ok who's next)
Location: Claremont
Sat Jul 30, 2005 6:33 pm Reply with quote
I agree with yello and blue to a point (although I have made a few revisions after the start of a contest) . The one instance where I disagree is when it can really help those new to the site or to photoshopping in general by giving them an opportunity to get feedback as to their revisions. On one image a while back I was struggling with a reflection and it took me 3 revisions before I got it straightened out. And it was the help of other board members that enabled me to do that. With that said I still wouldn't be to upset to see the ability to revise a post removed.
And in terms of the image edited counter brought up by HTUK: How exactly would that work? I don't think that edits made using advantage should be counted because the contests would not have opened yet.
Sun Jul 31, 2005 9:37 am Reply with quote
I'm a relatively new user here. I would hate to see the ability to edit entries taken away (even allowing for editing until 1 vote is cast) I often see things I want to change after I get my entry uploaded to the site.
Site Moderator
Location: Rochester, NY
Sun Jul 31, 2005 10:33 am Reply with quote
For the most part, I think it's helpful to newer members to make adjustments (to their posts during active contests) based on people's suggestions.
I don't think this feature has affected voting in an adverse way.
Until enough proof exists that the ability to do this causes votes to skew drastically, it would probably be good to leave it the same.
BTW....Welcome aboard Olive. Hope you like it here! 
Location: Australia
Sun Jul 31, 2005 10:39 am Reply with quote
You know thats a good point Aw, never thougth of it that way. I guess that it's more a Bluelurker thing. I just dont feel right changing what I post. Dont get me wrong I like the input and I need the help most times, but for me once posted thats it. I know some people like to change there image and thats great. I suppose if it's real important you could always use your second entre spot to repost and remove the original, did that once because I did not like the first entry. Needs more input I think.
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Sun Jul 31, 2005 10:41 am Reply with quote
What are you? A politician? A hypnotist?
Moving words -so spellbounding but NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
Suggestion 2:
Being able to take critiques and actively use them on your post
is a PSCExclusiveEntryCapability!!! This IS a VITAL component!!!!
This is not a moral issue at all--this is one of the quirks that makes PSC
what it is. It's one of the "maliabilititious effectations" of PSC's
"LIVING" personality , Comprised in toto of the conjoined
"Frankensteinian Construct" melding individual users , over YEARS I SAY!,
"personalitys" into what may someday be the "FIRST"
human created Creature , melded mind in cyber space, capable of passing the "Touring Test"!
We are CREATING a Life here!! LET IT LIVE!
LET IT BREATHE!!!!!!!!!!
Location: Uranus
Sun Jul 31, 2005 11:08 am Reply with quote
i'll take a big mac value meal, biggy sized please
Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Voting - Two things to raise fairness at voting: - Reply to topic
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